The Film Daily (1924)

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THE Thursday, September 18, 1924 Vol. XXIX No.67 Thursday, Sept. 18, 1924 PriceSCents Copyright 1924, Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc., Published Daily except Saturday, at 71-73 West 44th St.. New York. N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. Joseph Dannenberg, President and Editor; J. W. Alieoate, Treasurer and Business Manager ; Maurice D. Kann, Managing Editor ; Donald M. Mersereau, Advertising Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918 at the post office at New York, N. Y., under tlie act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Phone Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Walter R. Greene, 6411 Hollywood Blvd. 'Phone. Granite 1980. London Representative — Ernest W. Fredman, Tlie Film Renter, S3a Shaftesbury Ave., London, W. I. Central European Representative — Internationale Filmschau, Prague (Czechoslovakia), Wenzelplatz. Quotations High Low Close Sales East. Kod. 110 110 110 300 F. P.-L... .. 80^ 78.K 80 5,800 do pfd.... 961^ 961/^ 96>^ 100 Film Insp Not quoted Loew's 16|^ 16|^ 16^^ 100 Metro-Gold. 15% 15% 15% 100 Warner's Not quoted Allied Meets Sept. 22 (Continued from Page 1) Steffes, of Minneapolis: Ralph Talbot, Oklahoma; H. A. Cole, Texas; J. R. Denniston, Michigan; W. A. Steffes, Minnesota; H. B. Varner, North Carolina; Charles Nathan, Illinois; F. G. Heller, Indiana; H. M. Richey, Detroit. The Kansas unit is certain to discuss the non-theatrical situation and problems arising out of carnival and tent shows. Beachem in Town F. A. Beachem, First National manager in Atlanta is in New York on a visit. "A Thief in Paradise" George Fitzmaurice's new picture is "A Thief in Paradise", based on "The Worldlings" by Leonard Merrick. It is now in production with Ronald Colman, heading the cast. GEVAERT RAW STOCK Negative — Positive As Good AsYrhe Best JOHN D. TIPPETT, Inc. GEVAERT HLM 1540 B'way N. Y. C. Europe Improving (Continued from Page 1) favorably with houses here, not with the Capitol, New York or the Chicago theater, Chicago, but with the Strand. Rialto or Rivoli. The consensus of opinion seems to be in exhibiting circles that the new season will be a highly successful one from the box-office angle. England has just completed a summer drive for business, such as has been going on in this country. The weather during the summer was favorable. The trouble has been that many Americans, arriving in England confine their probing to London and fail to get out into the other cities. Germany A feeling of optimism prevails in Germany. This, from the exhibiting angle. Much is heard about the "contingent." Exhibitors and distributors want the "contingent"' either removed or made more elastic, but producers favor its continuance. This is natural, because it affords them the only measure of protection they can get against a flooding of the German market with inferior pictures. At the same time the profiteering system that has developed as a result of the "contingent" is flagrant. An organized trade along these lines has sprung up there. Theater construction suffers severe handicaps. The Government is trying to sponsor essential industries and has therefore decided that for every theater built, there must also be an apartment or dwelling erected. The handicap can be realized. Aside from that, the taxation situation is bad. In Germany, Federal taxes approximate fift}' per cent of the gross receipts. France Confiscatory taxes in France total almost fifty per cent. This condition has brought about a dearth in theater construction. Paris alone needs many more first-class theaters than it boasts, and yet little is being done along these lines. As a matter of fact, the taxation problem, a direct post-war result, is hampering the development of the exhibiting end of the business in Europe. A retarding effect on inter-related branches is, of course, felt as a result. Norway Norwegian communes have been so active of late that as a result, there remain only about half dozen theaters in Norway that are operated by individuals. The remainder has passed out of private control into the hands of community government. The privately operated houses are in Christiania. Matters have reached the point where First National and other important distributors are considering ho}cotting Norway until a more equitable situation develops. Denmark The licensing system prevalent in Denmark is holding back theater construction. Here, as a reward for meritorious service to the State, individuals are granted a license to erect a theater. The difficult} exists in not only securing the license but in securing finances to carry through the projects. Czecho Slovakia Governmental taxation totals about twenty-two per cent of gross receipts. With a handicap such as this, theater construction is held up. New Johnson Film Opens Sunday "Life's Greatest Game," Emory Johnson's newest picture, opens for an indefinite run at the Cameo Sundav. It deals with big league baseball. Louis Bache Here Louis Bache, district manager for First National in Canada, is in New York on business. Edwin Carewe Coming East Edwin Carewe will arrive here in a few days from the Coast. He has with him a print of "Madonna of the Streets." Henabery To Direct (Continued from Page 1) S. R. Kent said there was nothing to the report insofar as distribution was concerned and added Henabery's contract with Famous had run out a short time ago. The picture will be made on the Coast. Harry Fishbeck who photographed "Monsieur Beaucaire" will hjiiule the camera work and William Cameron Menzies, who designed sets fir "The Tn':-[ of I.;.gc'icd." the art vvork. The script is being written t/ June Ma^lii^.. Jess has signed Gustav von Seyffertitz and "Snitz" Edwards as members of the cast. COMING SOON ^K^^ESSSSSSKKJ^sd^ PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION I '^"AL CHRISTIE FEATURE Q_^dapted from the great Broadway success WHATS YOUR WIFE DOING? ^fruLLV Marshall rN°l f^ SEASON 1924-J92S THIRTY FIRST-RUN PICTURES directed by SCOTT SIDNEY Harry Myers Wanda Havdey Tully Marshall Sylvia Breamer Lincoln PIu mer Jack Duffy Morgan Wallace Mitchell Lewis T.Roy Barnes a CHARLEY CHASE KNOCKING "EM DEAD" IN HAL ROACH'S 1 REEL Pafli^comedy Millions read of THE WORLD STRUGGLE rOR OIL in the SATURDAY EVENING POST hy Isaac F. Marcosson Millions are reading of THE WORLD STRUGGLE fOR OIL in the Daily Papers of Every City Millions will be made with THE WORLD STRUGGLE TOR OIL by Exhibitors who book this extraordinary feature from SELZNICK and play it now while interest in oil is at fever heat. Illlllllllllililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllll^^ A COMPLETE LABORATORY AND TITLE SERVICE The Standard of the Industry 723 7th Ave., N.Y.C. Bryant 5450-1 CORPORATIONS ORGANIZED & FINANCED Capital Raised Through The Sale of Your Stock We Are Licensed Brokers PROGRESSIVE FINANCE CO. 112-118 West 44th St. New York Phone, Bryt. 0231 URATJZ YOUR FILM 220 WEST 42^° STREET NEW YORK tori PHONE CHICKEPINC , 2037 allan''a.lownes PRES. I'