The Film Daily (1924)

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jfJIg 26>BRAKTREET of FILHDOM r^RKOCMIZEl Authority Vol. XXIX No. 65 Tuesday, September 16, 1924 Price 5 Cents KINDNESS By DANNY As exemplified by John Kun sky. Of Detroit. John says the chief reason he is building his fifth house in Detroit. Is to provide an outlet for producers. Whose product cannot be absorbed in the other Kunsky houses. Up to the hour of going to press no one has heard of producers. Or distributors. Weeping copious tears. Of joy. Talking of John recalls the situation in Detroit. Relative to which there has been considerable talk. Of Sammy Katz going down there to put up a house. And run it as they do the Chicago. If he does, there may be some tall doings. Incidentally would not be surprised if this happens to be a topic oi much interest. When the First National meeting rolls around. Next month. There has always been a sort of "gentlemen's agreement" that no First National franchiser — the originals — would enter the community. Where another franchiser was operating. This Katz move — if it develops — might therefore, easily stir up something. The West Coast Theaters have their own house organ. Considering all the managers they have, they need one. Probably saves money at that. In postage. By getting the message over in bulk. First two issues at hand. Look good. "Contact" The First National house organ. Devoted this month to "Eschmann Month". Mighty good job of work. With a lot of stuff to "pep" up the sales force. Incidentally a five verse jingle; the opening of which reads: The reason why we plan this drive, For glory and for boodle. Is just to stand our genial boss Upon his classic noodle. Sort of getting fresh with the boss. Reports from the Coast. Indicate that there is less "wildea(" production in sight than for years. That's mighty good news. Most of this "wildcat" stuff only hurts the business. The productions get nowhere; the bonus boys take the only profit in the idea and the business gets a bad name. Just as well if studios forgot to rent space to these boys. They're bad — mighty bad-— as a rule. $245,670 Deficit Detroit M. P. Corp. in Financial Straits— Stockholders Hold Indignation Meeting (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Detroit— Receivership faces the Detroit M. P. Corp., unless stockholders, many of them socially prominent will raise $16,000 to take care of persistent creditors. Frank L. Talbot, formerly of the Buffalo M. P. Corp, has resigned as president and director. It was Talbot who promoted production of "Mary," the one picture turned out by the company. Stella Day was starred and Kenneth Harlan, featured in her support. Miss Day is Talbot's wife. At the annual meeting, there were about 400 stockholders present. How(Continued on Page 2) Pathe Lists Detective Series Pathe announces the release of a new series" jf four two-reelers, based on detective stories written by Ross D. Whytock. William Presley Burt directed the series. Nellie Burt is featured, supported by Leslie Austin. The first will be released Oct. 26. Another For West Coast (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Sacramento, Cal. — The Senator theater, the newest of the West Coast chain, will open Sept. 29. Governor Richardson, all of the West Coast officials and a number of celebrities will attend the opening. Challenge When Billy Brandt entered his quartet of exhibitor golfers for the Fall tournament (next Tuesday at Sound View) he included Louis F. Blumenthal, Hy Gainsboro, Bernard Edelhertz and himself, and added: "Bring on your producers and distributors. We can 'lick them all.' " "D. W." Won't Talk Declines to Be Interviewed by Boston Newspaper Men — Here This Morning (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Boston — D. W. Griffith and twelve of the company who appeared in "The Dawn" arrived here yesterday on the Scythia, en route to New York. Griffith declined to talk to newspaper men who sought interviews with him. In the party were Carol Dempster, Neil Hamilton, Frank Puglia, Frank P. Diem, William J. Banetel and Mrs. Alma Grey. Garson and Miss Young Solit (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Harry Garson and Clara Kimball Young have ended their business relations. It is reported the division of property held jointly in the Garson studio caused the break. The Scythia, a Cunarder is due in from Boston some time this morning. It is believed that Griffith will have very much work to do here on "The Dawn". He found practically everything he wanted in the way of artists and settings in Gorniany. While it was recently stated that no decision had been made concerning D. W.'s first picture for Famous, it is understood that it will be "The Sorrows of Satan". Seeks Protection John Kunsky Explains Why He Is Developing Booking Plan for Detroit (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Detroit — The first official statement emanating from tlie Kunsky offices concerning the proposed booking plan of that organization appears in the form of a paid advertisement in the Michigan Film Review. In it, Kunsky declares his sole purpose "is to afford them (exhibitors) and myself the protection that accrues through a plan of this nature and to prevent overseating in Detroit." He states in the opening paragraph that exhibitors should be told sometliing about the plan because there has been so much "malicious propaganda circulated with regard to it." (Continued on Page 2) Levine Opens Exchange Ben Levine, who resigned from Fox last week has organized the Oxford P^xchange, offlc. in tin Godfrey Bldg. His first series will be the "Flying Fist" two reelers which are being stated righted by Ginsberg and Wilk. Levine is well known locally. Parker To Direct "Doug" (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Albert Parker is here from the East to direct Douglas Fairbanks in his next picture, according to report. Parker directed "The Knickerbocker Buckaroo," a Fairbanks release in 1919. I Flint Expected Motley H. Flint is due in from the Coast today or tomorrow. Harry M. Warner arrives next week when conferences relative to the Warner theater plans will be held. "Death Ray" Film to Pathe The "death rav" two-rceler produced by H. Crindcll Matthews and R. K. Bartlett will be distributed by Pathe. Lasky in Monday Jesse L. Lasky is expected from the Coast on Monday. Carlos Here Abe Carlos, Truart, arrived yesterday from the Coast. Goldburg Plans Theater A separate company has been form cd by Jesse J. Goldburg of Indepen dent Pictures for the purpose of building a theater on Sunset Blvd, Hollvwood. The structure is to cost $200,000 with an auditorium seating 900 and a roof garden, seating 600. The plans have already been drawn up and await the approval of the building authorities. Banks Going Abroad Monty Banks sails in a few days for Italy where he will visit his i mother. He may stop in London be ' fore returning, in about a month, and discuss the possibility of making a feature abroad. Goldwyn Not Going To Europe Hollywood — Samuel Goldwyn has abandoned his plan for a trip to Europe. He has left for New York where he will remain several weeks, attending the premieres of "Tarnish" and "Potash and Perlmutter In HolIvwood." May McAvoy Here May Mc.\voy has arrived in town from the Coast. Stoppincr at the Algonquin. She leaves on Sattirday for Rome to join the "Ben Hur" outfit. Mayer In East Stops Off in Washington, En Route to New York and Rome — Talks of Production Washington — Louis B. Mayer was here yesterday, enroute from Los Angeles to New York. He sails shortly for Europe on a vacation. Speaking of production, Mayer said Metro-Goldwyn had twentyfour pictures ready for release. This takes care of the schedule as far ahead as November. He said the Culver City studios will be busy to capacity for many months to come and predicted great things of "He Who Gets Slapped" which Victor Sea Strom directed and in which Lon Chancy has the principal role. Mayer's stay abroad will be indefinite.