The Film Daily (1923)

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THE Saturday, May 12, 1923 N ■%2m DAILV ctheN ews :WS FROM ALL THE WORLD— UnJoe Cannon celebrates 87th birthday in nville; Baldhead Club meets at Hartford, nn. ; Prince of Wales visits Belgium; LaDay in London; $20,000,000.00 canal shed at New Orleans; 126,000 persons football game in England; Brooklyn dge being painted; etc., etc. tod ay Cuts and Flashes Thomas Meighan is at work on omeward Bound." Enemies of Women" opens at the iroli, on Sunday. Robert W. Priest has moved to new arters in the Strauss Bldg. Ralph Ince has completed Dorothy .lton's latest picture, "Leah Klesch " — Marguerite Courtot, has the leading Eiinine part in "The Steadfast art." .'yrone Power has signed with Idwyn to play a role in "The Day Faith." I. K. Lincoln is due in from the st in a few days. He made "The ;ht of the Strongest" while there. -ucille Ricksen, a 14 year old girl d plays a bit in "Human Wreck," has been signed by Thomas H. e for three years. .ynbrook House Opens Tonight Villiam Fox's new theater at ibrook, Long Island opens tonight. Flood Destroys Maine Theater (Special to THE FILM DAILY) angor, Me. — The Dirigo theater JtEllsworth has been swept away In several thousand dollars worth o other property, in the Penobscot fid. Several Exhibitors Summoned (Special to THE FILM DAILY) New Haven, Conn. — A number local exhibitors have been sumied before the Board of Examinto determine whether or not their ses are in accordance with the ' building ordinances. Charges i been lodged against the White y and Majestic for not complying i the measure. The Shubert, ice, Bijou, Globe and Crystal will examined next. Sears Names Delegates (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Kansas City — Charles T. Sears, head of the Western Missouri theater unit, announces the delegates who will represent his organization at the national convention. They are A. F. Baker of the Electric theaters at Joplin and St. Joseph; Jack Truitt of the Sedalia, Sedailia; A. Eisner, Broadmour, Kansas City; Jack Roth, Isis, Kansas City; Ben Levy, Hippodrome, Joplin; W. A. Wasgien, DeGraw. Brookfield; and Chas. T. Sears, Star, Nevada. The alternates are: Dr. C. D. Weakley, Hardin; T. C. Goodnight, Warrensburg; F. G. Weary, Richmond; Harrv Till, Braymer; W. W. Hubbell, Trenton; W. P. Cuff, Chillicothe; Wm. Parsons, Joplin; and W. H. Bayes of Carthage. Homer Gill With Goldwyn (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Kansas City — Homer Gill, former exploiteer for First Nat'l in this territory has joined Goldwyn in a similar capacity. New Story for Denny Leon d'Usseau, Universal scenario editor in the East has purchased "If I Were King" by Max Marcin for Reginald Denny. Edward Laemmle Back Home (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — Edward Laemmle and his bride have arrived home after a several weeks' trip. Increase Capital (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Albany— Motion Picture Arts, Inc., of New York has filed an increase of capital of from $20,000 to $200,000. C. B. Peterson Resigns (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Dallas — C. B. Peterson has tendered his resignation as manager of Southern Theater Equipment Co. Burnside Arrives in Hollywood (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — R. H. Burnside, recently appointed director of the historical revue division of the forthcoming exposition, has arrived here New York relative to preliminary preparations. Sponsoring Beauty Contest The Brooklyn Daily Eagle is conducting a beauty contest for the most beautiful blonde and the most beautiful brunette on Long Island, to be used by Ernest Shipman in the first of his proposed pictures dealing with Long Island life. Graham Re-Elected (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Kansas City — Harry Graham, manager of Pathe, has been re-elected president of the Film Board of Trade. Other officers elected were: "Marty" Williams, Vitagraph, vice-president; and W. E. Troug, Goldwyn, secretary and treasurer. The new board of directors consists of Roy Churchill, F. B. O.,; H. E. Schiller, Educational, and Bert Edwards, Fox. 5f ind Laughter! WANTED: A'MILLION DOLLAR" VISION! You buy a Gillette Razor, Ivory Soap, an Arrow Collar, because they're your friends — you've seen them advertised for so long, they've become part of you — a fixed habit. The same with Victor Hugo Halperin's great PRO-HIBI-TION satire, "TEA— With a KICK!" First, you rush to partake of it, because it recalls a subject uppermost in the public mind ( ! ) for the past four years — an old friend! Second, you fight to see it, because its "Million Dollar" Cast of 27 Stars — including 12 Famous Comedians, 5 Leading Ladies and 10 Dramatic Celebrities — are all your old friends! The most stupendous assemblage of talent, with guaranteed boxoffice sales value, ever conceived by a producer for the Exhibitor's success. Third, you pay top prices to see it, because it intoxicates you with —a Ballet of 100 "Hollywood Heartbreakers." — 10 Prize-contest-winning Beauties — America at its best! — 2000 supporting Funmakers. —a $100,000 "Golden Gown Revue." — magnificent novelties and spectacle. —A NEW TYPE OF PICTURE— whose side-splitting satire stamps its creator, Victor Hugo Halperin, the screen's greatest humorist. DISTRIBUTORS: Because we have here one of those rare, money-making sensations, we want to do business with a distributing organization that has the VISION to see the million-dollar possibilities, as we do, in HALPERIN'S — it's the National Cocktail! HALPERIN PRODUCTIONS STUDIOS : Los Angeles NEW YORK OFFICE : Suite 509 1493 Broadway Bryant 2389