The Film Daily (1924)

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THE j^^ DAILY Tuesday, October 7, 19 Vol XXX No. 6 Tutsiiy, Oct. 7, 1924 Prici 5 Conts Copyright 1924, Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc., Published Daily except Saturday, at 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. Joseph Dannenberg, President and Editor ; J. W. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Manager; Maurice D. Kann, Managing Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Advertising Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918 at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 cne year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Phone Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Harvey E. Gausman, 6411 Hollywood, Blvd. 'Phone, Granite 3980. London Representative — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 53a Shaftesbury Ave., London, W. I. Central European Representative — Internationale Filmschau, Prague (Czecho-Slovakia), Wenzelplatz. Quotations High Low Close Salei East. Kod. ..109^4 109K^ 109^ 100 F. P.-L 8314 SV/z 82 4,000 do pfd. ... 97 97 97 100 Film Insp Not quoted Loew's 17 17 17 500 Metro-Gold Not quoted Pathe Not quoted Warners Not quoted Luporini Buys Ten Features Ferdinand Luporini has purchased six Harry Careys and four Priscilla Deans for Italy, the Balkins and Egypt from William M. Vogel, who controls foreign rights on all the Prod. Dist. Corp. product. GEVAERT RAW STOCK Negative — Positive As Qood As Th^Best JOHN D. TIPPETT, Inc. GEVAERT RLM 1540 B'way N. Y. C. For Sale TWO KNOCKOUTS The Picture Rights of "MARY MINDS HER BUSINESS" By George Weston. This story appeared in the Ladies' Home Journal and is now published in book form. ALSO "LITTLE BOSS OF BIG BEN" By Kathleen Eggleston. An Argosy story. If interested wire, or write National Film Corporation of America Santa Monica Boulevard and Lodi St. Hollywood, California Another House for Detroit Detroit — Harry Brown will begin construction on a 1500 scat house immediately, to be erected on Fenkel Ave. Brown will shortly open his new Grand-Woodward in Highland. These two new houses will increase his local chain to six. The other four ;:re ihe Astor, Buchanan, Acme and Acadamie. Definite plans as to John Kunsky's new State have been made known; they call for actual construction to start Dec. 1. The opening will occur Sept. 1, 1925. Saxe Premier In Janesville (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Janesville, Wis. — The Jeffris theater, the latest in the Saxe circuit, opened Saturday night. It has a seating capacity of 1500, making it the largest house in Southern Wisconsin. James Morrissey has been chosen to manage it. The Saxe or^i:anization now has 23 theaters in the .^tate. three of them completed since last March at a total cost of $3,250,000. Friedman Joins Stoll {Special to THE FILM DAILY) London — Sydney Friedman, former joint managing director of F. B. O. has joined Stoll, as assistant to Jeffrey Bernard. Paramount Exchange Not to Move Pittsburgh, Pa.^M. C. Hughes, manager of the Paramount exchange, denies reports along Film Row that the office will be moved farther uptown. Wheeling Exhibitor Expanding Wheeling, W. Va. — Charles Marsh, owner of the Avalon, has applied to the building authorities for a permit for a new theater on Jacob St. Lang Making "Metropolis" (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Berlin — Fritz Lang, producer of "Siegfried" is now at work on "Meropolis," a modern story. Chicago House Sold Chicago — The Grand, 3110 South State St., has been sold for $72 000. Mrs. Merriam Resigns (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Chicago — Mrs. Charles E. Merriam has resigned as chairman of the Better Films Committee of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers in order to devote her time to unite "all the men and women of this nation, who believe it is our duty to preserve decency and law, against the united efforts of those who are promoting indecency and lawlessness." Mrs. Merriam refers to motion picture producers. Coast Writers to Stage Revue Hollywood — Coast writers will present an elaborate revue at the Philharmonic Auditorium, Oct. 31 ?nd Nov. 1. Prominent writers and stars will appear in the production, which will feature an All-Follies Number, an All-Flapper Number and a Leading Man Number, besides a travesty on "The Thief of Bagdad", entitled "My Magical Carpet of Love." Grand, Hartford Sold Dave and Ben Weinstock, former owners of the Strand, Hoboken have purchased the Grand, an 1,800 seat theater in Hartford, Conn, built originally by Max Spiegel. Sofferman and Sofferman were the brokers. Jack Dillion Arrives Jack Dillion is here from Los Angeles to direct fur First National. The first picture will probably be "The Interpreter's House." Helena D'Algy Signed Helena D'Algy has been signed by Metro-Goldwyn. She is now on her wav to the Coast. Johnson Plans A Sea Story Hollywood — Emory Johnson is planning to next produce a sea story. 120 NOVELTY REELS First Run Specialties 1924-25 1600 B'way. N. Y. C. COMING SOON r^-izza^ssszsizzJl PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION PrisciDa Dean t^^rrv^- Directed by CHET WITHEY AdapKd by HARVEY GATES -from, tht novtl by IZOLA FORRESTER.^ i ^HUNT STROMBERG PRODUCTION V.', n SEASON 1924-1925 THIRTY FIRST-RUN PICTURES PRESENTED BY HUNT STROMBER G AND CHARLES R. ROGERS Bears Out Laemm (Continued from Page 1) eign-made production that would comparison with the average Ar can picture, and none that w-ould favor with audiences over here. "Jackie Coogan's triumph in '. don was the most amazing ovati have ever seen accorded any star." THE SPATS IN HAL ROACH'S COMEDII (2 reels) WIT WITH A WALLOP 1 Path^comedy — =^ ^ I Art Title Service Special Photography Trailers — Announcements i H. E. R. STUDIOS, Inc. 150 W. 46th St. Bryant 72 SERVICE TO PRODUCERS SCENES OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOl Such as fire, explosion, rough wai wrecks, travel scenes, etc. STONE FILM LIBRAI 220 W. 42nd iSt. N. Y. Phone Chic. 2110 Bryant 3740 ^EAIi 1540 Broadway, N. Y. INSURANCE EXPERT? TO THE THEATRICAL A MOTION PICTURE INDUJ YOUR FILM 220 WEST42:^°STR NEW YORK PHONE CHICKERINC ALLAnA.K 2037 PRES!