The Film Daily (1924)

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0 ■ btii: , 'o: on ,r:o(n):); ioJiqsD .j-.q Siilp^iStM »^rodiiC(^' m'm^ ^K?^ ^i^^^es from the xontfkct between Warner Broil^g^ distri Sr^ tutors which Sjpecifically provides that Warner PicS''i"S^i#es.-a^e ■.ta.?lbi0;'^soid,:;3i^tjaraf^^ of all other proQUct. --^ ^^: S^ilesmen selling Warner Pictures are warned ^;iy ^Lg^iistj^lie ?i^Iatkm of any of these provisions, all of ^ ^ ^hirfi Will fey Hgid^ enforced. y Exhibitors are requested to report direct to Warner Bros., 1 600 Broadway^ N. Y., any attempt on the part ? of atty salesman or any Exchange to force the sale of other pictures along with the product of Warner Bros. r.O. ' (X.) * * it IS expressly agreed mat if the distributor is distributing certain motion pictures npt produced by Warner Brothers, then the distribution of motion pictures produced by Warner Brothers shall be segregated from all other business conducted: by tfie JQisi^ributpr, ?'JV)i;f 'jSj.i? '-.j.^j si.-i DSfiaoo ""(XJ-E!:) * * Ti^ the bocjking and renting of said motion pictures to exhibitors shall be solicited by salesmen who are employed to handle and exploit the .motion pictttr^ prP" duced by Warner Brothers, alone. , i.-ra^n -r jqip^n (XX. )2dt;i^ expressly understood and agreed that in the event of the violation of any of the conditions set forth in this agreement, this Agreement shall forthwith terminate at the op tion of the Producer (Warner Bros.) i xwf bib .bsabtr: sI noho:n leji; ..ii Jea^onl974-?5 Rin-Tin-Tin in ''Find Your Man" "The Lover of Camille" {"Dehurau") "The Age of innocence" "Mecompense" (Sequel to '^Simon Called feter") 'f The Dark Swan" "The Eleventh Virgin" "A Lost Lady" "Eve's Lover" "This Woman" "The Narrow Street^' "The Dear Pretender^' Rin-Tin-Tin in "The Lighthouse by the Sea" Ernst Lttbitsch's "Three Wonwn" "How Baxter Suited Ih" "My Wife and l" "Broadway Butterfly" . "The Bridge of Sighs" Secofid Ernst Lubitsch Production Rih TTwTin Production •The Man Without a Conscience" (*.