The Film Daily (1924)

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Make Your Advertising Build A "Fifty -Two Week Patronage Your newspaper space will make for permanent success only when you use it to tell about the many attractions of your theatre and about ALL YOUR ENTERTAINMENT. From the Fall newspaper Announcement of the PRINCESSPARAMOUNT THEATRE, Toledo: Consistency in good features and comedies has always been a main factor in our programs and in our success. Ours is a "fifty-two w^eek" patronage rather than the "one week" kind, and after all it is this patronage which shapes our future policy. Practically the entire superspecial output of Paramount Pictures will fill our screen. Each program will be enhanced by one of our popular comedies. The latter are nearly the entire output of Educational Comedies, MERMAID, CHRISTIE and LLOYD HAMILTON SPECIALS, which we believe are the best the market affords. You Will Always Find a Program of the Highest Standard at the PRINCESS PARAMOUNT THEATRE Congratulations, Mr. A. C. Brailey. You have extended your Good Showmanship into your advertising. You not only make your Show entertain All Your Patrons, but also make your advertising talks appeal to All. "THE SPICE OF THE PROGRAM' EDUCATIONAL FILM EXCHANGES. Inc. President \ 7