The Film Daily (1923)

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THE ■c^mk DAILV Friday, December 28, 1923 JClMfSnOT o/'PlMDOMi , UtDHOocn #|JJ»»*^ AU1 ^DAILy III. mi Ni .74 fndij. Die. 21. 1923 PnciSCuts right l^J.i, Wid'l Fflni Mid Film Folks, Inc.. 1'uhhshed Daily except Saturday, at 71-7J Wr»t 4-Uh St. New York. N. Y . by wins FILMS tod FILM FOLKS, INC. i Dannenberg, President and Editor; J W. Ahcoatc, Tirasuirr an. I liusiness Man ager ; Maurice D. Kaon, Managing Editor. Donald M. Mrrsereau. Advertising Manager <t-d as second class matter May 21. 1918, »t tl r <• .1! .New York. N. Y., under the act oi March S, 1S79. Trims il'ostage free) United States. Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; i months. $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subacribera should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY. 71 73 West -14th St.. New York. Y. l'hone Yamlerbilt 4551 -45S2-5SSS. Hollywood, California— Walter R. Greene, 6411 Holhwood Blvd. T'hone, Holly woou 1603. London Representative — Ernest W. Fredman The Film Renter, 53a Shaftesbury Ave., London, W. I. Paris Representative — Le Film, 42 Rue de Chchy. central European Representative — Interna tionale Filmschau, Prague (Czecho-Slo vakia). Wenzelplatz. Quotations High Low Close Sales i\ Rod .108VS 108^ 108^ 200 P.-L. '.... 7i 7l'A 71H 800 dn pfd. ... 89 ss/2 89 300 Goldwyn ... M 9 9 2,400 w's 17-K 17J4 \7y2 3,300 New Lighting System (Continued from Page 1) the largot ever built. From the second floor these shine on reflectors which turn the light to the room on the ground floor in which the players will appear. The system is said to provide a yellownon-actinic light, having the I possible power to effect chemical changes. By its use Miss Adams is -aid to achieve depth as in a painting, and, in combination with the color effects on which she has been collaborating with Eastman Kodak, is declared to be the nearest approach as yet achieved to color harmonies. Dee Robinson Dead (.Special to THE FILM DAILY) [II. — Dee Robinson, owner Apollo and Lyric, is dead, following an illness of ulcer of the stomach. ADVERTISE YOUR SHORT SUBJECTS^ MATS for this "ad" FREE at your Educational Exchange cJIMM IE ADAMS BLACK AND BLUE" Christie Gomedy • Q WITH LAUGHS Forcijrn Distribution of • Picture Productions Ge otge E. Kattf\ Axon rorP°ra \^0»r 220 Weat 42nd St. N>w York. Chick. 2355 Cable* — O^okann. N Y Truart Franchises Sold American Feature Films of Philadelphia, lias acquired the distribution of "The Unknown Purple," and the series of three Richard Talmadges from Truart for Eastern Pennsylvania and Southern Jersey, American was organized by Bob Lynch, who also controls Metro Exchange of Philadelphia, which handles the Hammerstein series. Truart is negotiating a franchise with Rex Film Co. of Detroit, which has already acquired "The Empty Cradle" for Michigan. "The Unknown Purple," goes to the All Star Distributors, Inc., for California, Arizona, Nevada and Hawaii. Universal has obtained the Talmadges for Japan. Warns Against Imposters (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Stamford. Conn.— The F. I. L. M. Board of Trade has warned the Chamber of Commerce of three men who are defrauding merchants through a promise to make local films tracing the development of those towns. The Hays office is at work stopping such attempts. Theater Manager Inherits Money Afternoon papers yesterday reported from Norfolk, Va. that H. C Fortun, manager of the Strand, is heir to a share of $2,000,000 left by George Fortun, an uncle, who died in France some time ago. The Strand is one of the Jake Wells' theaters. Indian Stories for Pathe Pathc will distribute a series of six two reelers called Indian Frontier Tales, produced by National Film of Hollywood. Release starts in February. Three of the pictures are already made. Gary Joins Hodkinson (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Chicago— R. C. ("Bob") Gary, known for his exploitation work in the Middle West, has joined Hodkinson as special exploitation man for this territory. Want Quebec to Turn "Blua" (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Montreal — A concerted move against Sunday shows throughout Quebec has been made by an organization calling itself "The Sunday League." A delegation waited on Premier Taschereau, to ask for the strict enforcement of the Lord's Day Act. The cities represented in the deputation included Montreal, Quebec City, Three Rivers, Sherbrooke, Hull and others. Quebec is the only jurisdiction in Canada where the Lord's Day Act has been ignored and theaters, with few exceptions, have been accustomed to operate without fear or hindrance every Sunday in the year. Loew Plans Midnight Shows The State, American Roof, National, Victoria, Delancey, Gates, Palace and State (Newark), all part of the Loew circuit will give special New Year's Eve performances beginning midnight. A special showing of "The Covered Wagon," is also scheduled for New Year's Eve. Fischer Plans Theater Chain (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Milwaukee — George Fischer, owner of the New Milwaukee, has formed a company which plans to develop a chain of theaters in and around this city. He has taken over the Greenfield, an 800 seat house in West Allis, a suburb. Company an Alleged Bankrupt An involuntary petition in bankruptcy has been filed in the District Court against Virginia Pearson Photoplays, Inc., on an assigned claim of Paul Meyer, for $11,750, for money lent. The petitioning creditor is Lillian Kaplowitz. Fox News To Expand E. C. Hill, director of Fox News, together with Russell Muth, cameraman, are en route for Europe to install new representatives. Muth has been appointed Paris editor. \nrr BgggyMP— ^nrrrrTont PATROL BULLETIN NO. 31 A melodramatic moment in "The Fire Patrol," directed by Hunt Stromberg, in which Johnny Harron is confronted by Madge Bellamy, Helen Jerome Eddy and Spottiswood Aiken — and forced to explain his absence from duty on the night of the big fire at sea. It's the first of 6 big melodramas released on the franchise plan by Chadwick Pictures Corp., 729 7th Ave., N. Y. C. Cuts and Flashes Rod La Rocque, Ricardo Cortez, Ida Waterman, Mrs. Morgan Converse, Cornelius Keefe and Frazer Coulter are supporting Gloria Swanson in "The Laughing Lady," being directed by Allan Dwan. Screenland, the fan magazine, has changed its corporate name to The Jyron Zobel Publications, Inc., and increased its capital from $250,000 to $350,000. The new Colleen Moore picture for First National, made under the title of "The Swamp Angel", will be released as "Painted People." The Consolidated Camera Exchange of New York, has filed an increase of capital from $30,000 to $60,000. "The Clipper," has increased its capitalization to $100,000. Formerly $25,000. The Vanderbilt Amusement Co., New York, has been dissolved. McConville Joins Metro (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Boston — John P. McConville, for eight years with Famous, in New England, is now with Metro as publicity and advertising manager for New England. HAL ROACH'S CHARLEY CHASE COMEDIES "Consistently Good" 1 reel Pafhecomedy World Film Rights to "BLOSSOM TIME" Original Story of "Dreimaderl Haus" Apply to MARY FORREST 1452 Broadway, Tel. 1944 Bryant FIRST, WITH THE BEST KINOGRAMS THE VISUAL NEWS rf> ALL THE WORLD ^flRFRATDOV-™ frioe PATROL^ 'Fiqe PKlRoT* New York Chicago Hollywood Rothacker Laboratories WILLIAM S. GILL, Eastern Sale* Mgr. 542 Fifth Ave. Tel. Murray Hill 1831