The Film Daily (1923)

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Saturday, May 12, 191 »il IM IN. 42 Sjtirdqr. Mar 12. 1923 Price 5 Ciiti Copyright 1923, Will's Film and Film Folks, . Publ.ihcd Daily at 71-73 West 41th St.. New Yo. bj WIDS FILMS and FILM FOl abergr, President and Editor; V Ahcoate, Treasurer and Business Manager; J. A. Cron, Advertising Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York. X. Y.. under the a 'i 3, 1S79. . Terms (Postage free) United States. Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months. $5.00; 3 months $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THK FILM DAILY, 71-73 Wett 44th St., New York. t 'Phone: Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Hollywood, California— Walter R. Greene, 6411 Hollywood Blvd. 'Phone, Hollywood 1603. Chicago Representative — Irving Mack, 738 S. Wabash Ave. London Representative — Ernest W. Fredman. The Film Renter, 53a Shaftesbury Ave., London, W. 1. Paris Representative — Le Film, 42 Rue de Clichy. Central European Representative^ — Internationale Filmschau, Prague (Czecho-Slovakia), Wenzelsplatz. Quotations High Low Clo»e Sale* Kod. .110 108 110 400 I P.-] 84'A 82% 82% 300 i.fd 95>'8 95^ 95% 300 Iwyn ... SyA 5 5 600 Griffith 5 •>., 5->4 5% 200 18 MVi 900 Triangle Not quoted rid Not quoted Incorporations Albany — H. K. Amusement Corp., Mount Vernon. Capital $25,000. Incorporators, M. A. and H. Kolbe and • in. Attorney, C. J. Kennedy. Austin Tex. — North Texas Amusement Co. Fort Worth. Capital $25,000. Incorporators E. G. Wallace, H. W. Green way, O. H. Atkinson and others. Albany — Elsmere Theater Operating Co., Manhattan. Capital $10,000. Incorporators, L. and J. Joffe and A. Adrin. Attorneys, Joffe & ffe. Albany — U. S. Theater Equipment Co., Manhattan. Capital $25,000. Incorporators, R. O. Walker, R. Boyd and W. G. Hosford. Attorney, S. R. Lash. ■ ny — Etiquette Films, Inc., Manhattan. Capital $5,000. Incorporators. W. H. Hilsinger and S. and B. Retner. Attorney, J. S. Carter, Cohoes, N. Y. De Mille Picks Cast ial to THE FILM DAILY) Angeles— Cecil B. De selected the following principals "The Ten Commandments;" Leatrice Joy, Nita Naldi, Estelle Taylor, Juila Faye, Edythe Chapma> • Roberts, Richard Dix, Roche, Rod La Rocque and James . Production starts Monday. Convention Plans (Continued from Page 1) n will give a review of his three 's work as president of the M. P. T. ().. and will make suggestions for the future development of the organization. day afternoon addresses will : by Robert E. Welsh, editor of M. P. "World, William Johnson, editor of M. P. News, and Martin Quigley, editor or the Exhibitors' Herald. Addresses will bi delivered by representativi Departments of Agriculture, Labor, Commerce, Post Office and Interior, on matters pertaining to their Government displays. The program, as far as it has been arranged, will be, briefly: Tuesday. May 11.— Committee reports, report of National Treasurer John T. Collins, of Rutherford, N. J. Presentation of music license question with addresses on subject. Address Tuesday afternoon by Gov. J. A. O. Preus, of Minneapolis, on i ater Insurance," followed by talk by Bruce Dodson. Kansas City, on "Group Insurance." Protection of the public against fraudulent stock sales will be thoroughly discuss. Wm. J. Bun.s, chief of the U. S. Secret Service delivering an address pointing out methods by which theater owners may cooperate with the Government in protecting public against this menace. W. D. Burford, of Chicago, will deliver an address on "Uniform and Equitable tracts." Burford was chairman of the committeee that framed the equitable contract form submitted by national organization to Will H. Hays. Cooperative banking will be gone into, and "The Code of Business Ethics" arranged by a joint committee of theater owner members of Rotary. International. Kiwanis, Lions, Ki ;. i 'ivitan and other clubs will be presented by the chairman of that body. orge Eastman, of Rochester, will address the convention Tuesday afternoon. The convention banquet will be held at the Sherman Hotel, Wednesday evening. Many prominent personages will respond to toasts, including a prominent producer and