The Film Daily (1924)

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THE [onday, October 6, 1924 l[RONICLE— ♦ • * There is plenty of Iv in this picture. * * * I'.L AND POST—* * * High villainy throughout, with Miss Kennedy to the m the role of the heroine, a part ' that tor the most strenuous work that she it done for the screen. * * * ^hree O'Clock in the Morning"— Burr — Empress, Omaha iRLD-HERALD— ♦ * * The suspense 1! handled, the jazz parties are full of ind the prim parties, perfectly dull. s plenty of atmosphere. Constance y is excellent in the leading role. Bethat she is beautiful. * * * "Three Weeks"— Metro.-Gold. Strand, Rochester [ICRALD— The story of "Three Weeks," all its fire, its analysis of the love M)n, has been kept intact in the filming ^s, with the result tliat the screen verof Elinor Glyn's famous novel si desto an even greater popularity than that ed by the book. * * * "Three Women"— Warners Grand Central, St. Louis 1ST-DISPATCH— * * ♦ Lubitsch picuith many of the deft touches which iiade that director famous. The theme cresting at times it skirts the forbidijnfines of suggestiveness. ♦ * * AR — * * * Pauline Frederick is happily |t as the mother. She is lovely to look n, and gives the picture some of its best nents. » » * IMES — * * * There are three fine ac iSes interpreting roles that are superb in racter study. * • * "The Turmoil"— Universal Hipp, Cleveland EWS — To me "The Turmoil" is unique buse it is true to life. Somehow you n to have met all the characters and have wn them intimately. • * * LAIN DEALER—* * * George Hackarne gives the best performance among half sn, and the ladies are neat, adequately ty and seldom very dumb. But the film in't do very well by Booth Tarkington. "Yolanda"— Metro-Gold. State, Boston LOBE — * * * It is beautiful in its sets and the entire production is full of the nor of 15th century France. * ♦ ♦ RANSCRIPT— * * * though it contains ew stirring scenes, many picturesque (grounds, and occasional moments of pictl felicity, is choked in an atmosphere itufly "costume-drama." * * ♦ Rialto, Washington OST — * * * is one of the prettiest and t colorful pictures ever seen here. How the story is of the hacknej-el variety long-drawn-out. and the picture, con lently, does not grip interest. • • » "Western Luck" — Fox Isis, Indianapolis TAR — * * * starring Charles Jones, * is a whirlwind romance that takes the from the wild and wooly West to Wall :t and back. ♦ * * New Theaters San Aiigelo. Tex. — Frank Roberts and John D. Jones, operating the San Angelo Amus. Co., have purchased a lot on North Chadbourne St. from Frank and Ralph Harris, on which they Avill erect a new theater. Construction will not start for some time. Summit. N. J. — The Heller Construction Co. has received permission to erect a theatre at the corner of Springfield and Woodland Aves. The new building will contain eight stories and a 1,200 seat theater. San Bernardino, Cal. — J. G. Knapp, of this city, has purchased the Colton Theater lease, and will continue with plans of the former owners, to erect a new theater on the site. Jamaica, N. Y.— .A. $350,000 theater is being erected between 122nd and 123rd Sts., Dunton. The house will open about Jan. 1, and, when completed will seat 2,000. Olean, N. Y. — The Palace has been opened by the Bordonaro Bros. The house takes the place of the theater burned last Mav. Lancaster. S. C. — George W. Parr has opened the new Imperial. Secures Locations by Aeroplane Hollywood — Irvin Willat, now in Texas making "North of 36" for Paramount, used an aeroplane recently, to secure locations inaccessible by auto. Willat was invited by the Government to use a plane from the Kellv Field air station. Aditions to "Centaur" Cast Hollywood— The cast of "The Wife of the Centaur" has been augmented by Kate Lester, Kate Price and William Haines. Robert Vignola will direct. Reo Photoplays Quit Reo Photoplays Corp., of New York, has filed dissolution papers with the Secretary of State in Albany. Change Title of Vignola's Latest Hollywood — • Robert Vignola's "Mrs. Paramor" will be released the end of this month as "Married Flirts." COMING SOON PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION r£?//:r.2r2sss=s25sri;? HELENE CHADWICK;' ' With tdlen i i T HAYES HUrtR. I I J drvnaniition by \ CIRALO C DUFFY ProduCTdby EASTERN PRODUCTIONS INC SEAlSON 1024-1925 THIRTY FIRST-RUN PICTURSS General Film To Be Reorganized (Special to THE FILM DAILY) St. Louis — Stockholders of the General Film Mfg., Co., now in the hands of receivers, at a recent meeting, voted in favor of a plan of reorganization, whereby the company will obtain additional working capital. Under the arrangement, certain St. Louis financiers are to put $50,000 into the company. N. C. House Destroyed by Fire Concord, N. C. — Fire'that started in the projecion booth, completely destroyed the Piedmont. Most of the loss is covered by insurance. Among Exchangemen Kansas City, .Mo.— Jean Belasco, who has been handhng exploitation in this territory for Universal, has been made manager of the Randolph, Chicago. Winchendon, Mass.— George Wilkkinson, owner of the National has reopened the old Gem. Robert T. Kyle has joined the First National special exploitation force handling the five specials. Atlanta — J. M. Glass has been made a road representative for F. B. O. NOW BOOKING BENNIE LEONARD in ii FLYING FISTS" A OXFORD FILM EXCHANGE, INC. (Ben Levine) 729 Seventh Avenue For Greater New York and Northern New Jersey Territory O - Bryant 3623