The Film Daily (1923)

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PREFERRED PICTURES Produced by B.P. SCHULBERG a At/^r-Scrcenopmions-, The Kind of Nourishment Your Box Office Needs. X H X « W S H w H H to O Oh o 55 w W K O co THE UNBIASED REVIEWING SERVICE! "DAUGHTERS OF THE RICH"— [Class A] 80% (Adapted from novel of same name) Story: — Tangled Love Affairs of Three Women and Two Men VALUE CAST Photography — Very good — Karl Struss. Maud Barhyte Miriam Cooper TYPE OF PICTURE — Unusual— Fascinating. Gerard Welden Gaston Glass Moral Standard — Fair. Mile. Giselle Ethel Shannon — — — — — — — — — — — — — Sally Malakoff Ruth Clifford Story — Very good — Drama — Adults. Count Malakoff Stuart Holmes Cast — Very good — All Star, with Miriam Coop Barhyte I°sei Swickard er, Gaston Glass, Ruth Clifford,, Ethel Mrs. Kandy Truly Shattuck Shannon and Stnart Holmes. — — — — — — — — — — — ____ __ _^_ Author — Very good — Edgar Saltus. July IS to 31, 1923. Direction — Very good — Gasnier. Adaptation — Very good — Not credited. Technique — Very good. Spiritual Influence— -Neutral. Producer — B. P. Schulberg Footage — 6,073 ft. Distributor — Al Lichtman Corporation Our Opinion MORAL O'THE PICTURE— None Outstanding, Elaborate Presentation of Interesting Story Suitable for High-Class Audiences — Strong Human Angle Adopted by Director The human quality of "Daughters of the Rich," together with the elaborate method of production and the infinite care which has been taken in the arrangement of the trifling details that are so necessary in making the action colorful and convincing, brings the picture into the class which appeals especially to the high-class audience. The production appears to have had a good deal of money spent on it, many of the settings are elaborate, costumes are becoming and beautiful; glimpses of Paris gaiety, including the luxurious apartment of Mile. Giselle, who incidentally is equipped to answer her telephone while she sits in her bath. Director Gasnier seems to have put forth every effort to make a lifelike visualization of the story, and one of the picture's strong points is the centralization of the main threads of the plot. One of the best portrayals of the picture is that of Count Makakoff by Stuart Holmes. This is an eccentric character which Mr. Holmes plays from a decided comedy angle, and is likely to get a laugh every time he appears on the scene — foppish and scheming and bedecked with an eyeglass. Ethel Shannon is excellent as -Mile. Giselle, a woman living on the bounty of the count. Miriam Cooper is charming as Maud Barhyte, whose romance is cut into by a jealous rival, and Ruth Clifford is splendid as Sally, forced to marry a title, yet loving her. friend's sweetheart. Gaston Glass acceptably plays the part of Gerard Welden, the man in the case. The cast, photography and illumination and carefuj editing contribute largely to the production's good quality. Distributed By PREFERRED PICTURES CORP'N AL LICHTMAN President 1650 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY co O W w M X O o z CO H W t1 F CO H X B H X X