The Film Daily (1924)

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THE I s^E^ DAILY Sunday, September 14, 1924 [XIX No. 63 Sunday, Sept. 14,1924 Price 25 Cents irright 1924, Wid's Films and Film Folks Published Daily except Saturday, a 3 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., by yS FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC ph Dannenberg, President and Editor, V. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Man Maurice D. Kann, Managing Editor aid M. Mersereau, Advertising Manager ;red as second-class matter May 21, 1918 he post office at New York, N. Y., under act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage ) United States, Outside of Greater New k, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 iths, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers uld remit with order. Address all comlications to THE FILM DAILY, 71-73 St 44th St., New York, N. Y. Phone iderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Cable Address: nday. New York. Hollywood, California Valter R. Greene, 6411 Hollywood Blvd. one. Granite 1980. London Representa—Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, Shaftesbury Ave., London, W. I. CenEuropean Representative — Internationale nschau, Prague (Czecho-Slovakia), Wenilatz. Theaters Ordered Sold By Court (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Montgomery, Ala. — Because of a agreement in the partnership of uis Rosenbaum and Isaac Kreisn, the court has ordered a dissolun of the partnership, and sale of properties of the firm, including ; Princess and the Majestic in Floice, the Palace and Lyric, Sheffield, i the Strand at Tuscumbia. The incess and Strand are legitimate uses, the others having a picture icv. The sale is set for Sept. 22 New Deal for "Merchant" i\ representative of Sig Schlager s sailed for England to take up th Peter Paul Fellner and Max ;inhardt a new agreement for the esentation in this country of "The erchant of Venice." Schlager has quired the rights of Luxor in this bduction. 220 West 42nd St. New York, Chick. 4052 Cables— Geokann, N. Y. Foreign Distribution The Week's Headlines Monday Selznick distributing for state right producers in many territories. Henry King seeks referee to hear testimony in litigation with Inspiration. National Theaters Corp. of California acquires twelve theaters in move to develop large chain. Tuesday Warners to build chain of first-run theaters to insure adequate representation. Ten n'.illions for construction. R. A. Rowland returns from Coast optimistic over First National production plans. Micliigan M. P. T. O. cuts dues fifty per cent. Bi;^ convention for Saginaw. TJnivers;'.l dickering for services of Max Binder. Ji.e Brandt says Independents need even liri::iK fuirn exhibitors t.o help them got by. Wednesday Cleveland territory divided into 49 sales zones. New rules cover first-run bookings there. Warners have already picked many sites for theaters. Million dollar house under consideration for New York City. Famous Players Canadian Corp. buys six theaters in Montreal. Associated Advertising Clubs warn against operations of Paragon Pictures, Los Angeles. Company reissuing Blackton features. James R. Grainger, Metro-Goldwyn sales head, enthusiastic over outlook. U. F. A. of Berlin opens offices here. Plans to enter American market in definite way. Thursday First National annual meeting to be held in Atlantic City next month. N. L. Nathanson denies F. P. Canadian Corp., will build theaters in England. A. S. Kane to represent Associated Exhibitors on Coast and John S. Woody here. Pathe to handle sales in small towns, W. A. StefFes, here from Minneapolis, predicts Northwest amusement boom. Conditions best in five years, he says. Jury-Metro-Goldwyn, Ltd., formed in England with capital of £200,000. Friday Selznick going through financial reorganization. $1,239,469 in debts paid off up to Sept. of this year. Metro-Goldwyn profits from Sept 1923 to May, 1924 total $686,892. New preferred stock admitted on Stock Exchange. John Jasper, here from Hollywood, may close deal for disposal of Hollywood Studios. October designated as "Eschmann Month" by First National. Cash prizes of $8,000 for winning exchanges. Saturday Decision in the Federal Trade Commission's action against Famous will probably not be made before 1925. British censors not expected to lift ban on "America." Picture deemed unsuitable for England. When you think of INSURANCE you are thinking of S T E B B IN S Specialists in Motion Picture and Theatrical insurance for the past fifteen years. Arthur W. Stebbins & Co., Inc. 1540 Broadway, N. Y. C. Bryant 3040 Completes Script For Peters' Next Hollywood — The continuity for House Peters' next production, "Raffles," has just been finished by Harvey Thcw. King Baggot will direct. Shorts in Canada An interesting discussion of short subject distribution in Canada written by Ray Lewis, editor of the Canadian Moving Picture Digest and scheduled to appear in this issue will be published in an early edition. More Novelty Reels Red Seal Adds Fleischer-Novagraph Series to Other Releases for 1924-1925 In announcing the 1924-1925 program of novelty reels to be produced or distributed by Red Seal Pictures, Edwin Miles Fadman, president, states that he has completed arrangements for a series embodying the new Fleischer-Novagraph process perfected by Max Fleischer of Out-of-theInkwell fame. The first of this series, which will be called "Marvels of Motion," was done with the cooperation of the Novagraph Co. of America and according to present arrangements the series will consist of from six to thirteen novelties during the year. Red Seal is confining its activities to novelty reels alone of which there will be a total of 120 to 150 during 1924-1925. Vitagraph's Souvenirs Vitagraph is issuing two useful souvenirs in connection with the showing of "Captain Blood." One is an ash tray that is most convenient for desk use and shows a figure of the famous pirate Captain and the other is a pocket follow up which contains blanks for notes, expenses, etc., and also a series of excellent photographic stills of some of the more important scenes of the production. It is bound within an attractive red cover. The leaves are replaceable. COSTUMED FOR HIRE New York's Newe»t »nJ Foremo»t Coatume Rental Organizition BROOKS |4»3 W<*0'!iaS"'. N.V. C. COMING SOON I % % u v.', PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION ROMANCE ^"AL CHRISTIE FEATURE Q_J.dapted from the great 'Broadway success WHATS YOUR WIFE DOING? % t % i b1 SEASON 1924-1925 THIRTY FIRST-RUN PICTURES 'Directed by SCOTT SIDNEY Harry Myers Wanda Havdey Tully Marshall Sylvia Breamer Lincoln Phimcr Jack Duffy Morgan Wallace Mitchell Lewis T.Roy Barnes L^ Pathe News Sees All Xgn Knows All No. 75 AMERICANS WIN FIRST ROUNDS IN DAVIS CUP — Tilden and Richards win against Australian opponents at Germantown. WORLD FLIERS REACH WASHINGTON— Army aviators arrive in nation's capitol and are welcomed by the President and Sec'y of War Weeks. GEN. PERSHING RETIRES— High Ughts of the career of America's war general as he retires from active service at the age of 64. Other news as usual. tod Be sure to have some color in your pictures. There IS a growing demand for Colored Titles, Inserts and Trailers Prizma, Incorporated 3191 Blvd.. Jersey City, N. J. Montgomery 4211 A "HISTORIET" is to Moving Pictures what a Short Story is to Literature "See it in Colors" REEL-COLORS, Inc. (Art {Studios and Offices) 85 Riverside Drive, New York We are in the market for SHORT SUBJECTS For the territory of New York State & No. New Jersey SERVICE FILM CORP. 729-7th Ave. N. Y. City BwanI 357/ GEVAERT RAW STOCK Negative — Positive As Qood As The'Best JOHN D. TIPPETT, Inc. GEVAERT FILM 1540 B'way N. Y. C.