The Film Daily (1924)

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lYIIf 7Ao BRADSTREET »/* FILHDOM f^RECOCMIZEB Authority d1. XXX No. 4 Sunday, October 5, 1924 Price 25 Cents 3ack Empty-Handed lemmle Returns — Finds Only One European Picture "Die Niebelungea" Suitable for America 'aii Laeinmlc arrived Friday rd the Aqviitania from Europe, r he spent the summer. He was nipanied by his children Miss belle and Carl, Jr.; by his sec \ , Harry H. Zehner and his per representative Plugh Hoffman was met at Quarantine by E. ioldstein. Other Universal ex ives met him as he left the boat. found him in excellent health, (.Continued on Page 2) $300 In Bonuses for Metro-Gold. )ver $7,000 in bonuses will be paid Metro-Goldwyn force at the end Metro-Goldwyn Weeks." The pzes are divided up as follows: $750 A ! $500, respectively, to the divi making the two best showings; _, awards. $750, $600, $400, $250 and 0 for the leading branch ex nges; $100 to the leading sales n, and $100 to the booker, in each the five winning offices. Sunday Shows at the Cohan 'he Moss office has taken over the )rge M. Cohan theater for Sunpicture shows, beginning this k. The opening picture has not n determined but the price scale I probably be fifty cents top. Bennett Series for Arrow Vhimtan Bennett will produce a es for Arrow. He is now making le Lost Chord." Features Reviewed Page The Beauty Prize Metro-Gold 4 Barbara Frictchie Prod. Dist. Corp 4 Mot Built for Runnin' Steiner-Prod. — S, R 4 Ufe's Greatest Game F. B. 0 4 [carts of Oak Fox 5 The Western Wallop Universal 5 Biff Bang Buddy Artclass— S. R 5 The Tenth Woman Warner Bros 9 The Cyclone Rider Fox 9 The Silent Watcher 1st Nafl 9 Short Subjects 10 ' Split in the Bronx Ambassador Booking Circuit Breaks Up — 8 Houses Were in Buying Affiliation It is understood that the Ambassador Booking Circuit, a Bronx organization composed of eight theaters joined in a Inlying compact, has broken up. The circuit was formed shortly after Julius Jolson and Henry Grossman acquired several theaters from Haring and Blumenthal in a recent deal that involved about $2,000,000 in leaseholds. Jolson and Grossman (Continued on Page 10) Working on "The Swan" Despite the fact that no one has been secured by Famous to replace Elsie Ferguson as the Princess in 'The Swan," Dimitri Buchowetzki is directing those scenes that do not call for the presence of that particular character. Lillian Gish and two others are being considered for the part. A decision will be made on Monday. Exchanges Lose Out North Brooklyn Situation Means Decrease in Revenue From That District Conflicting reports are in circulalation relative to the loss of revenue to be felt by local exchanges as a result of the realignment of .the booking siutation in North Brooklyn. It is admitted the distributors' gross from that section will take a serious drop. As pointed out on various occasions, the acquisition of the Commodore, Roebling and Gem in Williamsburgh by the Small-Strasebcrg Circuit, Inc., vests in that company a complete control. Competitive bid(Continued on Page 2) Hughes Becomes Supervisor Los Angeles — Rupert Hughes has become a supervisor of production for Metro-Goldwyn and, in addition to his own pictures, will handle detail of several other companies. Following "Excuse Me," he will direct "The Girl's Rebellion." That Deal By DANNY Which takes Harold Lloyd. As well as Valentino. Into Famous. Been talked about for months. Finally "released." And catises a htibbub. The most interesting development of the new Lloyd connection is, of course, the plan under which his pictures will be released. The official statement issued. Carried nothing as to distribution. Except to say that details "are being worked out." It is a fact, however, that both Fraser and Ragland— Lloyd's business associates — have for a long time. Definitely decided that whoever handled the Lloyd product. Must do so with a separate sales force. HUMAN NATURE vs SELLING PLANS It may he that the Lloyd associates. Had in mind a fine idea. When they insisted on a separate sales force. _ Perhaps it was to prevent exhibitors being jimmied. Into booking a lot of pictures they did not want. To get the few they do want. And want badly. This has been one of the curses. Where stars have been releasing their pictures. In a machine which handled a lot of other pictures. Some of which were not so good. This was to have been the big idea of United Artists. As planned. But those who know this l)usiness. Realize the difficulty of selling picture by picture. No matter what efforts are made to prevent other jiroduct being tied in. With the sale. If this highly ethical nK)tive was in the minds of Lloyd's associates it is fine. But how can it be done remains to be seen. This, without any intended inference or suggestion, that Famous will not live up to the Lloyd contract. Rut human nature is one tiling. (Continued on Page 11) No Time Limit Valentino's Arrangement With Famous to Run on Picture to Picture Basis While it was impossible to secure any definite word on Friday on the length of the distribution contract between Rudolph Valentino and Famous Players, it is understood the arrangement is similar to that covering Harold Lloyd: that pictures will be delivered on an individual basis. The report that Valentino will turn nver to Famous a number of pictures equal to those he is contracted to produce for Ritz Carlton is understood to be false. Insofar as Lloyd is concerned, no long-term contract was countenanced by the comedian's business representatives because each of his last three pictures has exceeded the gross of the previous release. Kent Back in Two Weeks (Stccial to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Sidney R. Kent will be back in New York in about two weeks. Shortly after Kent's arrival here from the Coast, the titles of "The Second Famous Forty" will be gone over and definitely fixed. Coming East for Convention (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Colleen Moore, John McCormick, Sol Lesser and Mrs. Les-er leave for Atlantic City, N. J., on the 9th to attend the annual First National meeting. Earl J. Hudson leaves for New York on the 14th. Glenn, Exploitation Supervisor Allan S. Glenn has been placed in charge of special exploitation at First National. The force, composed of about fifteen men under Glenn's control, is devoting its time to the exploitation of the five specials on the current release schedule. Weingarten Back from Europe Larry Weingarten returned on Friday on the Aquitania from Europe, following a six weeks' trip in advance of and with Jackie Coogan. Jackie is expected back in about three weeks. 4,000 Seat House for 'Frisco San Francisco — Ackerman and Harris have purchased a plot at the southeast corner of Market and 12th Sts. upon which a 4,000 scat theater will be built.