director, a U. S. Senator and a state governor. rom three to four thousand theater owners are expected to be in attendam : ohen who expresses belief that it will be "the most pronounced and constructive (?ather of theater owners ever held in the I nited States." Pola Recovering (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Pola Negri is rapidly recovering from her recent operation, it was said at her home here yesterday. The operation, it was said, was the result of serious throat troul h forced her to stop work. . . Intern'l Gets Fight Rights International -tads it has secured exclusive rights to film the fights at the Yankee stadium today. The pictures will be rushed through in order to show them at the Rivoli tomorrow night. Prints will also be rushed to Albany and Buffalo. In the Courts Murray W. Garsson has been sued in the Supreme Court for $1,000 on bill of exchange issued to William R. Carter at Jacksonville, Fla., and not paid when presented at his. office in New York. Charles H. Peddrick, Jr., has sued the Triumph Pictures in the Supreme Court for $3,095. He alleges that in April, 1922, he was engaged at $583 month as manager for the remainder of the year, and in October he gave up the management, but was to get his pay just the same. A default judgment for $8,444 has n filed in the Supreme Court against the Hamilton Film Corp. in .i suit by Adele Jasons on an assigned claim of the Ritchey Litho. Co. for services and materials furnished. Laura D. Wilke, play broker, obtained an attachment in the Supreme Court against Donn Byrne, author, on the ground that he is a resident of England. The plaintiff alleges that she was to get 10% for disposing of the film rights to Bryne's story, "The Foolish Matrons," which Maurice Tourneur bought for $10,000, and that she got only $200 after Byrne had received $2,000 on account, after which .ild his claim to a third party for $6,500. Byrne denies that he owes the plaintiff anything, and wrote her a letter declaring that the film rights worth $15,000 but that she ed him down" to $10,000. He called her demand for the $800 "a piece of unparalleled effrontery." Nathan Burkan, counsel for the Goldwyn Pictures, filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court asking that the trial of Orrin Johnson's suit for $5,100 for breach of contract be delayed until June, when George Mooser, who is a material witness for the defendant, will be here to testify. Johnson is suing on the ground that he was ened at $850 a week to play in i.itch My Back,", for not less than five weeks, but was not permitted to play. He claims that the agreement made orally with George Mooser in behalf of Goldwyn. Mooser is now in the Far East for United Artists, but will leave Japan for New York on May 15 and is expected here three weeks later. It is alleged he will testify that Johnson was not engaged for any picture. Charles Ray in "The Girl I Loved" is at the Capitol next week. Tilt With Censors! (Continued from Page 1) out — after he's his own boss." Wl Pathe demanded a review of the r ing by the entire commission 1 members voted that this subti'r could stay but they upheld M. Hosmer's demand for the eliminate of the following: "Scene throwing a dog out of as plane; showing a man's leg exposi: when trouser is pulled off by dog t dance; episode of lighting fuse n. tached to dog's tail." In a letter to the commissiti Pathe contended that the pictures a burlesque and to succeed it nrt: show things not ordinarily done, It said that the dog comes to no hai because one of the scenes shows hi landing unhurt in the back seat |i an auto, while no one "but an ibecile" would think that the fia was attached to real dynamite afl that the dog would be blown up. I As to the exposure of the map leg, Pathe wrote that much greajr exposure of the legs of both men aij women is permitted in other comeds and film dramas and on the legitim^i stage. "WINE" The screen rights for this fa-j mous Wm. MacHarg story arej FOR SALE Box T.-5, c/o Film Daily FISHER PRODUCTIONS ~ li George Eugenie Siegman Besserer Appearing In "YOUTH TRIUMPHANT Now Nearing Completion See Tomorrow's Paper Goldwyn is Doing "Ben Hur" Gofttyyn **** Big Things