The Film Daily (1924)

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Friday, September 12, 1924 $686,892 In Profits (Continued from Page 1) nated federal taxes, $98,127, net profit ;'i86,892. Profit and loss surplus Jay 17, 1924, was $1,651,338. The consolidated balance sheet ollows: Assets: Cash, $1,300,432; notes nd accounts receivable, $1,548,628; nventories $6,038,904; advances $2,22,380; investments in affiliated cororations $1,610,762; miscellaneous ivestments $112,630; land, buildings, quipment and leasehold, less dereciation $1,716,952; deferred charges 130,808; goodwill $1,930,693; total 17,212,189. Liabilities: Accounts payable $1,33,039; liotes payable $531,500; taxes 8.720; collateral notes outstanding 786,704; first mortgage (studio) 150 000; cash advances Loew's, Inc.. ' 367,712; deposits and advance ren, etc., $814,398; Federal tax reive $98,127; preferred stock (184,''"> shares at $27) $4,970,656; comn stock (represented by 620,000 ures par $5) $3,100,000; surplus 1.651,333; total $17,212,189. Many Lee-Bradford Sales The following sales are reported by ,ee-Bradford: "Lure of the Yukon" and "Slaves of Scan iV, to First Graphic, of Buffalo. "Lure t the Yukon" and "Venus of the South leas", to Greater Features, of Seattle. "Lure (: the Yukon" to Art Film, of Baltimore. jSIaves of Scandal", to E. & H. Dist. Corp., )i Atlanta, and also to Capitol Film of oston, and Strand Features, of Detroit. reater N. Y. and No. New Jersey rights to Slaves of Scandal", "For Woman's Favor", id "Passion's Pathway', to Capital Film, ■ New York. Moos Returns From Europe Hollywood — Sigmund Moos, head the Universal leasing dejJartment, |as returned from a trip to Europe, ring which he visited France, Gerany, Switzerland and other counies. Moos reports conditions somehat improved, financially and comercially. Adopts New Booking Plan Independent Pictures h&s adopted new booking plan. The policy proides the selling of only one exchange L each territory and giving that exlange the sole right of distribution. : is claimed this will improve service id simplify booking. McDonald Unit to Mt. Rainer Hollywood — -The company making Frivolous Sal," J. K. McDonald's ext, has left for Rainer National ar"k, in Washington, to film exterirs. Victor Schertzinger is directing. Theater In Boston C. of C. (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Boston — The Chamber of Comlerce is installing a theater in the uilding, for stereopticon and moving ictures. Arkansas House Bums (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Reyno, Ark. — Fire completely deToyed the Pastime recently. The ouse is not expected to be rebuilt. Baxter To Continue With Ince Hollywood — Warner Baxter will retain with Thos. H. Ince, despite reDrts to the contrary. Compson in "Locked Doors" Hollywood — Betty Compson, Theodore Voneltz, Robert Edeson, Theodore Roberts, a.nd Kathlyn Williams will be the principal players in the production "Locked Doors" on which William de Mille will begin work in a week. Wallace Beery wid appear in "The River Boat." Bessie Love and Eileen Percy, Thomas Meighan's two leading women have arrived at the Paramount studio to start work in "Tongues of Flame." Ludwig in Los Angeles (.Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Samuel Ludwig, president of Adventure Prod., of Minneapolis, is here for a brief stay. He has just purchased the entire output of Sunset. Prod., consisting of eight Jack Hoxies, six Kenneth McDonalds and eight J. B. Warner features. Ludwig has also bought all of the Independent Pictures' output. Tivoli, Toronto, Reopens (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Toronto — Will J. Stewart has been appointed manager of the Tivoli, which he has re-opened on a popular price basis. Rosen Completes "This Woman" Hollywood — Phli Rosen has finished production on "This Woman," his third for the Warners. Irene Rich heads the cast. Deals On Arrow Product Greater Features, of Seattle, has bought from Arrow, "Gambling Wives", the 26 "Great Westerns", 4 "Pinto Petes" and "The Mysteries of Mah Jong" series, for Wash., Ore., Idaho, Mont., Colo., Utah, Wyo., New^^Mex. and Alaska. The "Pinto Pete" series has been bought by progress of St. Louis, for Eastern Missouri and So. Illinois. The novelty reel, "Featurette" and "The Mysteries of Mah Jong", have been purchased by Peerless Film, of San Francisco, for Calif., Ariz., Nevada and the Hawaiian Islands. Michigan Theater Owner Arrested (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Yale, Mich.— The Sunday question, it is expected, will be settled in this town once and for all, when the trial of Harry Holbroth and Robert Braidwood, owner and manager, respectively, of the Holbroth theater, who were arrested for violating the "blue law" ordinance, comes before Justice Merrille. Casting "A Lost Lady" Hollywood — Casting on "A Lost Lady" has been started at the Warner studio. So far, Irene Rich, Victor Potel and George Fawcett, have been assigned parts. Lehr Arrives on the Coast Hollywood — Abraham Lehr has arrived from New York and has taken up his duties as general manager for Sam Goldw\'n. Guts And Flashes Movette, Inc., of Rochester, has decreased its capital stock from 15,000 shares common stock, at $100 each, to 10,000 shares common stock, no par value. Ferdinand H. Adams has formed Phoenix Pictures Co., to distribute four reissues on the state rights market. In addition to their three regular units, Independent has launched a fourth, which will produce a new series of eight Westerns. Casting has been completed and production started on the third Banner Prod. Burton King is directing The Pontiac Theater Corp., of Saranac Lake, has increased its capital from $40,000 to $120,000. Screen Artists Prod, in Trouble (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Warrants have been issued for the arrest of several officials of the Screen Artists' Prod. Co., a school located in the Cosmos Arts Studio Bldg., on Beverly Blvd. A. L. Phillips, husband of Clara Phillips; U. M. Dailey, president, Mrs. Ethel Jones, secretary and treasurer, and Otto Kypcr, vice-president, are all charged with obtaining money under false pretenses. Del Lord has finished his first under his new Sennett contract. HARRY CAREY IN "ROARING RAILS" ACCLAIMED SUPER-PRODUCTION AT PRE-VIEW, ROOSEVELT THEATRE, LOS ANGELES Paul C. Mooney, Vice President, Sept. 9, 1924 Producers Distributing Corporation, 469— 5th Ave., New York " 'ROARING RAILS' given biggest ovation of any preview in Roosevelt Theatre this season. Hunt Stromberg stormed by audience leaving theatre. Picture has unhmited action. Continuity flawless. Finish well covered up to very climax making suspense intense. Frankie Darro absolutely the wonder child to date and took audience off their feet. 'ROARING RAILS' should give HARRY CAREY entry to highest class houses throughout entire country." J. S. Stout NOW BOOKING Released by PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION Foreign Distributor: Wm. Vogel Distributing Corp. SEASON 1924-1925 -THIRTY FIRST-RUN PICTURES