The Film Daily (1924)

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THE ■%tl DAILY "Stick," Says Brady (Continued from Page 1) when business depressions developed, that then, with the proper kind of an organization, the Independents would come into their own, and be the most important factors in the country "because the other fellows won't be able to weather the storm." He dwelt on the evils of the star system, and the place the independent producer held in the picture business. He ended by declaring they could call on him day or night, that he would go anywhere for them, from the Pacific to the Atlantic Coast, or "to hell." L. K. Bartlett told of conditions in England and Martin Quigley. of "The Exhibitors Herald," spoke briefly on the importance of organization to the independents. The I. M. P. P. D. A. now has a total of eighteen members. An executive meeting was held yesterday following the open discussion at which five new members were elected: Anchor Film Distributors, Inc., Artclass Pictures, Canyon Pictures, Ben Wilson Pictures Corp. and Fidelity Pictures. Lang Re-elected A. D. A. Head The Assistant Directors Ass'n of New York held their semi-annual (-lection Wednesday evening. Walter Lang was re-elected president. Bert E. Siebel was elected vice-president; Charles Berner, treasurer, and Walter R. Sheridan, secretary. Seven members were elected to serve on the Board of Governors, comprising George Cline, chairman; John V. DeLacy, John Coleman, Michael Miggins, Leon d'Usseau, Bert Tuey and Ben Behrens. Wittman Re-elected President At the recent election of the Bronx M. P. T. O. Ass'n, John J. Wittman was re-elected president, his twelfth term. John C. Bolte was re-elected vice-president for the fourth time; Henry Cole, executive secretary; I. Rothman, treasurer; L. Jacobs, three year trustee; A. Leff, two year trustee; H. Stravita, one year trustee, and William ' Wilson, sergeant-atarms. Col. Joy in Hospital Col. Jason S. Joy, chairman of the Public Relations Committee of the Hays organization is in the Post Graduate Hospital undergoing stomach treatment. It will be about a month before he resumes his duties. Pathe News Issues Special A special release of Pathe News was on Broadway last night. It contained scenes of the safe arrival of the Shenandoah at the Lakehurst aviation fields. The mooring mast was shown and also wrecked portions of the dirigible. Pathe cameramen in half dozen Eastern cities remained most of Thursday night ready to shoot in the event that the ship turned up in or near their cities. Six Orchestras for Ball Music at the T. O. C. C. ball next Thursday will be supplied by Paul Whiteman, Jack Fox and his Clover Gardens orchestra, Lou Gold and the Wigwam Club Serenaders, Arthur Lang and his orchestra from The Cinderella, Paul Specht and his Alamac Hotel Orchestra and Sam Lanin and the Roseland Jazz Seranaders. Schedule Filed A schedule in bankruptcy has been filed by the Virginia Pearson Photoplays, Inc. Liabilities are listed at $31,625, with $500 in assets. Principal creditors listed are Paul Meyer, $17,175, for services and loans and Louis Meyer, $14,150, for services and loans. "Marriage Circle" For Strand It was inadvertently stated yesterday that "The Marriage Market," will shortly go into the Strand when "The Marriage Circle," was the production meant. The picture opens at the heater Feb. 3 and is the first Lubitsch picture for the Warners.' McConville Addresses A. M. P. A. Bernard McConville, supervising director of Universal's Jewel output addressed the A. M. P. A. yesterday on scenarists and their problems. M. C. Wiley 111 (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Buffalo — M. C. Wiley, owner of the Seneca, formerly the Red Jacket. is seriously ill. He is expected to recover. New Detroit House Opened (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Detroit — The new Cinderella in the East End has opened. Morris Schlank Here Morris Schlank of Anchor Film Dist, Inc., Los Angeles is in town. Lincoln Goes to Coast E. K. Lincoln leaves Thursday on his annual trip to the Coast. TO THE TRADE Please be advised that we have in course of production and will shortly release the following features: ROSE OF THE FOLLIES PRICE OF PLEASURE THE POLICEMAN All Rights Reserved C. B. C. Film Sales Corporation A Release Weekly (Continued from Page 1) "Icebound," a William de Mille production. Walter Hiers in "Fair Week," directed by Rob Wagner. Gloria Swanson in "A Society Scandal," an Allan Dwan Prod. "Magnolia," a James Cruze Prod. Pola Negri in "Montmarte," a Lubitsch production. "The Dawn of a Tomorrow," a George Melford Prod. Thomas Meighan in "Write Your Own Ticket," directed by Victor Heerman. "Triumph," a Cecil B. DeMille Prod. "The Breaking Point," a Herbert Brenon Prod. Agrts Ayres and Antonio Moreno in "Bluffi," a Sam Wood Prod. "Wanderer of the Wasteland," an Irvin Willat Prod. Pola Negri in "Men," written and directed by Dimitri Buchowetzki. Dorthy Dalton in "The Moral Sin* er," a R.-i'ph Ince Prod. Leatrice Joy in "Take It or Leave It," a Joseph Henahery Prod. "The Code of the Sea," a Victor Fleming Prod. "In the First Degree," a William dc M:!!e I've d. Hirsh in Havana (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Havana — Nathan Hirsh and his wife have arrived here from New York. They intend staying here for two weeks and thence to Jacksonville and Palm Beach. Shannon in "Icebound" Frank Shannon has joined the cast of "Icebound," being directed by William De Mille. Shannon was prominent in the stage cast of "Anna Christie." Mrs. George Kline Dead Mrs. George Kline, wife of George Kline of Chicago, died Wednesday afternoon. . The funeral will occur on Saturday and will be private. Goldwyn Re-Engages Mae Busch Following Mae Busch's work in "Name the Man," she has been signad on a long-<term contract with Goldwyn. Pearl White En Route Pearl White is returning to America with a print of "Terror," which she produced in Paris. Miss White is aboard the Aquitania, due on the 22nd. Friday, January 18, 1924 To Make "Adorable Scofflaw" Acting on the suggestion of the Quincy, Mass., man who offered a prize for the best word to describe the lawless drinker, B. P. Schulberg, will at once begin work upon a pro1 duction to be called "The Adorable 1 Scofflaw." Clara Bow will play "The I Adorable Scofflaw" and Kenneth A Harlan the leading man. The pic I ture will be released in the Spring. | "EXPERIENCED FOREIGN SALES MANAGER" Sailing to Europe early in February, has formed a company to handle American product abroad. Looking for a good product to sell while on the continent and in England. Address Box. B — 100. c/o FILM DAILY JAZZ COMEDIES 12 one reel comedies per year New Product (Not Re-issues) Open for State Right Market WireWritePhone OBROCK & SPIEGEL Phone-Bryant 10359 729 7th Ave., N. Y. New York Chicago Hollywood Rothacker Laboratories WILLIAM S. GILL, Eastern Sale* Mgr. 542 Fifth Ave. Tel. Murray Hill 1831 FIRST WITH THE BEST KINOGRAMS THE VISUAL NEWS ff ALL THE WORLD CHAPLIN App earttaf in Marshall Neilan's Associated First National: Thomas H.Ince's The Rendevous" Her Temporary Husband The Galloping Fish' "I am very much interested in the work of Sydney Chaplin. I consider him the foremost comedian on the screen today." GEORGE JEAN NATHAN in THE SMART SET