The Film Daily (1924)

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THE isCESZ— £fi DAILY Wednesday, October 8, 1924 Putting It Over Here is how a brother exhibitor puts his show over. Send along your ideas. Let the other fellow know how you cleaned up. Big Send Off For "Sea Hawk" Cincinnati — The engagement of "The Sea Hawk," at the Lyric, ^yas marked by a well-ordered campaign which covered Cincinnati and its environs thoroughly. Robert H. Kyle, First National's special represeiitative, arranged a special showing for critics. This was an innovation here and met with the approval of the reviewers, who proved liberal in the use of photos and stories. The Dow Drug Co. turned over the windows in its four downtown corner stores for displays of the book, together with stills, posters and special cards. The Dow stores in the outlying districts also displayed the books and reading notices during the screening. The four leading bookshops gave over entire windows to "The Sea Hawk" — copies of the book, posters, stills and cards. The lobby of the Lyric was transformed into a bit of 16th century Algeria, Persian challie and sage paims were placed along the lobby, flanking beautiful art displays of ships, and Spanish and British flags. The foyer was made into a Moorish courtyard. Huge oilpots and incense burners, palms and striped canopies were mingled with rare Persian rugs loaned by a local store. The Moorish atmosphere, the dim, amber lights made a most effective preparation for the picture. The marquee and front of the theater, resplendent in flags and ship cut-outs, spears, pikes and scimitars, was brillaintly lighted by floods. Large, smashing ads were taken in the newspapers, radio announcements obtained, and a circular letter mailed to every school teacher in the city. More "Flying Fists" Sales Additional deals on the Benny Leonard "Flying Fists" series include: F. and R. Film, Minneapolis for Minnesota, Upper Michigan, and the Dakotas; Independent Film of Kansas and Missouri and H. H. Lande Enterprises for Ohio, Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Kentucky. Green Joins Sales Department Willie Green, whose smiling countenance has adorned the outer office of Nicholas M, Schenck's suite at Metro-Goldwyn for six years has been transferred to the sales department. He is now at the local MetroGoldwyn exchange. Jackie Decorated by Greece Larry Weingarten was advised by cable yesterday the Governement of Greece had decorated Jackie Coogan with the Order of George. Jackie has turned over $1,037,000 in foodstuffs and clothing to the Greeks for relief work. "Miracle" Now "The Great Miracle" "The Great Miracle" has been selected as a title for the new Jewel, which heretofore has had "Miracle" and "The Stairway of Hope" as working titles. Alma Rubens and Percy Marmont are playing the principal roles. Bartlett Coming East (.Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Randolph Bartlett who has been editing pictures here for the past two years is returning to New York where he arrives Monday. Nagel and Shearer in "Excuse Me" Hollywood — Conrad Nagel and Norma Shearer will play the leads in "Excuse Me," work on which will start next week at Metro-Goldwyn. Rupert Hughes will direct. The Strand Books Three The Strand has booked the following "Tarnish," beginning Sunday; "The Silent Watcher" and "Hot Water." The latter plays two weeks. Thi^ /S the ^oy that made the^ ma(/, Because" he tn>4 4o make them ^lacf, Bc/t hov/ they Mht when ,^ V/^ //i ^ he got !n bajF, ^S^^f^ OH Papa/ "^^^ The BATTti/^(j Or/oies ,,. A Hal Roach Move/ty Featot-e Comedy ^^iA^% rafheiDicture * TiT^ Theater Changes Monroe, N. Y.— The K. & B. Amusement Co. has disposed of the Colonial to L. W. Chamberlain, who also owns the Lafayette in Suffern. Chamberlain will manage his new acquisition, succeeding F. E. Bolton. Morgantown, W. Va. — George P. Comuntzis has appointed Herbert A. Shaw manager of the Metropolitan, replacing Charles Hoskins. Albany-Decatur, Ala. — The Delite is undergoing extensive remodeling and repairing. Raymond, 111. — M. F. Weber has taken over the Community from C. H Smock. Capitol Organ Recitals Over Radio The Capitol will broadcast organ recitals twice a week, Tuesday and Friday mornings at 11.30, as part of its radio activities. Dr. Nelchiorre Mauro-Cottone will conduct. New York Chicago Hollywood Rothacker Laboratories WILUAM S. GILL, Eastern Sale* Mgr. S42 Fifth Ave. Tel. Murray Hill 1831 Three in October Lineup "Barbara Frietchie," "The HouS' of Youth" and "Trouping With El len," are included in the Produce Dist. Corp. release schedule for O' tober. Betty Jewel has been added to tl cast of "Argentine Love," Alia" Dwan's new picture for Famous. A. H. BLANK Circuit Has Booked HAROLD BELL WRIGHT'S "THE MINE WITH THE IRON DOOR" This was done "sight unseen" just as other big exhibitors have done because they KNOW that the name of Harold Bell Wright, the superb cast and the great director, Sam Wood, are sure fire for any house. It's a Sol Lesser Presentation i J\ IPiincipaf S^LctuAeo JA/juiJiE^ TiadixcXia^r white treatment It'.' Me TbenblteLlBtl TheWhltaUetl TheWblteLlBta WhlteL WhlteL WhlteL WhlteL WhlteL WhlteL tell White sWhltel sWhltei sWhlte^ sWhlteU sWblteLl eWhlteL' sWhlte) sWhlte! 3Whlte: sWhlte) atTheV. .,LlstTheWbl\ BtTheWl teLlBtTheWhltt BtTbeWJ iteLl8t„jWhlte stTheWl iteLlatTbeVblta stTbewl ItaLlatt.. _^ atTbeWi teLlstTbeWblt BtTheW) •■»Ll8tThdWhlt tCDi tr TheWhlt istT, bMeLl itrneiini .IteLl TbeWhlt ,lBtTi (hlteLl ttTbeWhl .IteLl TbeWblt LletTl JVhlteL? 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