The Film Daily (1923)

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THE Friday, May 4, 1923 Vol.XXIV Mi. 34 Friday, May 4, 1923 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1923, Wid't Film and Film Folki, Inc., PublUhed Daily at 71-73 Wnt 44th St., New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and riLM FOLKS. INC. Joseph DannenberR, Preaident and Editor ; J W Alkoate, Treasurer and Buaineat Man »fer; J. A. Cron, Advertising Manager Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March J, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States. Outside •< Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 ■onths, $5.00; J months $3.00. Foreign I 15.00. Subscribers should remit with order Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. 'Phone: Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Hollywood, California — Walter R. Greene, 6411 Hollywood Blvd. 'Phone, Hollywood 1603. Chicago Representative — Irving Mack, 738 S. Wabash Ave. London Representative — Ernest W. Fredmam. The Film Renter, 53a Shaftesbury Ave., Loudon, W. 1. Paria Representative — Le Film, 42 Rue de Clichy. Central European Representative — Internationale Filmschau, Prague (Caecho-Slovakia), Wenielsplati. Guts and Flashes "The Rustle of Silk" will be the feature at the Rivoli next week. In addition, "A Cruise to the Far North" is on the bill. Henry Cronjager has completed photography on "Fog Bound," directed by Irvin Willat for Famous Players. Harry G. Kosch is moving into new quarters in the Loew Bldg., where he will take over part of the S-L Pictures' offices. Quotations High Low Cloae Sales East Kod. . 108! 108 108*4 600 F. P.-L 833,4 8m 82 1,400 do. pfd. .. 92% 92% 92% 200 Goldwyn .... 5H 5% 5% 1,300 Griffith Not quoted Loew's \7% 17% 17-K 700 Triangle Not quoted World Not quoted ADVERTISE YOUR SHORT SUBJECTS MATS for this "ad" FREE at your Educational Exchange JACK WHITE PRODUCTION ■WITH Louise Fazenda ., Tff£Ft1AID COMEDIES 1 i ink Whittle, special representative for Lee-Bradford Corp., has just returned from an extended tour through the Middlewest and South. Wal Hart is here preparing the continuity for "Bill Harlow's Claim" on which production will start in May. Hart will direct. The Clavilux, the so-called "color organ," invented by Thomas Willi' (1. and shown at the Rivoli a year ago, has been re-booked for next week at the same house. Ash Here L. M. Ash of the Saenger Amusement Co., is here from New Orleans. Switzler Gets French Films Thomas W. Switzler has secured two pictures made by Le Grand Films of Paris for distribution here. Second National Moves Second National has moved from the Knickerbocker Annex to the Godfrey Bldg. Astor Buys Theater Property Vincent Astor has purchased the Bronx theater property, 150th St. and Melrose Ave. Lynch Joins Distinctive John Lynch has left the Famous Players production department where he was supervising director, to join Distinctive Prod. Goldman Quits Directorate (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Milwaukee — Henry Goldman, of the Colonial, Green Bay, has resigned from the board of directors of the state exhibitor unit. *\ " — r ' \ ~ , * -the National Cocktail CHILDREN CRY FOR ITMAIDENS SIGH FOR ITOLD MAIDS DIE FOR IT! WHAT IS IT? Q*xL Otto M & D f;MftL ^ ^ S 1 Royal, Seneca Kan., Burns (.Special to THE FILM DATLY) Seneca, Kan. — Fire that started from the jamming of film destroyed the Royal and a print of "Skin Deep." Tom Bailey Joins Famous 'Special to THE FILM DAILY) Dallas — Tom Bailey, former Southern Enterprises manager in Oklahoma City, is now special representative for Famous in Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana. Start Loew's St. Louis Project (Special to THE FILM DAILY) St. Louis — Work started yesterday on the razing the buildings on the site of the $1,000,000 State theater. Marcus Loew was here to supervise the clearing of the site last week. Steps to Cut Feature Lengths According to First National