The Film Daily (1924)

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THE ia^m DAILY Thursday, September 11, 1924 \\ Vol. XXIX No.61 Thursday, Sept. 11,1924 PrIceSCents Copyright 1924, Wid's Films and Film Folks Inc. Published Daily except Saturday, a 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC Joseph Dannenberg, President and Editor, J. W. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Man ager; Maurice D. Kann, Managing Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Advertising Manager Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of M'arch 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 71-73 West <4th St., New York, N. Y. Phone Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Walter R. Greene, 6411 Hollywood Blvd. 'Phone, Granite 1980. London Representative— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 53a Shaftesbury Ave., London, W. I, Central European Representative — Internationale Filmschau, Prague (Czechoslovakia), Wenzelplatz. Quotations High Low Close 'Sales East. Kod. 10834 1083^ 108.]4 100 F. P.-L 79^ 78 783^ 6,500 do pfd Not quoted Film Ins.... 8^4 73^ 8>4 700 Goldwyti .. 16 15% 15?^ 200 Loew's .... 17 16% 16% 400 Warner's Not quoted PICTURES {Continued from Page 1) and from a production point, this is as pood as you'll ever want one. Cast might have been improved. Yet Warren Kerrigan gives a good performance as the Irish doctor turned pirate. In the roaring days of King James. Needs trimming. Probably will be for general release. This is certain — it's the most ambitious picture Vitagraph has had in a long time. And the best part of this is that the understanding is that Vitagraph may keep to this policy. Of bigger pictures. That will be fine. Cannot get too many big ones. Astor Showing for "Camilla" "The Lover of Camille" will be given a special preview Monday at the Hotel_ Astor. The showing will be held in the morning, followed by a luncheon. GEVAERT RAW STOCK Negative — Positive As Qood As The Best JOHN D. TIPPETT, Inc. GEVAERT FILM 1540 B'way N. Y. O. Golfers, Attention Sign this and forward to any member of the committee : Here is my entry for the Fall Film Golf Tournament to be held Tuesday, Sept. 23, at the Sound View Golf Club, Great Neck, L. I. My check herewith ($10 for players, including lunch, dinner and prizes). My average round is THE COMMITTEE: Felix Feist, Jos. Schenck Prod., 1540 Broadway. G. B. Gallup. Asso. First Nat'l, 383 Madison Ave. Abe Warner, Warner Bros., 1600 Broadway. E. Kendall Gillette, The M. P. News, 729 7th Ave. Danny, The Film Daily, 71 W. 44th St. Westi-Films Expand (Sf'edal to THE FTLM DAILY) London — Westi-Films, Ltd., a British company formed by WestiFilms of Berlin has opened offices in the Edison Bldg., in Wardour St. A. G. Micheles is managing director of the company, organized to buy British pictures for Continental distribution and place its own in this market. Micheles states the company has branches in Paris, Brussels. Warsaw, Riga and Vienna and plans to open up in the Far East and additional European cities. The organization controls Cine-France Films which has engaged Abel Gance to direct his Napoleonic cycle; Mercator Films of Brussels; Victor Michelurri of Vienna; Lux Films of Warsaw; Kerre Films of Riga and another organization operating in Russia. W. Wengeroff and Hugo Stinnes form the partnership. To Paris for Some Scenes (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Fox intends shooting some of the scenes for "Seventh Heaven" in Paris. Won't Build In U. K. (Continued from Page 1) some time with Lord Beaverbook when the latter was in this country recently. The conferences, said Nathanson, did not concern the Famous Players Canadian Corp. Queried about conditions in Canada, Nathanson declared they are "pretty good." Toronto— Net earnings of the Famous Players Canadian Corp., Ltd., for nine months ended May 31, 1924, were $389,134. An additional issue of $500,000 20-year 6^% bonds is being offered on a 6.60% basis. This eliminates outstanding liabilities. The total now outstanding is $980,000, as $20 000 were redeemed by sinking fund this year. Bonds are callable at 105 until 1931. Omaha Musicians Get Raise Omaha — An increase of $2.50 a week has been granted musicians at the Sun, Strand and Rialto. Ranshaw With Film Classics Detroit — George Ranshaw, for the past two years with Educational, has joined Film Classics, succeeding Bill Kent, who resigned to join Selznick. Moreno, Lead for "Connie" Los Angeles — Antonio Moreno will be Constance Talmadge's lead in "Learning to Love." t t u % % % COMING SOON IPRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION! ROMANC£ ^"AL CHRISTIE FEATURE ^_Adapted from the great 'Broadway success WHATS YOUR WIFE DOING? ^Directed by SCOTT SIDNEY Harry Meyerj Wanda Hawley TuUy Marshall Sylvia Breamer Lincoln Phimmcr Jack Duffy Morgan Wallace Mitchell Lewis T.Roy Barnes NOJ SEASON 1924-1925 THIRTY FIRST-RUN PICTURES % i1 ^. CHARLEY CHASE KNOCKING 'EM DEAD" IN HAL ROACH'S 1 REEL =ng-= — IIIIII1 iiiii Millions read of THE WORLD STRUGGLE FOR Oil in the SATURDAY EVENING POST by Isaac F. Marcosson Millions are reading of THE WORID STRUGGLE fOR Oil in the Daily Papers of Every City Millions will be made with THE WORLD STRUGGLE EOR Oil by Exhibitors who book this extraordinary feature from SELZNICK and play it now^ w^hile interest in oi is at fever heat. Illlllilllllll:: A COMPLETE LABORATORY AND TITLE SERVICE The Standard of the Industry 723 7th Ave., N. Y. C. Bryant 5450-1 CORPORATIONS ORGANIZED & FINANCED Capital Raised Through The Sale of Your Stock We Are Licensed Brokers PROGRESSIVE FINANCE CO. 112-118 West 44th St. New York Phone, Bryt. 0231 URATIZ TRADE MARK "'>UR FILM 220 WEST 42^° STREET NEW YORK PHONE CHiCKEPINC , 2937 ALLA^^'A.LOWNcS PRES. .'