The Film Daily (1924)

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t ednesday, October 8, 1924 THE -JX0^ DAILY Coast Brevities (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — It is understood that Beau Arts company, headed by Palethorpe, is insolvent, and will cate the Charles Ray studio which :y had rented. The company plani to make a series of five reel esterns for Pathe. Work on "Dick Turpin," a Tom X special for Fox, has been started. G. Blystone is directing. Kathn Myers appears opposite Mix. ack Collins, formerly gag man with nett and Lloyd Hamilton, has ned F. B. O., and has been assignto "The Go-Getters" series. '. Roy Barnes is the newest addii to the cast of Buster Keaton's ven Chances." Snitz Edwards also been engaged. ,--^^ Lefty" Flynn will shortly start rk on "The No Gun Man," his OHd Harry Garson production for B/O. lioria Grey has been signed by rry Garson to appear opposite ;fty" Flynn in "The No-Gun lary Alice Scully and Arthur tter have been retained by First ional to adapt "One Way Street." LUth Stonehouse has been signed appear in "What's Your Name ter?", Ben Wilson's next. )oty Hobart is writing the conlity for Gothic's next for F. B. O., risian Nights." od Browning has completed "The igerous Flirt," Evely Brent's first Gothic. GAUSMAN We are in the market for SHORT SUBJECTS For the territory of Uw York State & No. New Jertey SERVICE FILM CORP. 29-7th Ato. N. Y. City Bryant ^377 Theater May Go Under Hammer Chicago — The State Savings Loan & Trust Co. has filed suit to recover $11,000, loaned on a series of notes, to the Opera House Corp., of Quincy, operating the Empire there. This suit is expected to result in a mortgage foreclosure, which would put the Empire under the hammer to satisfy the debt. Ottawa Exhibitor After Civic Honors {Special to THE FILM DAILY) Ottawa, Ont.— P. J. Nolan, of the Rex, is out after high civic honors, following his service as an alderman for five years past. He will be a candidate for the Ottawa Board of Control at the elections in December. Butterfield in Detroit Detroit — It is understood that W. S. Butterfield plans to make future headquarters in Detroit. The report has it that a suite has been leased on the fifth floor of the Film Building and that business will be moved from Flint about Nov. I. Artie Schmidt Returns From TomLos Angeles — Artie Schmidt, F. B. O. West Coast division manager, is back from a tour of his territory. He reports business excellent particularly in the Northwest. New Theaters Jackson, Miss. — The new Lyric at Oxford will soon be completed, replacing the one burned down about a year ago. Sharon, Pa. — A new modern theater has opened at Sharpsville. It will be called the Ritz and is sponsored by C. E. Gable. Gentlemen's Estate With the Most Artistic Private Theatre in America, Wired for motion picture machine FOR SALE at half its cost. In Llewellyn Park, 14 miles from the city. For illustrated circular apply PAYSON McL. MERRILL CO. 9 E. 44th St. New York City Murrau Hill 8300 COMING SOON PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION >£ atCAL PICTURES, INC PRESENTS JACaUEMME ]L©GAN "yieHousevyoum" I ~FROM THE NOVEL BV MAUDE RADFORD V^ARRCN ADAPTED ty C GARDNER SULLIVAN 0 oiRECTEO ftv RALPH INCE SEASON 1924-1925 THIRTY FIRST-RUN PICTURM Newspaper Opinions "Vanity's Price"— F. B. O. Cameo EVENING WORLD—* • * is "Black Oxen" all over again, with somewhat different treatment. It is a sure-fire box office attraction, but the question of whether it will be more or less popular than its predecessor doubtless will hinge upon the preference of the fans for Anna Q. Nilsson or Corinne Griffith. Miss Nilsson is the featured player » » » but Stuart Holmes * * * walked off with it. This is no reflection upon Miss Nilsson ♦ * * MORNING TELEGRAPH—* * * Anna Q. Nilsson lifts herself above the class of "merely" stars and steps gracefully up to a higher niche in screendom's temple of fame through her interpretation of a very difficult role in "Vanity's Price." * * * we do not recall her in any role in which her rare beauty and exquisite charm have been given such perfect freedom. * * * Suspense, laughter, tears, drama — all here. There seems to be not a single needless foot of f^lm * * » POST—* * * a slightly different and for that reason a vastly entertaining picture. ♦ * • Miss Nilsson as Vanna du Maurier was vivacious and beautiful. Her gowns and the way she wore them would drive any woman to despair. Her performance was a joy, too. * * * TELEGRAM—* * • Not only is the story worth sitting through, but Miss Nilsson wears most exotic gowns and the settings are so sumptuous that they are almost in bad taste, which is very sumptuous indeed for settings. * * • WORLD— An artless bit of anti-Steinach propaganda. » » * i( argues somewhat languidly that physical rejuvenation alters character. Specifically, it states that an old woman with the attributes of youth becomes a solely physical being. * * ♦ Noy Finishes "Lost Chord" Wilfrid Noy has finished actual work on "The Lost Chord" for Whitman Bennett-Arrow release and is now cutting and editing. Grainger Calls Meeting In Cleveland (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Cleveland — James Grainger, MetroGoldwyn sales manager, and W. C. Bachmeyer, division manager, held a central district meeting here last Sunday. Rayart Borrows from Goldburg Rayart Pictures has borrowed Franklyn Farnum and Helen Holmes from Independent Pictures to appear in "Battling Brewster," a new serial which Dell Henderson will direct. Paramount Unit on Location Los Angeles — Fifty-one of the "Code of the West" unit have left for the Tonto Basin district in Arizona, to film exteriors. William Howard is directing. May Switch to Films Boston — Pierce's Union Square theater has been acquired by L Meyer and is being remodeled throughout. The house may show vaudeville and pictures. Grelle Buys Gotham Series Sam Sax has sold the series of six Gotham Prod, to Harry Grell of Supreme Photoplays of Pittsburgh for Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Marion Amusement Co. Quits (.Special to THE FILM DAILV^ Marion, 111. — Dissolution papers have been filed with the Secretary of State in Springfield by the Marion Amusement Co. Scully's No Come-On ! Any bimbo that's ever tried to sell J. S. Scully, the Boston exchange man, anything in the picture line'll tell you that he looks a thing over inside, outside, topside and bottomside before reaching for the dotted line. He don't never buy no lemons excepting only when he wants to make lemonade. So when we tells you that he took one flash at the Benny Leonard pictures and grabbed 'em off quick for the baked bean belt you know that them two reelers is got something with a gate-grip in 'em. At that we advise you to lay offa them two-reelers if you ain't equipped to handle big crowds. We'd hate to be responsible for a crush in which somebody might get hurt. You would, would you? Ask Henry Ginsberg, 1540 Broadway, about the Leonard Series.