The Film Daily (1923)

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y THE ■cM?k DAILY Thursday, December 20, 1923 — we've given you a bunch of good tips about pictures lately, haven't we? — so when we say — don't overlook FRANK LLOYD'S great picture "BLACK OXEN" the exceptionally fine adaptation of Gertrude Ather ton's wonderful novel featuring Corinne Griffith and Conway Tearle we're telling you of another BIQAOAdtl There was never a more perfect product built for sure enough profits* Think of the sales this novel has had — the whole darned world is talking about it* Think of the advertising "BLACK OXEN" is getting in the columns of 231 or more newspapers with a daily circulation of 5,000,000* And then to have a finished product such as the picture itself — you can't possibly go wrong* {as Exhibitors Herald says— "ITS a 'best seller* made into a best seller.,,) FIRST NATIONAL has the big hits — if it's hits you're looking for!