The Film Daily (1924)

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THE -«55^ DAILY Thursday, October 2, 192 VoL XXX No. 2 Thursday, Oct. 2, 1 924 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1924, Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc., Published Daily except Saturday, at 71-73 West 44th St.. New York. N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC Joseph Dannenberg, President and Editor; J. W. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Manager; Maurice D. Kann, Managing Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Advertising Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918 at the post ofifice at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Phone Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Harvey E. Gausman, 6411 Hollywood, Blvd. 'Phone, Granite 3980. London Representative — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, S3a Shaftesbury Ave., London, W. I. Central European Representative — Internationale Filmschau, Prague (Czecho-Slovakia), Wenzelplatz. Quotations High Low Close Sales East Kod. ..110^ 110J4 HO^ 300 F. P.-L 84K 8234 83^ 7,900 do pfd 97^ 96H 973^ 200 Film Insp. . . 8^ 8^ 8% 100 Loew's 17K 17% 17^ 300 Metro-Gold Not quoted Pathe 46J4 44?^ 46-5^ 950 Warners Not quoted BLASTS (Continued from Page 1) him to buy their entire output. Or they won't do business with him. And ends up by saying: "If the conditions in other parts of the country are the same as they are here, how in thunder do the independent distributors figure to sell their product? Will somebody please tell me; I would like to know?" And when they tell Griffin. Will they also tell me? Because I, too, would like to know. Downtown St. Louis Reviving? (Special to THE FILM DAILY) St. Louis — William Goldman, who recently took over the Rivoli, Sixth near Olive, declares that down-town night life is rapidly coming back. He attributes this to the recent opening of Loew's State and the Rivoli. GEVAERT RAW STOCK Negative — Positive As Qood As ThelBest JOHN D. TIPPETT, Inc. GEVAERT FILM 1540 B'way N. Y. C. Selznick Revamped (Continued from Page 1) any existing Corporation, and that while he intended to use the Selznick exchanges, there would be no binding arrangement which would preclude the company from utilizing or acquiring any exchanges that might become available on advantageous terms.. He expressed the hope, however, that sufficient of the Selznick note holders would join the plan to make it feasible to acquire the Selznick exchanges. The new company will function under its own name and with its own capital, no matter what exchanges are used. While the new company was formed under the auspices of Doolittle nd associates, he was emphatic in saying that it must not be mistaken as a Selznick enterprise in any shape or manner. The first opportunity to subscribe to the new securities will be offered to the Selznick noteholders and orgar zation, and thereafter to producers, exhibitors and the trade with whom Doolittle and his organization have been regularly doing business. To secure the investors, to obviate any sudden shifts of control, and to prevent any outside domination of the company's policies, asserts Doolittle, a strong voting trust will be created, putting the control, for ten years, in the hands of Doolittle. Walter Jerome Green and Mark Hyman. The personnel of the new board of directors has not been announced nor the names of the committee who will formulate the plan and work out its details. Doolittle says he has such strong assurances of support that he has no doubt but that the old noteholders will fund their debts and that the new financing will be largely over-subscribed. The plan of organization will be announced later. Brouse Increases Imperial Prices (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Ottawa, Ont. — Bert Brouse, manager of the Imperial has made a slight increase in evening prices. An all around advance of five cents is made, which are now from 20 to 40 cents. The matinee prices remain as before. Old Tickets Good (Continued from Page 1) printed in accordance with the regulations in effect under the Revenue Act of 1921 showing an established price of 50 cents or less, plus tax thereon, may continue until their present supply is exhausted to sell such tickets of admission without overstamping or overprinting, for nontaxable admissions under the Revenue Act of 1924, provided the tickets are sold only at the established price printed thereon. If sold for any other price, they must be overprinted or overstamped to indicate the true selling price." The original time limit was to run out yesterday. This step means an additional saving to exhibitors in printing costs. Deals On Banner Product S. J. Briskin reports the following contracts on the Banner product: To Standard Film, for Western Penn., West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and Michigan; to Enterprise Dist. Corp., for the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas; to United Film Service, for Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois, and to Independent Film, for Western Missouri and Kansas. The deals include the Banner "Big 4" and also the Ben Verschleiser series. Rock in Toronto (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Toronto, Ont. — John B. Rock, general manager of Vitagraph, was a recent visitor to confer with Canadian Vitagraph officials. Moody Becomes Majestic Manager (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Startford, Ont. — The appointment of C. H. Moody, as manager of the Majestic is announced. COMING SOON rv-j:--5j:'-5j:w;;-f^i-;ooJj f!>ric>;ii>;^a-:sK.;j^..:ssi PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION MCKliSS f^OMAMC£ ^"AL CHRISTIE FEATURE ^^dapted from the great 'Broadway success WHAT'S YOUR WIFE DOING? directed by SCOTT SIDNEY Harry Myery Wanda Hawley Tully Marshall Sylvia Breamer Lincoln Phimei Jack Duffy Moean Wallace < AND J T.Roy Barnes NO 2 SEASON 1924-1925 THIRTY FIRST-RUN PICTURES CHARLEY CHASE KNOCKING 'EM DEAD ' IN HAL ROACH'S 1 REEL Pafli^comedy =^®^= — ^ SOUTHERN ENTERPRISES Has Booked HAROLD BELL WRIGHT'S "THE MINE WITH THE IRON DOOR" For Its Great Circuit Reasons: Wright, greatest liv' ing author, 50,000,000 Readers. Cast: Pat O'MaUey, Dorothy Mackaill, Robert W. Frazer, Mary Carr, others equally noted Direction: Sam Wood Presented by: Sol Lesser ■ A Principal Pictures Master Production WHEN— You Want Motion Pictures Made, Any Kind, An}nwhere. REMEMBER EASTERN FILM CORP. 220 West 42nd St. Chickering 2110-2111 A COMPLETE LABORATORY AND TITLE SERVICE The Standard of the Industry 723 7th Ave., N. Y. C. Bryant 5450 l URATIZ vduM FILM 220 WEST42^°STRE5 NEW YORK I PHONE CHICKERING 2037 ALLAf/'A.LOV PRES. ^1