The Film Daily (1924)

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THE Tuesday, September 2, 1924 Tough Sledding ^Continued from Page 1) the independent market affords, and in talking to Jerry Abrams, he told me that they would be lucky to get a little better than print cost out of them. ■"A first-run in Chicago or one of the better key cities in this territory is impossible, insofar as he is concerned. First National is playing the L. and T. houses and Balaban and Katz, in turn, are giving L. and T. a break on their Warner product. Now, add to this the output of Famous Players and Metro-Goldwyn and you can' easily see that the books for the better houses will be closed to every one else. Certainly, concerns such as Universal, Selznick, Producers Distributing will get pictures in, but msofar as the 'independent' is concerned he is 'out.' "What is true in Chicago is virtually the same in every territory that I have visited. Everywhere there exists big circuits, and in tracing the foundation of this circuit you will be certain to find that it is either controlled by First National or Famous Players. Kansas City, St. Louis, MilAvaukee, Detroit and Pittsburg are all a repetition of Chicago. Of course, the West Coast has been circuitized for years, as has the South, so where in the name of all that's holy is the independent going to release his product. , ,, ,, "Danny, I'll tell you, it s hell. Sells 18 Films for Cuba J. H. Hoffberg of John H. Taylor Film Corp., has sold Vicente Blanco six Pete Morrison, six Leo Maloney and six Neal Hart westerns for Cuba. Sales on Mix Reissues Exclusive Features, Inc. have sold four Tom Mix reissues to the following: S. and S. Film Supply, Pittsburgh for Western Penn. and West Virginia; Speciality Film, Dallas for Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma; Progress Pictures, Washington for Maryland, the District, Virginia and Delaware; Exclusive Films, Detroit for Michigan ; Greenwald-Grififitji E.xchange, Cleveland for Ohio; Juan Kunzler for South and Central America, West Indies and Mexico and Jack Sneider, for South Africa. Edward F. Roseman has completed work in "Sandra" and "Greater Than Marriage." Houston, Tex.— The new Texan theater now under construction by Will Horwitz, Jr., Inc., is scheduled to open the first week in December CORPORATIONS ORGANIZED & FINANCED Capital Raised Through The Sale of Your Stock We Are Licensed Brokers PROGRESSIVE FINANCE CO. 112-118 West 44th St. New York Phone, Bryt. 0231 New York Chicago Hollywood Rottiacker Laboratories WILLIAM S. GILL, Eastern Sales Mgr. 542 Filth Ave. Tel. Murray Hill 1831 1st Nat'l Plan Works System of Visiting Branch Managers Successful — Introduces Personal Equation Shortly after E. A. Eschmann's recent visit to all First National exchanges, he inaugurated a system of bringing to New York two branch managers for week visits. During that time, operations in the home office came under their observation and personal acquaintance with executives made. The plan is said to be functioning very well. Almost all of the managers have visited New York and when the list is exhausted, there will be repeats. In speaking of the plan, Eschmann declares that distribution has been speeded up because it brings the exchanges in closer touch with the executive offices. He finds it makes the formation of new sales policies an easier task and doesn't cut into sales quotas in the same fashion as if the entire force were called into New York for a national convention. Maud Hill has completed her role in "Sandra" for First National. Famous lias its COVERED WAGON First National has its SEA HAWK Fox has its IRON HORSE but SELZNICK has the only picture on > lubject the entire country haa gone wild over "OIL (On the froDt page of every newspaper) GET The Worid Straggle for OH QUICK "Phantom Flyer" First (.Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles— "The Phantom Flyer" is Al Wilson's first aviation picture for Van Pelt-Wilson Prod. Virginia Brown Faire is playing the feminine lead. Theater for Lincoln, Neb. Lincoln, Neb. — Plans have been completed for the new Lincoln, a 1800 seat house, to be erected by J. H. Cooper. Work is expected to begin this month. Art Title Service Special Photography Trailers — Announcements H. E. R. STUDIOS, Inc. 150 W. 46th St. Bryant 7273 Hickey Headquarters in K. C. Kansas City — George A. Hickey, Metro-Goldwyn supervisor of St. Louis, Omaha, Des Moines and Kansas City has established permanent headquarters here. GEVAERT RAW STOCK Negative — Positive As Qood As The Best JOHN D. TIPPEH, Inc. GEVAERT FILM 1540 B'way N. Y. C. WANTED— A BEAUTY! Fo r our first picture we need a Grade A-No,l, high class, low-cut VAMPIRE— One that can out-kipple Kipling. Must show recommendations, also sample of vampiring which will be kept strictly confidential. Preference given if vampire knows banker. Apply in person. IN HOLLYWOOD <^^/^Va«..Aiv. From Cloaks and Suits in Stylish Mixtures To Filming "Beauts" in Moving Pictures IF YOU WANT Your coupons cut and deposited Your dividends received and deposited Your securities safe-guarded Your rents collected and repairs supervised Your investments analyzed To save some of your income Your reinvestments made To make a trust fund now for yourself or another Advice about your Will or Relief from your financial cares EAST RIVER NATIONAL BANK Broadway at Forty -first Street (In the heart of the Times Square District) COME IN AND TALK IT OVER OR WRITE US i^v^s^r^rAT^^rii^ COMING SOON PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION HUNT STROMBERQ f^ CHARLES R ROGERS /)fiy«ts Priscilla Dea Stonj fty t1 n VAN LOAN Onctidb^ M«0»l STORM md HUNT 5TR0MBER& tNTiQt psooucnow \ntotn. ixe PtHSONAL »UP£RViSlOM Ot -^ HUNT STROMBERG SEASON 1924-1925 THIRTY FIRST-RUN PICTURES