The Film Daily (1923)

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THE aturday, May 19, 1923 &W DAILY PatneNews EWS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD No. 41 cretary Weeks visits Porto Rico ; monuent erected to Alexander Hamilton in Washgton; water battle among the gobs at Yerba lena Island, Cal. ; Orleans in France celestes birth of Joan of Arc; helicopter makes w record in Paris; big oil conflagration in Uifornia; British royalty visits Italy; Levihan goes to Boston; etc., etc. today Coast Brevities (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — Edward Hearn has gned with F. B. O. to appear in esterns. Roland West expects to start tooting "The Deep Purple" soon. "Fat" Carr has repla :d Harry yers in the cast of "Littie Johnny mes." Louise Fazenda has been signed for le of the important roles in "The Did Diggers." Actual production on "Long Live e King" has been started by the jogan unit. Courtney Foote is in the supporting St of Norma Talmadge in "Ashes Vengeance." Alfred Hustwick, since 1919 a title •iter with Lasky, has signed a new tig-term contract. "Barbara Winslow, Rebel," Conince Talmadge's next picture, will ; released as "The Dangerous Maid." Charles Kurtzman is now in charge studio publicity for Warn Bros., cceeding Andy Hervey, who has signed. Cleo Madison has finished work on rhe Man From Ten Strike," in ■lich she played the lead opposite |iy Bates Post. George Walsh, Bessie Love, Car::1 Myers, Wally Van, Eulelie Jen|{3 and Edward Connelly have been • st for "The Magic Skin." fack Boland, for eight years with lara Kimball Young as assistant di>:tor, has been engaged in a similar ' sacity at the Lasky studio, where I will aid Alfred E. Green in the pduction of "To the Ladies." WALTER R. GREENE. Golf Competition (Continued from Page 1) There are five companies that have two each listed; Pathe, Rueben Samuels, Inc., the Stanley Co. of America, Warner Bros, and United Artists. The total entries to date are 86. Backward individuals need not be so, because it isn't necessary to be an expert player. If the e-tries could see each other's average scores what a lot of new stories would have to be conjured up. The idea of the tournament after all, is to give the real hounds a chance to indulge in the national sport and then have a real party at the beefsteak at lught. Even if you don't play golf, vou eat, so come out for the dinner. " Here are the entires, to date: Abrahams, L., Craftsmen Lab. Ahcoate, Jack, Film Daily. Anderson, R. V., Universal. Aronson, Al., 15-40 Broadway Bachmann, J. G., Al Lichtman Corp. Beach, F. A., United Artists. Benson, Bernhard, Merrill Lynch & Co. Black, Alfred S., Boston, Mass. Blumberg, Milton, Reuben Samuels. Inc. Boyd, Alex. R., Stanley Co. Brock, Louis, Schenck Prod. Brockell, F. M., First National. Brown, George, Universal Brown, J. S., M. P. Arts. Butts, F. W., Butts Lith. Co. C~sey, C. E., Strand, White Plains. Chamberlain, L. V., First Nat'l Cohen, Milton, Inter-Globe Export. Crawford, Roy, Assoc. Exhibitors. Cron, James A., Exhibitors Trade Review Danby, Robert, Ivan B. Nordheim Co. "Danny," Film Daily. Diebel, C. W., Youngstown, O. Ellison, Millard. Eschmann, E. A., Pathe. Evans, Tom, Evans Film Co. Feist, Felix, Schenck Prod. Field, Harry, United Artists. Fields, Seymour, Eggers Photo Engraving Fish, D. W.. Goldwyn, Cincinnati. Gallup, G. B., Hodkinson. Garrett, Sidney, Inter-Globe Exnort. Gillett, E. K., M. P. News. Gilroy, Foster, Hodkinson. Ginsberg, H., Al Lichtman Corp. Godsol, F. J., Goldwyn. Grainger, Jas., Goldwyn . Gulick, Earl G., Gude Adv. Co. Gulick, Paul, Universal. Hammons, E. W., Educational. Harris, Robert, Inspiration Pict., Inc. Hays, Will H. Howells, B. F., David P. Howells. Johnston, Wm. A., 'M. P. News. Kane, R. T., Famous