The Film Daily (1924)

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THE ^^ednesday, October 1, 1924 •eBtH DAILY Incorporations Albany — Cameraplay Corp. of Arnica, New York. ^,500 shares Class and 2,500 shares Class B, common ock, no par value. Incorporators. /. V. Kress, F. J. Hershfield and H. rusbach. Attorney, M. D. Kopple, ew York. Albany — Reopticon Corp., New ork. 500 shares preferred stock, 00 each, and 2,500 shares common, ) par value. Incorporators. C. C. elenfy, C. Hall and J. M. Stratton. Albany — Elliot Theater Leasing )., New York. 200 shares common rck, no par value. Incorporators, L. Deitch. S. Mann and L. Probst, tttorney, W. Klein, New York. [Albany — Studio Theater, New [)rk. 1.000 shares preferred stock, JP each, and 20 shares common, no r value. Incorporators, L. Lamble, Shapiro and A. Mazur. Mbany — Johnson Operating Corp., ooklyn. Capital $10 000. Incor ators, W. G. Twyford, J. J. Mcnn and F. G. Colgan. Attorney, F. Twyford, New York. Ubany — National Claremont Corp., Iw York. 500 shares common stock, n par value. Incorporators, Walter El Greene, J. Frankenberg and L. J iRosett. renccn, N. J. — Hudson Thcat-jr ' Inc.. Union Hill. Capital $10,Inrorporators -\rthur Pearson Ic 1. Boyd and John PhiU'ps ringfield, 111. — General Fihns ., Chicago. Capital $35,000. Inratovs, A. A. Rothengrass, Matli 11 and Peter Kransz. lianv — Harlem Operating Corp., York. Capita} $10,000. Inferiors, I. H. Greenneld, M. Hamtein and D. Blum. l)any — Freedom Film Corp., icster. Capital $10,000. Incor•ors, L. D. Wolfe, H. Howard J. J. Farren. •• l)any — Theater Art Productions, York. Capital $10 000. In )rators, M. Gerst and A. Thomp hany — Musikraft, Inc., New 200 shares common stock, no .alue. ' >any — Tull Theater Corp., Brook50 shares common stock, no '.uaiue. bany — Oxford Film Exchange, New York. Capital $20,000. Iambus, O. — Waldorf Thca'ers Akron. Capital $5,000. hJl' .' )any — Kussell Enterprises, Inc. J-ej York. Capital $25,000. ''')any— P. T. Sclbit, Inc., New Capital $4,000. ■"/"Ivany — Ricordo Films, Inc., New I Capital $50,000. Merit Buys Rayart Product Merit has secured the Rayart output for Greater New York. The deal includes a serial, "Battling Brewster." "The Street of Tears," a six reeler; a series of six features with Reed Howes; a series of six " Metropolitan Melodramas," known as "The Star Reporter series, and "Just Mary." Freed from Simday Charges (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Yale, Mich. — Because Justice J. H. Merrill is puzzled about the penalty of violating the Sunday closing ordinance, he suspended sentence, temporarily, on Harry Holbroth and Robert Braidwood. Si Danz Acquires New Hollywood (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Seattle — Si Danz has bought the Hollywood, Seattle's newest suburban theater, on Victory Highway. Steele will retain his Queen Anne, which was reported sold to Danz a few weeks ago. Thornton Quits Vitagraph Dallas — Tommy Thornton, late with Vitagraph, has joined the Southern Theater Equipment Co., replacing P. C. Parrish, who has been made manager of a new branch the company has opened in New Orleans. Smith Adds to Chain (Special to THE FILM VAILY) Warren, O. — Lemotto Smith, president of the Smith Amusement Co., operating a chain of houses in Warren and Alliance, has leased the Duchess, formerly operated by Dan Robbins. K. C. Adopts Visual Education Kansas City — Motion picture courses have been adopted by the Board of Education for all the city's schools, supplementing the text book teaching of geography, history, science and Latin. Grauman Remodeling The Rialto (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Sid Grauman is remodeling and redecorating the Rialto. Alterations have been under way for the past seven weeks. "Flying Fists" Showing The first three of the "Flying Fists" series will be trade shown on the New York Roof, tomorrow at 10:30 A. M., by Ben Levine, of the Oxford Exchange. 'Frisco Navy Exchange to Move (Special to THE FILM DAILY) San Francisco — The Navy's exchange, now located here, will be moved to North Island in the near future. an"Oric)Ie, ^hat for Buys Five From Lee-Bradford (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Cleveland — The Fischer Exchange has pvtrchased from Lee-Bradford, the following for Ohio: "In the Shadow of the Moon," "Sister Against Sister," "Orphan Sally," "Serving Two Masters" and "The Image Maker." Switch to Have Picture Policy (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Charlotte, N. C. — The Alhambra, on North Tyron St., will be converted into a picture house, early in October. The house is owned and will be operated by Famous, who also operate the Imperial here. "Judgment," Lloyd's Next Los Angeles — Frank Lloyd who has completed "The Silent Watcher" will next make "Judgment," by May Edington. Guts And Flashes Harry Chandlcc has completed continuity for Whitman Bennett's coming production, and is at work on the titles and final editing for "Those Who Judge," a Banner Prod. "Kit" Wain, juvenile player, has been added to the cast of "Peter Pan." Rayart Pictures have signed Reed Howes to appear in a series of eight. We are in thfe market for SHORT SUBJECTS For the territory of New York State & No. New Jersey SERVICE FILM CORP. 729-7th Ave. N. Y. City Bryanl 3377 As Simon Legree? How Silly! It takes a lotta brains to get by in the film business and just as many brains to get a buy. For example, suppose we had bought the rights to "Uncle Tom" from Avery Hopwood for Benny Leonard and then tried to peddle the piece as high class farce comedy. The chances is that the wise lads around the aged Forties and infant Fifties on Broadway would have figured that Benny Leonard was about as good in ''Uncle Tom" as a snake would be in a toe dance, and 'd give the buy the bye-bye. Now, that's where the brains come in. It didn't take us no more'n a month to figure out that Leonard wasn't cut out for a Legree. By a happy chance we started him in some two-reel comedies dealing with boxing among other valuable things, so now it works out this way: if you want a good laugh tie up with the "Flying Fists" series; if you wanna be laughed at, don't. We should care. Tou shoiildrit, should n' t you .^ E Ask Henry Ginsberg, 1540 Broadway, about the Leonard Series. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^ ^ I