The Film Daily (1924)

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4e BRADSTREET / FILMDOM flfcRECOGHIZED Authority XXVII No. 34 Sunday, February 10, 1924 Price 25 Cents 18 for the Year d-Asher Make New Plans — ne Features for Nat'l Release, Others for State Rights ind-Asher intends producing 18 -es this year. Some of them be distributed through national lizations and others are designed ■ state righted. No set number ler category has been determined s of the important pictures will ^ose of the Ghetto," which R. am Neill will direct. Neil is uled to make four all told. : will be "Back of the Beyond," First Violin," "The Way of All " and "The Furnace of Life." Grand before leaving the coast 1 for a series of four I. W. IrProd. Charles Swickard will diour more, the first to be "San :isco." There will also be a ser: 12 two-reel comedies starring Richardson, nty Banks, Sid Smith and Joe each made 13 comedies for the {Continued on Page 10) Quinn Funeral Tuesday Special to THE FILM DAILY) Angeles — Funeral services for M. Quinn will be held in ChiTuesday. Albert E. Smith is ipanying the body East and ing the services, will go to New Abrams On Coast Special to THE FILM DAILY) i Angeles — Hiram Abrams from New York. Features Reviewed Page dies to Board Fox 5 hen A Man's A Man ist Nat'l 5 le Stranger ?aramount 5 ie Marriage Circle Warner Bros 5 |k O'Clubs Universal 7 I e Stranger from the North Maritime— S. R 7 'xry in Haste joldstone— S. R 7 • ;ek-End Husbands Equity— S. R 7 : Jrt Subjects 8 "The Yankee Counsel," Douglas MacLean's hit of hits, opens its Broadway run at the Central Theater today. Associated Exhibitors — Advt. The "Gimme's 99 This comes from one of the oldest exhibitors in the business : "The 'gimme' crowd don't think any more of giving themselves a million or two million dollars for a picture than I would think of asking you for a cigarette. Exhibitors have earned through bitter experience that there is no such an animal. "The exhibitor end of this game is approaching a crisis and it will come to a head during 1924." COMING TO A HEAD What does this exhibitor mean? That exhibitors will not pay for product on the basis of a million or more valuation? It would seem so. But he might bear in mind that the distributing end of the business learned its lesson this season with such valuations.. The "gimme" boys in that end of the business stumped a toe or two with that process — and some of them still are doing it. The picture that will make money next season — and for many seasons to come — will be the picture that cost somewhere about $150,000 or $175,000 to make; that has exploitation possibilities galore ; that can reach the average big time exhibitor on an exhibition value of not over $400,000 or $500,000 ; and which has a cast with a few people of known value in it. That type of picture will make money for all concerned. GOOD BUSINESS Reports generally, from throughout the country, indicate that business was rarely, if ever, better. Some few spots off color, {Continued on Page 4) Wants 48 Hour Week For The 3,000 Principals Engaged in Studios — What Gillmore Seeks for the Equity A 48 hour week is sought for actors and actresses engaged in picture work by the Actor's Equity Ass'n which has started negotiations looking for a union contract with producers. Other important points sought include compensation for time spent on "location" and arbitration of all differences between directors and members of the casts. In Friday's Tribune, Frank Gillmore of the Equity explained the organization's aims. He said the main object was to standardize the conditions in the studios and eliminate some of the abuses which have crept into the relations between the actors and the producing companies. He {Continued on Page 10) Still Owns "The First Year" B. P. Schulberg on Friday denied the published report that Cathrine Curtis would produce "The First Year." He said Preferred still owned the rights and had not sold to anyone. John Golden supported Schulberg's statement. Samuelson Here G. B. Samuelson, British producer, is at the Continental. A Napoleonic Cycle Planned by Abel Gance — Six Parts, Each in Feature Form — Has Govt' Co-operation {Special to THE FILM DAILY) Paris — Abel Gance, producer of "I Accuse," intends making a series of Napoleonic pictures. He says the subject is such a large one that it will be impossible to produce any one picture covering it. Therefore, he will make six, each to be of feature length but so constructed that each can be shown independently of the other. The pictures will be "Arcole," "18 Brumaire," "Austerlitz." "The Retreat from Russia," "Waterloo" and "St. Helena." Gance is promised the use of the Palais Nationaux, French troops for the reconstruction of the battle scenes and the navy for the battles of Aboukir and Trafalgar. Tuesday, Feb. 12 being Lincoln's Birthday and a legal holiday, there will be no issue of THE FILM DAILY published.