The Film Daily (1924)

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2 «i a Thursday, October 9, 1924 i VoLXXXNo.B Thursday, Oct. 9, 1924 PriceSCenU Copyright 1924, Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc., Published Daily except Saturday, at 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. \ ., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. Joseph Dannenberg, President and Lditor ; J W. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Manager • Maurice D. Kann, Managing Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Advertising Manager Entered as second-class matter May 21, ISlb at the post office at New York, N. Y under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $o.UU; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N Y Phone Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Cable Address: Filmday. New York. Hollywood, California —Harvey E. Gausinan, 6411 Hollywood, Blvd. •Phone. Granite 3980. London Representative —Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 53a Shaftesbury Ave., London, W. 1. Central European Representative— Internationale Filmschau, Prague (CzechoSlovakia), Wenzelplatz. Quotations High Low Close Salei East. Kod. . . 1095/8 1095/8 109/8 200 F P.-L 82 815/8 815/8 1,300 do pfd. ... 97^ 96/8 97^ 600 Film Insp Not quoted Loew's 17 16^ 16^ 500 Metro-Gold Not quoted Pathe ...... 463/ 463/ 46% 100 Warners Not quoted NOW WHAT? {Continued from Page 1) for next year. That's working far ahead. Talk of 80 or more pictures. Exclusive of the half dozen or so. Coming from Lloyd, Valentino, etc. By the way, January sees the beginning of the last year. For the existing Meighan and Swanson contracts. With Famous. Billy Franey To Be Starred Hollywood — Sanford productions will star Billy Franey in a new .series of 12 two-reelers, for release on the state rights market. Gene Crosby will appear opposite Franey. L GEVAERT RAW STOCK N«eative — Positive As Qood As The[Best JOHN D. TIPPETT, Inc. GEVAERT FILM 1640 B'way N. Y. C. In the Courts -Vn answer was filed in the Supreme Court in a suit of the Independence Indemnity Co., against the Winship Pictures Corp. and Clyde E. and Marie E. Elliott. The defendants allege that the suit is based on a usurious agreement for the making of a note between Clifford R. Harris, who represented the plaintiffs, and Winship, in that the latter was compelled to pay $10,000 for a loan of $25,000 for six months from Feb. 13 last. The defendants also allege that the note was made and endorsed through misrepresentation. Supreme Court Justice Proskauer has confirmed the award of a committee of the Joint Arbitration Board of the F. I. L. M. Club and the Theater Owners Chamber of Commerce, in a dispute between Fox and Marshall L. Seaton over the refu.sal of Seaton to accept film's ordered for the Elite theater at Sag Harbor, L. I. A judgment for $1,860 was filed against Seaton as the result of the award. Boston Run of "Lincoln" Extended Boston — The local engagement of "Abraham Lincoln" at the Tremont Temple has been extended two more weeks, giving the picture a ten weeks' run. Kiddies To See "TJie Covered Wagon" Sally Joy Brown will play host to SO kiddies at Loew's Victoria, Saturday afternoon. "The News" party will see "The Covered Wagon." New Comerford House Opened Sunbury, Pa. — The Savoy, the newest link in the chain of the Comerford Amusement Co., has opened. It seats 475. Western Premiere in 'Frisco Hollywood — "The Breath of Scandal" will have its Coast premiere in 'Frisco next week at the California. "Thief" Opens in Kansas City Kansas City — "The Thief of Bagdad" has started an indefinite run at the Shubert, with two shows dailj-. "Dynamite Smith" Ready "Dynamite Smith," the first of the scries starring Charles Ray, will be released by Pathe Oct. 12. Jack Dempsey in Vaudeville Jack Dempsey wdl open a vaudeville engagement in Buffalo Oct. 20, which will last five weeks, after which Dempsey will leave for Los Angeles to spend the Christmas holidaj's with his parents. The final week of his engagement will see him in a local house. It is understood Dempsey has several offers from film companies, but the champion indicated recently lie will not accept any picture work this year. He has completed his contract with Universal. Fishbeck Signs With Ritz {Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Harry Fishbeck who phologranhed "Monsieur Beaucaire" and "A Sainted Devil," starring Valentino has signed a contract with Ritz to do three more pictures. Irving Dutcher and Arthur De Titta, Fishbeck's assistants are here from New York. Florence Vidor Leaves Sunday Florence Vidor leaves for the Coast on Sunday to begin work on "The Mirage." Miss Vidor entertained feminine members of the press at a luncheon Tuesday at the Ambassador. She made a personal appearance at the Piccadilly last night. Century Plans Big Year Hollywood — With product for the next four months completed and in Universal exchanges, Century announces production is scheduled as far ahead as January. The studios have been repaired and enlarged. Corinne Griffith Here Corinne Griffith has arrived in New York for a week's vacation, following which she will return to the Coast to appear in "Declasse." At the St. Regis. Dwan Going Abroad Allan Dwan is expected to sail for Europe about Oct. 29 to shoot some scenes for "The Cost of Folly," the next Gloria Swanson picture. McCormick Here John McCormick, West Coast representative of First National arrived in town yesterday to confer with home ofhce officials. COMING SOON I •A Priscilla Dean Caira Directed bv CHET WITHEY Adapted by HARVEY GATBS -from tht novel by IZOLAFORRESTEB^ i ^HUNT STROMBERG PRODUCTION '«> iv PRESENTED BY HUNT STROMBERG AND CHARLES R. ROGERS SEASON 1924-1925 THIRTY FIRST-RUN PICTURES Morey Here From Coast Harry T. Morey, who has been working on the Coast for about a year, is back in New York. His last Coast picture was "The Roughneck." one of the Fox specials. CHARLEY CHASE KNOCKING 'EM DEAD" IN HAL ROACH'S 1 REEL Path^omedy •»**• #^1 <M»* For Sale TWO KNOCKOUTS The Picture Rights of "MARY MINDS HER BUSINESS" By George Weston. This story appeared in the Ladies' Home Journal and is now published in book form. ALSO a "LITTLE BOSS OF BIG BEN" By Kathleen Eggleston. An Argosy story. If interested wire, or write ^National Film Corporation of America I Santa Monica Boulevard and Lodi St. Hollywood, California WHEN— You Want Motion Pictures Made, Any Kind, Anjrwhere. REMEMBER EASTERN FILM CORP. 220 West 42nd St. Chickering 2110-2111 A COMPLETE LABORATORY AND TITLE SERVICE The Standard of the Industry 723 7th Ave., N.Y.C. Bryant 5450-1 DURATIZp YOUR FILML. 220WEST42^°STREETI NEW YORK " PHONE CHICKERING 2937 ALLAf^'A.LOWNf PRES.