The Film Daily (1923)

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THE titl DAILY Sunday, August 5, Star Values [Continued from Page 1) his board up to date. And out in Ohio the film folk are happy M. IO No 30 Sunday Aug 5. 1923 Price 25 Cents And suggest that other governors do the .same. THE PULSE OF THE INDUSTRY Clever man, Bill Johnson. Of the MP News Copyright 1923, Wid's Film and Film Folka, Inc., Published Daily except Saturday, at 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., by VV1DS FILMS and FILM FOLKS. INC alking one ithe 16 year old children give a better idea of the pulse of the industry than any others. They know what is liked. And what Surely started something. Many will agree that it is vvel Joseph Dannenberg, President and Editor; day about pictures and conditions. And voiced this thought; that J. W. Alicoate, Treasurer and Hiismess Man ager ; Maurice D. Kann, Managing Editor, Donald M. Mersereau, Advertising Manager Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918. ■ at the post office at New York, n. Y.. under isn t. And he s right. It s the 10 year old uns, and their friends, Te*™.ctcPo.u£Cfr«) Unfted States. '{\ bij ol^r> perhaps, who make up the great army of picture lovers. of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 And when von overlook them, you overlook your audience. Or months. $5.00; 3 months $3.00. Foreign ., . . $15 00 Subscribers should remit with order, l"e grediei pdl I anyway. AiD/&Y%ei™w%t«*%™?vtFYo& KENT'S PERCENTAGE IDEAS N. Y. 'Phone: Vanderbilt 4551-4552-55S8. Hollywood, California — Walter R. Greene, 6411 Hollywood Blvd. P'hone, Hollywood thought OUt 1 fi(H * o * & Ch.cago Representative— Irving Mack, 738 S. important. Had this to say about it: "Kent's smart. Lo,SdaobnShRepVresentative--Ernest W. Fred l^n't Work this business oil percentage. man. The Fiiin Renter, 53a Shaftesbury ^von't let you. That's all there is to it. You'll never get him to Parise'Rep0res°ntative— Le Film, 42 Rue de , agree on what is a fair basis. That to start with. And after you to!*' European Representative-Interna I have. then wh^ ? Hcw are >OU going to check him? Are VOU tionaie Fiimschau. Prague (Czecho-Su going to send a man along with every print? Are \ou going to vakia). Wenzelsplatz. f • b , , ° , , „ J .£ . ^ ., J ,»,, s. hire a corps of accountants to follow the print through the territory? Or are you going to believe what the exhibitor sent you ,as all you are entitled to?" But a big man in the business. One of the most But you Because the exhibitor Quotations High Low Close Sales East. Kod. .106^ 106^ 106% 100 F. P.-L 73 70% 72*4 2,200 do pfd Not quoted Goldwyn Not quoted Griffith Not quoted Loew's 15 UVs 15 500 Triangle Not quoted World Not quoted These quotations are as of Thursdav. As a mark of respect to the . memory of President Harding, the the \yjzard of Tenth Avenue. New York Stock Exchange was closed yesterday. Incorporations Albany — The Paulka Amusement Co.. Inc., Brooklyn. Capital $5,000. Incorporators, C. Palish and P. and M. Kaufman. Columbus. O.— The 48 North Main Street Theater Co., Inc., Akron. Capital $500. Incorporators, C. B. McDowell and Gordon Davis. Albany— G. & H. Pictures Corp., New York. Capital $20,000. Incorporators, J. Noble. J. Powers and A. L. Grey. Attorney, A. H. Banzhaf. Milwaukee — The Mancester Amusement Co., Inc., Mancester. Wis. Capital $500. Incorporators, R. Tenn, H. Hinz and G. C. Rhein. Mrs. George Spidell Dead Mr>. George M. Spidell, wife of the ral purchasing .ii?cnt of Famous Players died yesterday at the New Rochelle Hospital as a result of injuries in an automobile accident. "Forgive and Forget" Next (Special to THE FILM DAILY) "Los Angeles — C. B. C. will start "Forgive and Forget," at once. Pauline Garon, Estelle Taylor, and Wyndham Standing are in the cast. Edward J. Le Saint will direct. Apd when this man was informed that the Columbia Burlesque "wheel" had developed a system which seemed to operate smoothly he said : "Yes, maybe you can do that with a 'wheel' of shows. At the most they have 40. But what are you going to do with a company that has 30 or more releases a season, and J00 prints of each? Tell me." He hasn't been answered yet. THE "LOST LEGION" All ex Fox men. That is, at one time or another, worked for Edgar Lewis; Harry Dav ; Lloyd Willis; Paul Mooney, Harry Field, Bill Alexander; Jimmy Grain ger; Arthur James: Eddie Maxwell; Ralph Proctor; Herman Robbins; Harry Reichenbach. And some more. Every once in a while thev get together. And talk of the good old days. epic pictures and great pictures , Did you ever stop to think. That all the great pictures. Have been epic pictures. That is; they dealt with matters that were in themselves epic making. Go back a long way — "Quo Vadis." Then Griffith came through with "The Birth." Also an epic. Ingram's "Four Horsemen" dealt with a like subject. So does Jimmy Cruze's "Covered Wagon." And so it goes. Isn't it something for picture makers to think about? Why doesn't someone make an epic of the more latterly days ipf this great country? The development of our great fortunes ; in our great cities. The kind of men who made them. What they were up against And that kind of material. The making of Chicago from a wilderness. The development of New York. Oh, by the way, there is one coming about New York — the Marion Davies production of "Little Old New York." SOMETHING ABOUT FIRST RUNS Up here in the mountains. Up New England way. Where Sam Grand. And Harry Asher plan production ideas. And incidentally sell film. And where Bill Gray and Nate Gordon buy for the territory. It's quiet. And kinda lonesome. And except for golf. And rain. There isn't anything. And so you get thinking. And one of the thoughts that came was this: that scattered over this great country of ours are. And then the question : How many real first run houses? And when you set down and figure it out what do you get? Well you figure. I have. And all that sort of come to mind are about 460. Not alleged or fictitous first runs. But real honestto-goodness ones. Now vou figure. And shoot in what vou find. DANNY. PatkeNe^j No. 63 HARDING DEAD!!— The 29th Preif of the United States dies suddenly; I lights of his career from birth to death; :» President Coohdge becomes President I the Constitution; a comprehensive, absent and dignified presentation of the mos n. portant event that has happened it ■ United States in years. Other news as usual. tod a>. Business Progressing In Cu (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Washington — According m statement by Consul General Hurst, of Havana, there are 30 aters on the island, with the bus making rapid strides. Hurst s| that two of the largest house Cuba are owned by Americans J American capital is being invest| other theater companies and al: small distributing organizations Jhe exhibitor a/ho doesn't +*<> look out for the comfort <-A of his patrons — Bah/ Jfe's nothing An .^ but a * -™ DULCY BRAY BRIEi Attractions Are Big In Box Office Merit