The Film Daily (1923)

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inesday, November 14, 1923 les Force Revamped (Continued from Page 2) (inneapolis, has been appointed general ger o; the Famous Players-Lasky Film ce, Ltd., of Canada, succeeding G. E. !, itiigned. C. E. Rose, branch manat Calgary, succeeding Edward Zorn, led. uring the past few months the e country has been re-jurisdicted, lew territorial jurisdiction of the ional sales managers being as ws: 3ior No. 1 : H. G. Ballance, divisional manager. District No. 1 — Boston, Haven, Maine (Portland). District No. ■\v York, New Jersey, AJbany. Dis\o. 3 — Philadelphia, Washington, s Baire. District No. 7 — Atlanta, New is, Charlotte, Jacksonville. sion No. 2 : George W. Weeks, divisiones manager. District No. 4— Detroit, o, Pittsburgh, Cleveland. District No. icago, Milwaukee, Peoria. District 0 — Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Columbus, ian Exchanges, Toronto, Montreal, St. Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver. ision No. 3 : John D. Clark, divisional manager. District No. 6 — Kansas City, ouis. District No. 8 — Salt Lake City, r, Butte. District No. 9 San FranLos Angeles, Seattle, Portland, Ore. :t No. 11— Minneapolis, Des Moines, i, Sioux Falls, District No. 12 — Dallas, jma City and Memphis. Goldreyer Sells Another arles Goldreyer has sold the-Ritz er, 1014 E. 180th St., to Stern khwartz, operating as the 181st orp. The theater proper seats nd the open air theater attached 2,400. A fifty per cent interest e Concourse, on Grand Con e, has been disposed of by eyer to Shepard and Gould. deals were closed through man's. Off to Join Carewe second unit of the Edwin |'e company sails today on the to join the director who will | "A Son of the Desert" in Al The party will include Claire lior, Montagu Love, Rosemary }, Bert Lytell, Paul Panzer, Milne, John Schulze, Robert and Mr. Jerome, the latter the Iss manager. Joint Runs for "Christie" i|t National declared yesterday 13 simultaneous first runs had h been arranged for "Anna le" during the first week in De|r. The Strand in NeKv York is I'd. 13,450,54 One Day's Gross die Old New York" grossed 1.54 at the Capitol on Sunday It played to 17,452 persons. usther Lindner Recovers ler Lindner, of C. B. C, who Jen sick with pneumonia, has led and is back at her desk. Cohn Leaves Shortly |:cial to THE FILM DAILY) |Angeles — Jack Cohn expects soon for New York. ho," New Hughes Picture |[t Hughes has changed the "Law Against Law" to They Didn't Want to, But We Made 'Em— LAUGH A distributor called us up after reading our "They Laughed Like !" advertisement in the Sunday Telegraph. "How many expressions did you get in your mail as a result of your 'test showing'?" he asked. "About two hundred," we told him. "All complimentary?" "Of course not," we admitted to his surprise, "THEY DIDN'T WANT TO LAUGH BUT WE MADE 'EM— and they admit it." And they did laugh — those four hundred representative' big business men — Columbia University alumni — professors and scientists. Some of them disagreed with us — knocked us hard for daring to "jazz" the lines of Richard Brinsley Sheridan's masterpiece in the sub-titles of "The School For Scandal." BUT THE FACT REMAINS THAT THE PICTURE MADE 'EM LAUGH. And if we made the highbrows chuckle — roar like kids and stamp their feet — what'll we do when the picture plays to THE MASS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WHO WANT TO LAUGH ! We've sent "The School For Scandal," back to the workshop for a little more of that stuff that made 'em laugh. Want to or not, YOU TOO are going to LAUGH and LOVE The School for Scandal I 347 MADISON AVE. NY. SIG. SCHLAGER gen'l mob.