The Film Daily (1924)

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THE iSMml IL DAILY Tuesday, September 9, 1921 Vol.XXIXNo.59 Toesday, Sept. 9, 1924 PriceSCents Copyright 1924, Wid's Films and Film Folks Inc. Published Daily except Saturday, at 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC Joseph Dannenberg, President and Editor; J. W. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Man ager; Maurice D. Kann, Managing Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Advertising Manager Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of Ifarch 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Phone Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Walter R. Greene, 6411 Hollywood Blvd. 'Phone, Granite 1980. London Representative— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 53a Shaftesbury Ave., London, W. I. Central European Representative — Internationale Filmschau, Prague (CzcchoSlovakia), Wenzelplatz. Rowland Optimistic (.Continued from Page 1) work with Nazimova and Milton Sills in 'A Madonna of the Streets', and Frank Lloyd's 'Silent Watcher' is full of heart interest. This is the first picture of this type that Lloyd has ever attempted. I know that 'So Big', with Collen Moore, and Sam Goldwyn's 'Potash and Purlmutter in Hollywood' gave me the best laugh I have had in years. We also liked 'In Every Woman's Life' made by M. C. Levee and Norma's picture 'The Only Woman' is easily up to her standard. John Stahl's 'Husbands and Lovers', Tom Ince's 'Christine of the Hungry Heart' and 'If I Ever Marry Again' are also under way." Hill Opens in Cleveland (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Cleveland — R. G. Hill Enterprises of Pittsburgh have opened an office at 206 Film Exchange Bldg. Quotations High Low Close Sales East. Kod. 108 10714 108 400 F. P.-L. .. . 7m 755/r 77.% 12 100 do pfd. . . 16 16 16 300 Loew's . . . 17 167/^ 17 700 Film Insp.. . m m m 800 Warner's Not quoted Hill also plans an exchange in Detioit to handle Michigan sales on new product acquired, including the Buddy Roosevelt and Bufifalo Bill, Jr. series from Artclass and the "Big Twelve" of Cranfield and Clarke for that territory as well as for Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky. Elfelt Now on Coast (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Clifford S. Elfelt declares he will release a series of eight' Ken Maynard westerns, a group starring Lawson Harris under a "gold bond" delivery plan, designed to assure exchanges that they will secure delivery of all the pictures promised Some time ago, Elfelt opened offices in New York with Roger Ferri as his special representative. A similar distributing plan was announced, but it is not believed active distribution was ever arranged. 120 NOVELTY REELS First Run Specialties 1924-25 rs^^ ws*^ 1600 B'way. N. Y. C. GEVAERT RAW STOCK Negative — Positive As Qood As The Best JOHN D. TIPPETT, Inc. GEVAERT FILM 1540 B'way N. Y. C. C. B. C. Selling Novelty Reel C. B. C. is state righting "Hot Dog", the novelty reel brought over from Paris by Harry Reichenbach jn his recent trip. Recent sales were made to De Luxe of Philadelphia for S. Jersey, E. Pennsylvania and Delaware and to Exhibitors' Film Exchange for Washington for Maryland, Virginia and the District. Asks For Receiver (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Fort Worth, Tex. — Frank Anderson has applied for a receiver for the Queens in the 48th District Court. The plaintiff charges that the building is not kept repaired, chairs are broken and the roof leaks. Bachelor Dinner for Geller About fifty exhibitors and exchangemen friends of J. Louis Geller, of the 86th St., the Winter Garden and Sth Ave. theaters, will give him a bachelor dinner at the Astor toinorrow night. Title Of Johnson's Next Changed Holljrwood — The title of Emory Johnson's next for F. B. O., has been changed from "The Grandstand Play" to "Life's Greatest Game". The story deals with big league baseball. Harry Shepherd 111 On Coast (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — Harry Shepherd, formerly of W-H Productions, of New York, is ill in a local hospital. Two for September Cranfield and Clarke will release two pictures this month: "Strangling Threads" and "A Soul's Awakening". Arkansas House Burns (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Rayne, Ark. — The Pastime was recently destroyed by fire. Michigan Guts Dues (Continued from Page 1) Theaters seating up to 500, $25 a year. Theaters seating from 500 to 1,000, ?50 a year. Theaters seating from 1,000 to 1,500 $75 a year. Theaters seating over 1,500, $100 a year. The organization now embraces 468 theaters of a possible total of 550. Officials are looking forward to the largest convention ever held at Saginaw, Oct. 14-15. Will H. Hays has promised to attend. Others expected include Charles C. Pettijohn, several trade paper editors. Governor Groesbeck and Senator Couzens. Four New Pictures In Work Four new pictures are in work at the Paramount Long Island studio. The first to start is "Tongues of Flames", with Joseph Henabery directing, and Thomas Meighan starring. "The Swan", starring Elsie Ferguson, will be placed in production in a few days. Another, now being prepared, is Richard Dix's second starring picture, "Jungle Law". Paul Sloane will direct. The fourth is "Argentine Love", to be made 1w Alan Dwan, starring Bebe Daniels and featuring Ricardo Cortcz. Four Players On Way To N. Y. Four players are eastward bound from Hollywood to New York, to appear in Paramount pictures. Bessie Love and Eileen Percy are slated to appear in Thomas Meighan's new film, "Tongues of Flame"; Adolphe Menjou is to play the prince in "The Swan", and Ricardo Cortez will be seen in "Argentne Love". Start "Those Who Judge" Banner Prod, started work yesterday on "Those Who Judge" at the Whitman Bennett studio. Patsy Ruth Miller,' Lou Tellegen, Mary Thurman, Flora Le Breton, Edmund Breese, Walter Miller. Colt Albertson and Cornelius Keefe are in the cast. Lee Chapman Buys Two (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Cleveland — Lee Chapman, of Se curity Pictures, has purchased for Ohio, "The Lights of London" and "Passion's Pathway", from Lee-Brad ford. Decker Plans Picture Phelps Decker will direct "The Petticoat Skipper," by Elizabeth Musgrave, for the state right market. Production is scheduled to start early in 1925. Stems Coming Home Paris — Julius and Abe Stern, of Century, have left for New York, following a vacation at Carlsbad. Julius Stern has purchased several stories. D'Annunzio With "Ben Hur" Unit Rome — Gabriellino D'Annunzio has been engaged as an assistant to Fred Niblo in the direction of "Ben Hur." Rayart's First Finished "The Street of Tears", the first to be released by Rayart Pictures, has been completed. Vignola's Next, "The Summons' Los Angeles — -"The Summons" be Bob Vignola's next picture Metro-Goldwyn. THE SPATS IN HAL ROACH'S COMEDIE5 (2 reels) "THEY DRAW BUSINESS' Path^comedy Film Rights For Sale "MELLOWING MONEY" A five part serial in Everybody': Magazine GREAT part for youni male star. Everything to make a firs class picture. JAY PACKARD 25 West 43rd Street Vanderbilt 12 Art Title Service Special Photography Trailers — Announcements H. E. R. STUDIOS, Inc. 150 W. 46th St. Bryant 72 SERVICE TO PRODUCERS SCENES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Such as fire, explosion, rough wate wrecks, travel scenes, etc. STONE FILM LIBRAE 220 W. 42nd iSt. N. Y. ( Phone Chic. 2110 Bryant 3740 UlAL 1540 Broadway, N. Y. VHoii;! INSURANCE EXPERTfjPioJ TO THE THEATRICAL Arf MOTION PICTURE INDUS'