The Film Daily (1924)

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7Ae i&ADSTREET of FILMDOM Authority /ol. XXVII No. 47 Wednesday, February 27, 1924 Price 5 Cents Olcott Deal Pending famous Reported Ready to Boost Salary But Director Wants Less Interference The negotiations between Famous md Sidney Olcott are still pending It was reported yesterday that Famous had made bids that reached very close to the highest offers Olcott has received from competitive companies. It seems that the director prefers remaining with Famous but that he wants to be sure that his pictures will not be materially changed after he completes his work. For that reason, he is said to be insistent upon a number of rather stringent clauses in a new contract. It is also understood that production officials at Famous are anxious to have Olcott direct "Peter Pan," />ut, of course, they have nothing to say in this connection in view of the fact that under the present circumstances. Olcott will have no contract with the company following the completion of "Monsieur Beaucaire." There is some talk that if a newdeal is made, Olcott will direct the second Valentino picture and then make "Peter Pan." This wou'd tide the Barrie piece over to the summer but if this plan is not carried out. Olcott is slated to make "Peter Pan" after "Beaucaire." Irrespective of the director, "Peter Pan" will be made on the coast. Race For "Peter Pan" Next Pictures of Famous Players Directors to Determine Who Will Make Barrie Classic Famous Players will have "Peter Pan." ready for release along about the holidays. This means the picVure will be placed in production during the summer months. It was learned yesterday that no one had as yet been selected to direct the famous Barrie classic but that a competitive arrangement will be made involving all of the Paramount directors. The next two or three pictures from each of the group will be used as a basis for the final determination of the matter. A film man well versed in production yesterday advanced the names of two directors now in the Famous list, Sidney Olcott and William de Mille. Brenon Here Herbert Brenon is in town from the coast to direct "The Mountebank" for Famous. Charles Hastings in Screen Mirror: "Mabel Normand is 'The Extra Girl' and — the extraordinary girl! We looked and laughed and shrieked." A great Mack Sennett production distributed by Associated Exhibitors. — Advt. Boston The City Selected for 1924 M. P. T. O. Convention— Dates Indefinite But The Month is May The 1924 convention of the M. P. T. O. A., will be held in Boston some time in May. The definite dates have not as yet been named. The selection was made by the convention committee comprised of M. E. Comerford, Glenn Harper, Fred Seegert, John Schwalm. R. F. Woodhull, Joseph W. Walsh and Sydney S. Cohen. Apparently, the selection of Boston was influenced by the fact that Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Hampshire had all voted in favor of that city. Sign Contract for Dean Prod. The contract between Priscilla Dean Prod, and Hodkinson was finally signed yesterday. The first picture will be placed in work April 1. Ask Danny — He knows shows. T. N. T. Astor. Buys "Mary the Third" Goldwyn has purchased film rights to "Mary the Third." King Vidor will direct. Reunite Old Team Lubitsch to Direct Negri in One Picture for Paramount — Follows "Manon Lescaut" By arrangement with Warner Bros., Ernst Lubitsch will direct Pola Negri in one picture for Famous. It will be placed in production in June, following "Manon Lescaut" which will be Lubitsch's next picture for the Warners. Following the Negri picture, the director returns to his present affiliation. Miss Negri is now at work on "Men." It will be followed by "A Woman of the Night," which Dimitri (Continued on Page 2) O'Reilly for T. O. C. C. Presidency Partial nominations for T. O. C. C. officers were named at the regular meeting of the' body yesterday. Charles L. O'Reilly is undisputed in the field for president; Charles Steiner, for first vice-president; James Jame and Rudolph Sanders for 2nd vice-president; Sam Moross for secretary and Sam Schwartz for treasurer. Kick Over Shelving -arthelmess Objecting to Non-Playing of Pictures — Seeks New Releasing Arrangements The varied reports concerning the strained relations between Richard Bartivjlmcss and Inspiration Pictures, Inc., were reported yesterday to have reached the point where the former had definitely served notice on the company that unless the releasing contract with First National was brought to an end, he would not continue producing pictures for Inspiration. It is understood that Inspiration is committed to deliver three more of the Barthelmess series to First National under the present contract although the star's contract with the producing company runs for a number of years. Barthelmess' complaint is said to be directly concerned with the failure of the First National franchise holders to play his pictures. There is said to be no complaint over the gross on the Barthelmess pictures but only over the fact that the firstrun houses are apparently booking the series and then shelving them. At Inspiration, J. Boyce Smith had nothing to say about the matter. No one at First National could be reached for a statement and an effort to communicate with Barthelmess failed. Universal Buys "Miracle" Through Cora C. Wilkening, Universal has purchased rights to "Miracle," an unpublished novel by Clarence Budington Kelland. Reginald Denny may be starred. It will be released as a Jewel. Building Values New Smallwood Letter Talks About Advertising as An Aid to Exhibition Grosses The value of advertising is discussed by Arthur N. Smallwood in the fourth of a series of open letters, this one addressed to newspaper publishers and the trade press. Smallwood declares that advertising will enable the producer to get all of the available business from a given territory within twelve or fifteen months after the initial showings instead of having it drag over a period of years. He is also firm in the belief that it will aid the exhibitor in a great measure. He says, in part: "Upward of twenty million dollars worth of motion picture producer advertising will (Continued on Pagr 7) Paul Whiteman's orchestra. T. N. T. March 29.