The Film Daily (1924)

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THE -Z&*\ DAILY Wednesday, January 2, 1924 Two Houses For South Bend? (Special to THE FILM DAILY) South Bend, Ind. — Reliable reports state that South Bend will soon have two new theaters. A group of theatrical men, who operate a chain in the Middle-West have had representatives here looking for a site. They intend erecting a 1,800 seat house which will have a picture-vaudeville policy. Another new house would have straight vaudeville. Wants Films For Pupils (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Pittsburgh — The Board of Education is in favor of educational films for the pupils in Pittsburgh schools. At a recent meeting, the Board provided for the purchase of 50 pictures of this kind every year. The purpose is to establish a permanent library for the better instruction of pupils. Two New Ones For Missouri (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Independence, Mo. — Work has begun on the new theater on Lexington St. A. E. Elliot is behind the project. Liberty, Mo. — C. R. Wilson has opened his new Liberty which replaces the Lyric, burned down about a year ago. All Set For Wampas Party (Special to THE FILM DAILY) San Francisco — Arrangements have been completed for the annual Wampas Frolic, Jan. 19. One feature will be the presentation of 13 "baby stars," with Fred'Niblo as official astronomer, pointing out the luminaries to the public. Two Theaters Burn (Special to THE FILM DAILY) St. Louis — During a performance at the Criterion, Broadway near Olive, crossed wires started a fire in the projection room. Damage slight. Freeport, L. I. — A large fire occurred at the Auditorium, last week. Progress Buys Out Reol Prods. (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Dallas — Progress Pictures have taken over Reol Prod., which have been operating in Atlanta for almost two years. Reol handles pictures for negroes. Pittsburgh House Damaged (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Pittsburgh— The Old Faithful theater, 4829 2nd Ave., was damaged by fire Monday. Loss, $2,000. 'WE NEVER DISAPPOINT' PRDMIOWFJIH INCORPORATED 220 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK PHONE-CHICKERINC 2937 ALLAN A.LOWNES. CEN.MCR. Stock Fluctuations The range of prices, with total sales and net changes of motion picture stocks for 1923 up to and including Dec. 29 follows: Eastman Kodak Total sales, 301,600; high level, 115^4 reached on April 3; low level, 89J4 reached on Jan. 2; closing, 108; net change, a gain of 19 points. Preferred: total sales, 500; high level, 114^4 reached April 3; low level, 108*4 reached Sept. 28; closing, 108J4; net change, a gain of Y% points. Famous Players-Lasky Total sales, 1,308,800; high level, 93 reached Jan. 2; low level, 52 reached Oct. 27; closing, 70%; net change, a loss of 20% points. Preferred: total sales, 37,600; high level 9954 reached Feb. 14; low level, 82, reached Oct. 29; closing, 88Ji; net change, a loss of 8"/£ points. Goldwyn Total sales, 358,800; high level, 22j/£ reached June 5; low level, 8 reached Nov. "5; closing, 8§4; net change, a gain of 2% points. Loew's Inc. Total sales, 499,950; high level, 21J4 reached Feb. 14; low level, 14 reached June 21; closing 17-J4; net change, a loss of 1% points. Southern Enterprises Lease Toie (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Fort Smith, Ark. — Southern Enterprises have leased the Joie from the Joie interests. Southern Enterprises, who have been running the Palace, have turned over the house to its owners, the Joie people. Buffalo Tightening Regulations (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Buffalo — -Exhibitors in this territory are warned against showing pictures without the censors' license. Mrs. Orpha Stucki, an inspector for the commission is keeping her eye peeled for offenders. Showing Special Cartoon Film (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Chicago — A Chicago newspaper is distributing a short reel showing 12 caricaturists and comic strip artists drawing comics for the paper's Sunday colored supplement. Favorite to Release Old Hart's (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Detroit — Starting Jan. 1, Favorite Films will release a series of six, tworeel Hart subjects, which have been re-edited and revised by Tri-stone Pictures. Weinberg Writes From "Lunnon" (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Buffalo — E. O. Weinberg, is in London where he is managing a theater for Universal. He formerly managed the Strand, Syracuse and State, Schenectady. Buys Two St. Louis Houses (Special to THE FILM DAILY) St. Louis — Miss A. L. Ketchum. owner of the Plaza, has taken over the Aubert and Chippewa. The A. L. Ketchum Theater Co., capital $30,000, has been chartered. Pictures in Monte Carlo (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Paris — Pictures are now shown on Monday and Friday in the Palais des Beaux Arts at Monte Carlo. Mount Olive, 111. — Jimmie Lawson has opened the New Grand. St. Louis — Jim Drake has leased the Gem, which he is running on 10 cent admissions. St. Louis — The Rivoli, will play a fplit-week, changing the programme on Saturdays and Wednesdays. Follies Amusement Co. Formed (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Springfield, 111. — The Follies Amusement Co., of Chicago, has been formed by Joe Goldsmith, Morris Froelich and Louis Mansback. The company will operate theaters. Offices are at 1210 So. Michigan Ave., in Chicago. Theda Staging A Comeback (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Theda Bara will return to the screen in "Madam Satan," a story by Fred Jackson. Herbert Blache will direct. Price and Bernet Join "U" (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Toronto, Ont. — Harry Price and Martin Bernet have joined the Universal sales force. Can Now Show Films After Midnight (Speciel to THE FILM DAILY) Buffalo — The City Council, on recommendation of Mayor Schwab, has amended the ordinance prohibiting the showing of pictures after midnight. The ruling provided a fine of $250 for violators. St. Pierre Manager of Midwest Chain (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Chicago — Louis St. Pierre has become manager of the Midwest Circuit, operating a chain of houses in Rockford, Beloit and Decatur. Boomer Managing 'Frisco Cameo (Special to THE FILM DAILY) San Francisco — The Cameo has a new manager, R. B. Boomer, former manager of the Spokane Universal office. Fire in Roxsbury Theater (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Boston — The Egleston theater at Egleston Square was damaged by fire Monday night to the extent of $25,000. UttMotMan ONE OF MANY FEATURES IN THE Theater for Sierra Madre (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Sierra Madre — N. Brown will alter the Bergein Bldg. into a picture house. 1924 FILM YEAR BOOK Filmdoms Recognized Reference Book OUT JAN. 20th Year Round Advertising Value At A One Day Rate