The Film Daily (1923)

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THE -3tW, DAILY Friday. December 21. 1923 VH.XHINi.t9 Friday. Otc 21. 1923 Pnci 5 Cents nalit \<>2 }, Wld'l Film and Film Folki, Inc.. Published D»ily except Saturday, at 7I-7J Writ 44th St.. New York, N. Y., by WLD'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. i Dannenbertj, President and Editor; .1 \\ . AUcoate. Treasurer and Business Manager; Maurice D. Kann, Managing Editor. 1 'onald M. Mersereau, Advertising Manager. I ntcred as second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under c act Of March 3, 1879. I erms (Postage free) United States. Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign i 1 5. 00 Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 71 73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Phone Vanderbilt 45S1-4S52-5SS8. Hollywood, California— Walter R. Greene, •411 Hollywood Blvd. 'Phone, Hollywood 1603. London Representative — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 53a Shaftesbury Ave., London. W. I. I'aria Representative — Le Film, 42 Rue de Clichy. I entral European Representative — Internationale Filmschau, Prague (Crecho-Slo vakia), Wenzelplatx. Quotations High Low Close Sales rt. Kod. .108 \07Vs \07li 200 1'. P.-L 67H 67 67y4 4,000 do pid. ... 86 86 86 100 Goldwyn ... 8^ Sl/8 &% 500 Loew's \7% 16H 16^3.500 Commends Editorial Regarding costs and failure of the production department to take such matters up with the distribution department, Robert Cotton, in charge the Educational Exchange at Dallas, writes: "Danny : "A fine editorial. "Also if they would only listen to us we could tell them something about what length of features was most popular with exhibitors all over the country. But they don't want our advice." Davis Assisting Blackton Clay Davis is assistant director with the Blackton unit at Vitagraph which lias just completed "Let Not Man Put Asunder." Davis also figured in 'On the Banks of the Wabash." ADVERTISE YOUR SHORT SUBJECTS MATS for this "ad" FREE at your Educational Exchange /, MERMAID COMEDY %% EXIT CAESAR r~>^"f>^-&Jtk -A. JACK "WHITE PRODUCTION WITH a?« ALL-STAR CAST -ca/lona/ (f~u:tuAJLiJ Foreign Distribution of Motion Picture reductions Geo V/°lr 230 Weal 42nd St. York. Chick. 2355 Cables— Geokann. NY. Newspaper Opinions "The Man From Brodney's" — Vitagraph — Rialto AMERICAN • ' " A picture like "Th-: Man from Brodney's" comes along with an obvious story treated in an obvious manner, and yet with a result that is so undeniably sattory. * • * One of the best things this comes ever made. DAILY NEWS Only Mr. McCutcheon leal so glibly in mythical kingdoms and the romances which bud therein EVENING JOURNAL—* * * Is good aerial material. It is not the sort of thing one i to see at the Rialto. Objection is not made to the fact that it is melodramatic, but to its ridiculous impossibility. EVENING WOULD- • • * J. Warren Kerrigan * * i ably supported by Alice Calhoun, Wanda Hawley and Miss Dupont. MAIL — It is a lively melodrama with a flag-waving ending, * • • "The Man from Brodney's" should prove to be a "knock-out" when it reaches the 10-cent stands. MORNING TELEGRAPH—" * * For it is typical McCutcheon fiction, produced in a manner worthy of his efforts. * * * The best acting in the piece is done by some one called Saunders, but he isn't even mentioned in the ca^t i' ovided by Vitagraph. POST — * * just manages to become passable entertainment. TELEGRAM — It is a love story of mystery anil intrigue in the South Seas. * * * TIMES — * * * A popular type of picture, in which awkward situations are cleared up conveniently by the scenario writer and the director to suit their convenience. * * * This picture is poorly cut, and although it has certain interesting sequences it is not an overwhelming success as an entertainment. TIMES SQUARE DAILY— It is a highly romantic story * * • the usual emotional hokum. The uprising gave David Smith a chance to stage a corking battle. * * * TRIBUNE—* * • A quite entertaining picture. * * * It was all very good and we liked J. Warren Kerrigan better than in anything we have seen him previously. WORLD— -For the sake of this compelling climax the picture must be accorded a vote of moderate confidence. The early reels are rather soporific and may well be omitted by the discriminating movie-goer intent upon inspecting only the best of the week's display. Rivoli Shows For Kiddies The Rivoli will hold children's matinees Christmas Week at ten o'clock, beginning Monday morning. Films, dances, songs and playlets of appeal to the youngsters are on the program. Miriam Battista will take part. Admission to the matinees includes the privilege of remaining over for the regular program. Hatkin Dead Philip Hatkin, formerly Harley K noles' cameraman is dead. I. P. D. A. Revived (Continued from Page 1) plete list mi officers: I. £. Chadwick, Chadwick Pictures, president; Oscar A. Price, Tri-Stone, first vice president; Joseph Brandt, C. B. C, second vice-president; Robert North, Weber & North, treasurer and Charles B. Hoy, Hoy Reporting Service, executive secretary. The companies which were elected tu membership were: Chadwick Pictures", Kquitv, Arrow, Ay won, Agnes Egan Cobb, Weber & North, C. B, C, Blazed Trails Prod., Export & Import and Lee Bradford. The plan of operation as drawn up by the committe provides that the I. P. D. A. is to function in all three branches of the business: production, distribution and exhibition. One of the important purposes of the body concerns the establishment of credits on a definite basis and it is in that connection that Charles B. Hoy will figure prominently. Headquarters of some kind will be secured so that meetings can be held regularly and in some definite place. Dawn Finishes Alaskan Film (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Norman Dawn, who has been in Alaska for some time, has finished his Alaskan picture which he intends calling "The Trail of Broken Hearts." Ritz Opens Monday (.Special to THE FILM DAILY) Philadelphia — The new Ritz will be formally opened Monday morning. The house is at Fifth and Market, cost $150,000 and seats 1,000. Reichenbach Going to Chicago Harry Reichenbach is going to Chicago next week in connection with the showing of "The Eternal City" at the Roosevelt theater there. Next Week on Broadway "Don't Call It Love" goes into the Rialto on Sunday and "Big Brother" into the Rivoli. Seena Owen Back Home Seena Owen is in New York from Europe. While in London she made a picture. Henley Goes to Spokane (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Spokane — Samuel Henley formerly branch manager for Associated Exhibitors at Oklahoma City and recently on the sales staff of Universal at San Francisco, has been appointed manager for Universal here. Henley is a brother of Hobart Henley the director. HAL ROACH'S CHARLEY CHASE COMEDIES "Consistently Good" 1 reel Pattieicomedy We'll show you "What Three Men Wanted" 9 INDEPENDENT PICTURES CORP. 1540 Broadway N. Y .C. Bryant 6884 Wanted young man for theatre who can write advertising copy, must also handle office detail and assist manager. Apply at once, Box F 21. PUBLIC PROJECTION ROOM Will Rent Fully Equipped Money Making Projection Room to Responsible Party or Company. Apply to Box K30 Film Daily 71 W. 44th St., N. Y. C. FIRST WITH THE BEST KINOGRAMS THE VISUM. NEWS rf AIX THE WORLD = New York Chicago Hollywood Rothacker Laboratories WILLIAM S. GILL, Eastern Sales Mp. 542 Fifth Ave. Tel. Murray Hill 1831 :i ■: