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With Mae Buich, Pat O'Mal' ley^HobartBoiworth, Myrtle Stedman, Directed by Victor SchcrtzittgeF.
"Af delightful a play as you will mttt in a month o/ pic ture^oing."— Daily News. Netv York.
MARSHALL NEILAN'S production. With Blanche Sweet7 Conrad Nagel, Stuart Holmei, George Fawcett. By Thomaa Hardy.
" 'Tess of the O'Urbervittet it one of (he best pictures I have ever seen."— Washington Daily tiews.
REGINALD BARKER'S production. With Norma Shearer, James Kirkwood, AdoIpheMenjou.MaeBusch, Robert Frazer, George Fawcett. I From Meredith Nicholson's story.
Prime entertainment, action, love, interest, comedy." -N. Y. Pose.
JACKIE COOGAN in an original story by Willard Mack. Produced under the personal supervision of Jack Coogan, Sr.
"A box-office winner. One pf Jackie's best pictures."— M. P. World.
"MaUe it a point to take the children to see "Little Robinson Crusoe."— N. Y. AmeUcan.
From Mabel Wagnall's novel "The Rosebush of A Thousand Years" Adapted and directed by George D.Baker. With Viola Dana, Monte Blue, Le|v Cody, Marjone Daw, Edward Connelly.
"One of the most effective and thrilling romances we have ever seen." — Providence Eve. Tribvne.
Pictures iThat Make Good
I 1 I
and pictures that ar^ making good money for exhibitors every single day. We guarantee thk audience (value of every om of these \ pictures
HOBART HENLEY'S production. With Eleanor Boardman.AdolpheMenjou, Conrad Nagel, Edward Connelly. Adapted by Carey Wilson.
Brightand brilliantcomedy. Unusually good picture."— Cleveland Plain Dealer.
REX INGRAM'S production of Edgar Sclwyn's famous stage play. With Ramon Novarro and Alice Terry.
"Most absorbing production in many months. Irresistibly thrilling. Distractingly beauli/Ml."-N. Y. World.
FRED NIBLO'S production of his own story. With Ramon Novarro, Enid Bennett, Wallace Beery, Rosemary Theby, Mitchell Lewis. "A directorial trium|>h. 1/ yow have been i>raying for better l>ictures, go see an answer loyour/n-ayerj."— Cleveland Plain Dealer.
MARION DA VIES in Charles Major's famous novel. Adapted by Luther Reed. Directed by Robert G. Vignola. Settings by Joseph Urban.
"'Yolanda' just as big if not bigger than 'When Knighthood Was In Flou>er.' Marion Davies charming."— Cleveland News.
KING VIDOR'S production With Eleanor Boardman, William Haines, Ben Lyon, Pauline Garon, Creighton Hale, James Morrison, Nilcs Welch. Adapted by Carey Wilson from Rachel Crothers' play "Mary The Third."
"It's a treat, a box'office /ubilee, brim/wl o/ gayety and color."— Ex. Trade Review.
LAURETTE TAYLOR in J. Hartley Manner's famous stage success. Supported by Tom Moore and a great cast. Directed byClarence Badger.
"Thorotighlyentertaining piclure, possessing a plot of real dramatic power. Filled with action that made its success as a play on Broadway."— Motion Picture News.
ELINOR GLYN'S production of her own story. Directed by King Vidor. With AileenPringle, John Gilbert, Bertram Grassby.Dale Fuller and a great cast.
"Even surpasses 'Three Weeks'. " Detroit Free Press. "Sheer romance." — M. P. News.