The Film Daily (1923)

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THE •%&! DAILY Wednesday, November 14, 192 Vol. UYI No. 38 Wednesday. Nit. 14. 1923 Prtw 5 Cants nKln 1923. Wid'i Film and Film Folki, Inc., Published Daily except Saturday, at 71 7J Writ 44th St.. New York. N. Y., by WIDS FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. Joseph Dannenberg, President and Editor; J. \V. Aliooate, Treasurer and Business Manager ; Maurice I). Kann, Managing Editor. Donald M. Mtrsereau, Advertising Manager. F.ntcred aa second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States. Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 71 73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Phone Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Hollywood, California — Walter R. Greene, 6411 Hollywood Blvd. "Phone, Hollywood 1603. Chicago Representative — Irving Mack, 738 S. Wabash Ave. London Representative — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 53a Shaftesbury Ava., London, W. I. Paris Representative — Le Film, 42 Rut da Clichy. Central European Representative — Internationale Filmic hau. Prague (Czecho-Slo vakia), Wemelplatr. Quotations High Low Close Sales East. Kod. 111^ 111 111 1,100 F. P. L.... 66J4 63y2 65^ 11.000 do pfd Not credited Goldwyn ..11 11 11 100 Loew's 17*4 17J4 \7y2 4,400 Italian Deal On? (Continued from Page 1) been on and off with the Italian concern for the past five years and that the deal is no closer to consummation than it was then. Griffith is shooting scenes in Georgetown. {T&dAuuztlcrtuxL (PicttMuD "THE SPICE OF THE PROGRAM" RENALLES, Inc. "The Elks Tooth" Wan'ed laboratory representative. Must have good personality, a general knowledge of laboratory work and acquainted with producers and distributors. If you are a hustler and REAL PRODUCER, state full par ticulars and past experience. All communications will be treated strictly confidential. K-15 co Film Daily 71 W. 44th St., New York. WHY ROME IS CALLED "THE ETERNAL CITY" Saint Peter's Square, the entrance to the largest and most imposing ecclesiastical edifice in the world, is 247 yards wide by 350 yards long, and besides containing the entrance to the cathedral, has the entrance to the Vatican and possesses the colossal colonnade of Bernini, of which there are 285 columns and 84 pillars. From this location, George Fitzmaurice "shot" many fascinating scenes for "The Eternal City," a Samuel Goldwyn production. A First National Picture. — Advt. Rewards In Sight Discounting the idea that Famous would cease production entirely, Lasky said: "We are simply determined to make every dollar spent in production return us a dollar value on the screen. Since we announced our determination to curtail extravagance in pictures, there has been a meat deal of loose talk. Some producers said they were going to follow our lead; others said they were going to spend more money than ever. Some people blamed the actors; the actors blamed the directors and there was a wonderful exhibition of passing the buck all around. "For a long time production costs have mounting. This nobody can deny. Everybody agreed something should be done about it. Hut, as in the case of the weather it was all talk and no action. The picture business is sounder now than ever before ; and if there be anything wrong it is entirely because of lack of co-operation among leers All actors are not over paid, but some actors are. All directors arc not extravagant but some directors are. Where salaries of actors and directors arc out of proportion you can attribute the condition to the unethical and foolishly short sighted competition among producers. "We realized all this before we made our decision. We realized that some producers would attempt to make capital out of our us the goats, decided that, whatever any other might do, we were going to set business straight." (Continued from Page 1) Hunter; Mary Robert Rinehart's play, "The ' action and make Breaking Point ;" "The Mountebank," with Ernest Torrence in the title role; Pola Negri in "Mme. Sans-Gene ;" Zane Grey's novel, "The Wanderer of the Wasteland," which will be entirely made in color; "Sinners in Heaven," by Clive Arden ; a Thomas Meighan story, temporarily titled, "Quicksands," to be published serially in Munsey's Magazine, simultaneously with the release; another Thomas Meighan picture from an original by Booth Tarkington; Gloria Swanson in "The Laughing Lady," and in "Argentine Love;" "Manhandled." by Arthur Stringer; "The Enemy Sex." with Lewis Stone and Dorothy Mackaill in the cast. William S. Hart and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. will continue and their will be a number of pictures utilizing the services of the stock company. But we company our own Sales Force Revamped The following changes in the Paramount sales organization were announced yesterday: John Hammell has been appointed branch manager in New York, succeeding H. H. Buxbaum, resigned. S. Chestnutt, formerly salesman at New Orleans, branch manager in Jacksonville. G. C. Wallace, formerly branch manager at Chicago, district manager of District No. 5, headquarters at Chicago. N. F. Agnew, formerly branch manager at Milwaukee, branch manager at Chicago, succeeding Wallace. O. J, Wooden, formerly salesman at Milwaukee, branch manager of that office, succeeding Agnew. H. J. Rosebaum, formerly branch manager at San Francisco, district manager of the newly created District No. 12, with headquarters at Dallas. O. C. Traggardh, formerly branch manager at Los Angeles, branch manager at San Franscisco, succeeding Rosebaum. C. N. Peacock, formerly branch manager at Okla homa City, branch manager at Los Angeles, succeeding Traggardh. R. Ei Heffner, former salesman a* Oklahoma City, branch manager of the office in that city, succeeding Peacock. A. W. N'icholls, formerly branch manager at Des Moines, district manager of District No. 11, with headquarters at Minneapolis. succeeding Philip Rcisman. R. F. (raw ford, former salesman at Dcs Moines, branch manager in the Des Moines office succeeding Nicholls. M. W. Davis, former salesman, at New Orleans branch manager at Memphis. Philip Reisman, formerly district manager (Continued on Page 3) Cohen Back From Europe Milton Cohen, of Inter-Globe Export, is back from a short trip to London. ew IN LI] PatheN NO. 92 CROWN PRINCE AGAIN LIGHT — Ex-Crown Prince Friedrich ' helm causes sensation by leaving Holland Germany; scenes of him in exile in Holl ARMISTICE DAY IN WASHINGTON The Unknown Soldier honored at Arlingi Woodrow Wilson visited by throng of mirers and makes speech. HARVARD BEATS PRINCETON-! cient rivals battle at Princeton and the T; is defeated before capacity crowd. Other news as usual. HAL ROACH'S STAN LAUREL COMEDIES 'The Pinnacle of Pantomime.' 2 reels Pafh£comedy New York Chicago Hollywoo Rothacker Laboratory WILLIAM S. GILL, Eastern Sale; Mgr 542 Fifth Ave. Tel. Murray Hill 183 Minnie Elizabeth Webster Exclusive Representative for GLADYS FRAZIN With the Vitagraph. "Let Not Man Put Asunder. Address all communications t 17 West 42nd Street, N. Y. C Longacre 8225 'WE NEVER DISAPPOINT' [IMpwFIl mm INCORPORATED 220 WEST 42N-D STREET NEW YORK PHONE-CHICKERING 29; ALLAN A.LOWNES. GEN.MCR. f