Maurice Tourneur and Frank Borzage have taken definite steps to cut down the length of their productions, in response to exhibitor demand. A. M. P. A. To Boost "Expo" The A. M. P. A. has appointed Paul Gulick, P. A. Parsons, C. L. Yearsley, A. M. Botsford and Vivian M. Moses on a committee to work with Frederick H. Elliott on behalf of the July exposition. The first meeting occurs on Monday at the Uptown Club. Animal Film Battle Rages (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Boston — The battle between the Martin Johnson and the Snow animal pictures rages merrily. They are both playing day and date in many cities, and the situation is having a tendency to put the exhibitor on edge for exploitation. Nat'l Screen in Mid-West Moves (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Chicago — National Screen Service has opened larger and more commodious quarters at No. 845 So. Wabash Ave., to furnish their trailer service direct to exhibitors in the Middle West. In conjunction there mil be a laboratory for emergenc; service. 1st Nat'l Block Sold First National announces the sale of the following to the Middle East Films. Ltd.. for Dutch East Indies, Straits Settlements, Indo-China and Siam : "The Cirl in the Taxi," "The Notorious Lisle," "Tlu Cave Girl." "Tol'able 1, ' "Oliver Twist," ^Sonnv, rh.« Seventh Day," "Fury, l'he Bond Bov, Ccrap Iron," "Peaceful Valley," "45 Minutes from Broadway, "Tlie divisible Fear,' "Don't Every Marry," "The Jack Knife Man," "Fighting Shepardess," "Love's Redemption,*' "In Search of a Sinner," Guilty, ITie Wonderful Thing " irage," "Lessons in Love," "Two "Woman's Place,' "The Tern Wife, riic Love Expert," "The Eternal Maine," "The Primitive Lover" Clear Call," "The Dangerous Age" Kindred of the Dust," "The Rosary," Brawn o the North," "A Question of Honor, "The Hottentot," "What a Wife Learned, l'he Sunshine Trail," "Skin Deep, "Bell Boy 13," and 11 Keaton comedies. Beatty to Join Lichtman Jerome Beatty, former publicity director for Famous Players and nowspecial representative for the distributing department at the Lasky studio will join the AI Lichtman Corp. after the Chicago exhibitor convention as director of advertising exploitation. Morrie Ryskind will continue in charge of publicity. Deny German Connection Messter Ostermayr Film of Munich, Germany has written this office denying that a man named Erwin Ostermaier has any connection with that company, despite the fact, their communication says, that Ostermaier is making this claim. The German film states it has been prompted to write because certain American companies are inquiring about Ostermaier. Deal For Stahl Pro (Continued from Page 1) the three will be selected from the lowing stories, "The Volunteer ganist," "The Span of Life," "~M\ Woman and Devil," "Why Men Le; Home," and "The Day of Soul Reginald Barker will probably m "The Trail of '98," a story of Yukon gold rush. While Mayer <| here he signed Hedda Hopper, i the coast, Alvin Wyckoff, fori r head of the cameramen at the La studio has joined the Niblo unit. Levee Coming East (Special to THE FILM DAILY) , Los Angeles — Mike C. Levee ] left for New York to confer vj First National officials. Hughes Leaves Next Week Rupert Hughes leaves for the cc on Wednesday. Yesterday he m; an extremely interesting talk beie the A. M. P. A. in which he touc I on production matters as well as vertising. Count Tolstoy May Produce Count Tolstoy, son of the fam Russian novelist, may produce sc;: of his father's works in films, :• cording to Baron Dewitz, who l\ states that Tolstoy has interest himself in the work of the Cine i Foundation. C. L. CADWALLADER L. W. HITT Art Directors Eastern Studios Famous Players Lasky-Corp. Current Releases You Can't Fool Your Wife The Ne'er-Do-Weli Duratiz YOUR FILMS Write or phone us at onc< about Rendering your film oil proof DURA FILM PROTECTOR CO ALLAN A. LOWNES, PRES. 220 West 42nd St., N. Y. Phone: Bryant 5576 INSIST UPON Duratize FILMS