Players. Kent, S. R., Famous Players. King, Henry, Inspiration Pict., Inc. Kohn, Ralph, Famous Players. Laemmle, Julius, Universal Lichtman, Al., Al Lichtman Corp. Mannix, Eddie, Schenck Prod. Marcus, Lee, F. B. O. Mastbaum, Jules, Stanley Co. Milligan, Jim, M. P. World. Moore, Tom, Moore's Thea ers, Wash. Moore, Wm. L., Moore's Theah rs. Wash. North Bobby, Apollo Trading Corp Panccast, Charles, Chicago Tribune Pawley, Raymond, Hodkinson. Pearson, Elmer R., Pathe. Quinn, J. M., Yitagraph. Ritchey, J. V., Ritchey Litho. Rothstein, Nat G., F. B. O. Rowland, R. A., First National. Ryan, James, Fox Film Samuels, Reuben, Reuben Samuels, Inc. Sax, Sam, Weber and North. Schenck, Jos. H. Schmidt, Artie, Universal. Schnitzer, J. I., F. B. O. Schwab, F. E. Schwartzman, Sam, Al Lichtman Corp. Seligsberg, W. N., 43 Cedar St. Seymour, W. F., Hodkinson. Siegel, Henry, c/o Warner Bros. Smith, Courtland, M. P. P. D. A. Smith, J. Boyce, Inspiration Pict., Inc. Smith, E. L., Inspiration Pict., Inc Spargo, J. S., Exhibitors' Herald Warner, Abe, War er Bros. Warner, E. J., Otis Litho. Warner, H. M., War...r Bros. Williams, J. D., Ritz-Carlton Pi tures. Wilson, F. G., Reeland Pub. Co. Wilson, G. C, Rivoli, Baltimore. Yates, H. J., Republic Laboratory. In the Courts Supreme Court Justice Ford has granted the application of the Michigan Motion Picture Co. to restrain the Precision Machine Co. from breaking a contract under which the plaintiff has the right to sell Simplex projectors exclusively in Michigan until next fall. In the suit of Frank G. Hall against the Penn. Import & Export Co., to restrain the defendant from prosecuting suit against him for $167,900 on notes of the Hallmark Pictures, Supreme Court Justice Lehman has denied the application with permission to renew it after Hall has filed a new complaint. The court said that the complaint in the case fails to show that Hall has a defense to the action on the notes. Hill contends that the defendant agreed to accept $15,000 in full payment of the claim, but the court says that if the agreement of settlement was without any consideration it would not be the basis of any equitable rights of the plaintiff, "however unconscionable the behavior of these defendants may be." A default judgment for "7,194 has I been filed in the Supreme Court for Frederic E. Klein against the Zora '■ Realty Co., a dummy corporation for Patrick A. Powers in which name he i took title to the Robertson-Cole | building when he bought it last June ! at the same time that he took title to the personal assets of RobertsonCole under the name of F. B. O. Klein alleged that Powers engaged him to find a buyer for the building at $705,000 but when he induced Arthur Greenbaum and Nathan Wilson, to take it on the terms offered, the property was withdrawn from the market and he lost $7,750 in commissions. Powers was also named as a defendant but the papers were not served on him and the corporation did not defend the action. Golfers, Attention! Sign this and forward to any of the committee : Here is my entry for the Spring Film Golf Tournament to be held Tuesday, June 5, at the Belleclaire Country Club, Bayside, L. I. My check herewith ($10 for players, including lunch, dinner and prizes) $5 for non-players. My average round is — THE COMMITTEE: E. Kendall Gillette, The Motion Picture News. Felix Feist, Jos. Schenck Prod., State Theater Bldg. G. B. Gallup, Hodkinson Corp., 465 5th Ave. Abe Warner, Warner Bros., 1600 Broadwav Danny, The Film Daily, 71 W. 44th St. Antonio Moreno has returned to the coast where he will play opposite Nola Negri in "The Spanish Dancer." — it's free don't miss it the big convention number universal weekly dated May 26th now in the mail and at your universal exchange bubbling over with — big news!