The Film Daily (1924)

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THE DAILY Thursday, January 24, 1 t, Eastman in Theater Deal (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Rochester, N. Y. — George Eastman is now the sole owner of the Regent and Piccadilly theatres and the Gordon or the Star as it has been called and also a site on Clinton Ave., South, originally intended for a new theater. The consideration is said to have been $500,000. Eastman bought the Gordon outright from Mrs. Bessie Gordon of Boston, Hyman Gordon of Rochester, and Nathan Gordon of Boston. He also buys the interest which these people have had with him in the Regent and the Piccadilly. Acquisition of theaters downtown was begun two or three years ago when Eastman bought out the interest of Marcus Loew in the Regent and the Piccadilly. Loew had previously acquired that interest from Thomas J. Swanton and George Simpson. Take Over Fresno Theaters (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Fresno, Cal. — The West Coast Theaters, Inc. has assumed control of the Kinema and Liberty, following their purchase several weeks ago for $500,000. This gives the concern three Fresno theaters, the third being the Hippodrome. The purchase was from the Kehrlein Corp. Managers H. E. Purkett of the Liberty and A. Sharpe of the Kinema will be retained. Cleveland Houses Cut Prices (Special te THF FIJM DAILY) . _ Cleveland — The Allen and State operated and controlled by Loew's Ohio Theaters, Inc., have reduced their admission prices from 65 cents in the evening to 50 cents and from 40 cents at matinees to 30 cents. Sundays and holidays the admission remains at 65 cents. Leo A. Getzler Dead (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Omaha — Leo A. Getzler has passed away, following an operation at the St. Katherine Hospital for appendicitis. Getzler was first identified with the Greater New York Film Co., in New York, in 1908. Lesserman Quits Universal (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Chicago— I. Lesserman, one time manager of Universal, has resigned to enter the exhibiting end of the business. He has bought a house at Forest Park. Gus Schlesinger Recovering Rapid progress towards complete recovery is reported by physicians in attendance on Gus Schlesinger, who was recently operated on at the Fifth Ave. Hospital. Indicted on Federal Charge (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Cleveland — Edward Sullivan has been indicted by local Federal authorities for transporting a fight picture to Ohio. He has pleaded guilty. Pearl White Here Pear White was a passenger on the Aquitania which docked yesterday. She has with her a print of "Terror," made in Paris. Incorporations Springfield, 111.— Spanuth & Tilbuscher Theatrical Enterprises, Inc., Chicago. Capital $2,500. Incorporators, Jean Tilbuscher, Hans A. Spanuth and I. C. Soffran. Attorneys, Lewis, Adler, Lewis & Kohn. Oklahoma City, Okla. — Northeast Amusement Co., Oklahoma City. Capital $15,000. Incorporators, P. R. Braniff, L. E. Butterick and H. C. Thirman. all of Oklhoma City. Springfield, 111. — I. M. Weingarden Enterprises, Inc., Chicago. Capital $5,000. Incorporators, I. M. Weingarden, Harrv P. Munns and Jack H. Dwork. Oklahoma City, Okla. — Hollywood, Inc., Oklahoma City. Capital $1,000. Incorporators, W. W. Walthall, J. H. Hill and W. J. Crammer, all of Oklahoma City. Albany — Suburban Theater Corp., New York. Capital $50,000. Incorporators, H. G. Wiley, M. W. Ross and G. Searing. Attorney, M. Sulzberg, New York. Albany— M. M. P. Corp., Buffalo. Capital $50,000. Incorporators, G. C. May, A. H. Seter and W. Vogelsang. Attorney, A. C. Ueck, Buffalo. Indianapolis — Cinema Specialty Mfg., Co., Inc., Gary. Capital $20,000. Incorporators, John, Ida and Joseph Ovitkovich. Annapolis, Md. — Art Film Exchange, Baltimore. Capital $50,000. Incorporators, Joseph Robbins, Louis Tunick, et al. Dover, Del. — Conway Prod., Inc., Wilmington. Capital $200,000. (Colonial Charters Co.) Dover, Del. — Current News Features, Wilmington. Capital $100,000. Jackson Case Postponed The arbitration board has postponed for one week the action against Charles W. Jackson of Hampton Bay. L. I., who was ordered by the Su preme Court to appear before the board and abide by its decision in a dispute between him and Commonwealth. Sues For $225,500 Madlaine Traverse has started proceedings against Herbert Lyon Smith to recover $225,500, alleging breach of contract. The plaintiff charges that Smith agreed in 1920 to form the Madlaine Traverse Photoplays Corp., paying her $3,500 a week. Coast Bound Departures for the coast include: Charles L. Gaskill, who wrote the scenario for "Let Not Man Put Asunder." Martha Petelle who appeared in the above-named picture. Al Lincoln, actor. E. H. Griffith With Hodkinson E. H. Griffith will direct the second of the Betty Compson series for Hodkinson, having signed yesterday with the Tilford Cinema Corp. Story and cast have not been selected but the company leaves for Florida about Feb. 20. Griffith will probably use the same staff he had for "Unseeing Eyes." Between now and the start of that picture, he will work on another production. His Own "Boy of Mine" Ace Berry managing director of the Circle, Indianapolis wired this publication the following yesterday: "Played 'Boy of Mine' last week and on Saturday, Mrs. Berry presented me with my boy of mine at the Methodist Hospital. When you get this, he will be four days old and weigh seven pounds. Shall I make a publicity man of him? Want to start early with his training." Famous Engages Millhauser Bertram Millhauser has been engaged by Famous to adapt "The Code of the Sea," by Byron Morgan. This story will be put into production shortly with Rod La Rocque in the principal role. Millhauser's recent adaptations include "Lucretia Lorn bard" and "The Stranger." Warner Stock Active The second day of active trading in the Warner stock yesterday resulted in a turnover of 12,500 shares. The closing price was \2l/%. "True As Steel" Rupert Hug new picture is nearly ready. ARTHUR C. BROMBERG C ATLANTA KNOWS A L0 ABOUT '^GAMBLIN WIVES" '.**-> ASK HIIV FOR SALE High grade miscellaneous ofno furniture, two projection ma chines included. World Filn Corp., 130 West 46th St. N. Y. C. URATIZ 220 WEST 42^-DSTRE NEW YORK ^ « * #„ PHONE . V « . CHICKERINC ALLAN A.L0WI 2337 PRES. TONIGHT AT THE ASTOR HOTEL THE BIG DINNER BALL OF Theatre Owners Chamber I of Commerce AL JOCKER'S JAZZ ORCHESTRA CALIFORNIA RAMBLERS Admission $10.00 Tickets available at T. 0. C. C, 1540 Broadway, New York