The Film Daily (1924)

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THE i^mk DAILV Friday, September 12, 1924 Vol. XXIX -No. 62 Friday, Sept. 12. 1924 PriceSGents Copyright 1924, Wid's Films and Film Folks Inc. Published Daily except Saturday, a 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC Joseph Dannenberg, President and Editor, J. VV. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Man ager; Maurice D. Kann, Managing Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Advertising Manager Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage iree) United States, Outside of Greater New Sfork, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 ronths, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers jhould remit with order. Address all comnunications to THE FILM DAILY, 71-73 (Vest 44th St., New York, N. Y. Phone V'anderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Cable Address: filmday. New York. Hollywood, California —Walter R. Greene, 6411 Hollywood Blvd. Phone, Granite 1980. London Representaive — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, i3a Shaftesbury Ave., London, W. I. Cenral European Representative — Internationale filmschau, Prague (Czecho-Slovakia), Wen«lplatz. Quotations High Low Close 'Sales East. Kod. .109 108% 109 200 F. P.-L. .... 80 78^ 80 7,300 do pfd Not quoted Film Insp Not quoted Loew's 17 17 17 1,100 Warner's Not quoted FUTURES ^.Continued from Page 1) security — and security that had to do with something outside of this business. And today it is not a rare occurrence for banks to loan a million or more. Not only to concerns such as Famous, First National and Metro. But to producers distributing through these machines. The Government is taking a census of this business. Unfortunately it will not include the amount involved in theater construction and improvement. And if the Census Bureau doesn't attempt to get this some day, we'll have to take up the 'ask. Glendale Lease Expires C. C. Burr's lease on the Glendale studio, has expired. The company's lext, "the Early Bird," with Johnny l-Iines, will be made at the Jackson >lant. Sigrid Holmquist has been mgaged for the feminine lead. Others n the cast include Wyndham Standing, Edmund Breese, Maude Turner Gordon and Bradley Barker. New York Chicago HoUjwood Rothacker Laboratories WILUAM S. GILL, Eastern Sale* Mgr. 542 Fifth Atc. TeL Murray HiU 1831 Duplex Buys Long Island Property Abraham Saffir and Roman-Callman Co., have sold for the Resource Holding Co., to the Duplex M. P. Industries, Inc., the plant at the northeast corner of Harris Ave. and Sherman St., Long Island City, containing 50,000 square feet, together with 20,000 square feet of vacant land adjoining. Wilkerson Back; Closes Many Deals William ("Billy") Wilkerson, of East Coast Films, is back from a sales trip through the Middle West, on behalf of the new Johnny Hines series. He closed with Ludwig Film, of Milwaukee, for Wisconsin, and to Trio Prod., Washington, for the District. Utica Musicians Accept Compromise (Special to THE FILM DAILY) U/tica, N. Y. — An agreement has been reached between niusicians and managers, with the former accepting a compromise, amounting to an increase of $2 a week. They asked for $5. Collier Not In "The Lady" Hollywood — Buster Collier, wiio was engaged for a part in "The Lady." Norma Talmadge's next, is unable to be released from his contract with the Warners, and George Hackathorne has been substituted. Conklin Signs Tom Moore Hollywood — F. G. Conklin has signed Tom Moore for the lead in "The Greatest Thing," a Lewis Moonaw production. Release through Associated Exhibitors. Johnson Held Up A Day E. Bruce Johnson of First National is aboard the Aquitania which will not dock until this morning. It was expected in yesterday. A. George Smith Here A. George Smith, formerly of Goldwyn, Ltd., (British) is at the Astor. Here for about three weeks. Buffalo Exhibitors Meet Buffalo — The Buffalo zone of the New York M. P. T. O. met Wednesday at the Hotel Statler. Dissolution papers have been granted Gordon-Biddle Prod., of New York. Charges An Infringement J. A. LeRoy, inventor and owner of U. S. Patent No. 864,314 on a framing device for projectors, has issued warning of an alleged infringement on the part of the DeVry Corp., and claims a suit has been brought against the latter in the U. S. Federal Court in Chicago and in New York. Not Authorized in Alabama (.Special to THE FILM DAILY) Montgomery, Ala. — Frank Julian, state superintendent of insurance, has issued warning to all theater owners that the Theater Inter-Insurers Exchange, of Philadelphia, is without authority to furnish insurance in this state. Brill Buys MUes-Royal (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Akron, O. — Charles Brill, who controls the Empress, Norka and Rialto, has added the Miles-Royal to his possessions. This is a 1,500 seat house in the suburbs, and formerly belonged to Charles Miles. Start on "White Man" Hollywood — B. P. Schulberg has started production on "White Man." A few days will be spent in filming interiors, following which the company will go on location for several weeks. Unity Prod. Busy Hollywood — Unity Prod, is busy working on "The Salvation Hunters", which Josef Swickard is directing, and in which George K. Arthur and Georgia Hale are featured. George Jeffrey Shifted (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Toronto — George Jeffrey has been transferred to Buffalo, as special representative for Universal. Lesser Leaves Los Angeles — Irving M. Lesser has left for New York. 120 NOVELTY REELS First Run Specialties 1924-25 1600 B'way. N. Y. C. COMING SOON ^^^^^S^ REGAL PICTURES, INC PRESENTS JACQUEMME 1L0GAM %Housey^fouffi" ssssz JACQUELINE LOGAN ~FROM THE NOVEL BY MAUDE RADFORD V^ARIiEH ADAPTED BY C GARDNER SULLIVAN DIRECTED BY RALPH INC£ SEASON 1924-1925 THIRTY FIRST-RUN PICTURES J Reorganizing (Continued from Page 1) Sept. 3, this year was $928,184.06 The reduction of exhibitors' advance payments of Aug. 30, this year totaled $311,285.53, thus making a total in debt reduction of $1,239,469.59. The decrease in advances made by exhibitors was made in service, i. e., in pictures supplied without charge. Hepworth Shorts to Red Seal Cranfield and Clarke have closed a deal v.'ith Red Seal Pictures to distribute a number of Hepworth short subjects in United States. ARTHUR STONE HEADED FOR FAME IN HAL ROACH'S 2 REEL Pafh^comedy POWERS FILM Survives the long run. Distributed exclusively by SENSITIZED FILMS, Inc. A. G. STEEN, Prrsidmt Phone 1650 Broadway Circle 8981 N. Y. C. '^jhe. Oscar C. Buchheister Co. ART TITLES 245 W. 55 th St. New York. Citv^ ^Circle 6240-1 ^ Specify GOEEZ Raw Stock for QUALITY Sole Distributors: FISH-SCHURMAN CORP. 45 West 45th Street N. Y. Bryant 7243 ANYTHING PHOTOGRAPHED For Motion Pictures Trick and Title Photography Our Specialty MAX LASKY Tel. Circle 5S72 1650 B'way, N. Y. C. [vans Laboratories, Inc Developing — Printing — Titles 1476 — Broadway Telephones Bryant 9330-9331 Hi!' ItOl «ii