The Film Daily (1924)

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attracorward lerl, 1924? 924? THE Coast Brevities (.special to THE FILM DAILY) [ollywood — Mae Marsh has ard here from New York. She is ferring with a prominent proer, who may star her in two pic;s. Her last performance was in abella," made in Germany. reparatory work on "The Triflers" been started at F. B. O. by B. Schulberg. Camera work will t as soon as Gasnier finishes hite Man." Trigger Fingers" has been selecas the title of Bob Custer's first ;he "Texas Ranger" series to be le by Independent for F. B. O. . P. Schulberg has completed in)rs on "White Man." Alice Joyce, meth Harlan and Walter Long i the cast. The Midnight Express" the third he Columbia series for C. B. C, been completed. George W. Hill cted. he title of Ben. Turpin's latest ledy has been changed from "The St Virginian" to "The Reel Viran. aby Vondell Darr has been added he cast of "One Glorious Night" fourth of C. B. C.'s Columbia es. m.TS. Sidney Drew is appearing in medy playlet at the Pantages thein San Francisco. ity, De Flashi liirizatioii ( ick From include! Powell, Davidson. detail tlie liion 'he second of the new "Screen pshots" series has been finished C B C GAUSMAN Goldwyn and Wanger Speak peaking at the weekly luncheon he A. M. P. A., yesterday, Samuel dwyn, stressed the value of couras the keynote to a producer's director's success with a picture illustrate his contention Goldwyn red "The Thief of Bagdad." "The 1 Commandments," "The Covered gon" and pictures of D. W. Grifas examples of courage and inendence on the part of these diners. He said that "The Ten ComB. C, 2™ idments" was originally hudgetfor a cost of $200,000, but tliat bethe picture had been two-thirds Ihe P!'" shed, the cost had mounted to 0,000. Goldwyn pointed to the sent success of the picture in ques10 exlii I as a tremendous tribute to the ependence of prerogative on the t of the director who made it, inating at the same time that it is I analogous position of indepcnt producers, that makes it possifor the latter to produce great tures. Valter Wanger, production man [55 Sea" '' f ^or Famous Players, spoke on He Jlai commendable advance of motion ' . (1,5 i ture publicity from the harum It seats rum stage to the present one of th, cleanliness and news value to readers at large. Mac Lean Series Sold Milton Cohen, of Intcr-Glohe Export, just returned from London, reports the following sales on varied releases of the Douglas Mac Lean series to unnamed buyers. "Never Sav Die" for Scandinavia, sale price $10,000; first three Mac Leans for Belgium, price $10,000; "Going Up" and "The Yankee Consul" for Italy at $5000; "Never Sav Die," for Finland at $2,000. Spain and Portugal were sold in one block for the first two. McCall Fashion Review Appears The McCall fashion people arc putting out a single reel "Fashion News," in which Hope Hampton appears. The first of the series has been completed. It is in color, and shows all the latest foreign and domestic fashions. Biltmore Amuse. Co. Building Paterson, N. J. — The Biltmore Amusement Co., Inc., is erecting a new 1,600 seat theater on Main St., between Van Houten and Broadway The house will be known as the Rivoli . It will cost $750,000. Film Classics Close Big Deal Pittsburgh, Pa. — A rleal Ims been closed by Film Classics for tbe Warner product in local houses. It is understood the bookings involve downtown and East Liberty showings fo'the entire season. Harrisburg House Burns Harrisburg. Pa. — More than 1,400 natrons filed out of the Colonial auietly when a blaze started in the basement, which was completely destroyed The theater proper was not damaged much. "Iron Horse" After "Thief" Chicaeo — "The Iron Horse " follows "The Thief of Bagdad" at the Woods' theater. Clvde Fckhart. of Fox, is here arranging an extensive exploitation campaign. Robb Added To Arbitration Board Dallas— Harold Robb, of the R. & R. Circuit, will remain in Dallas permanently, running the general office here. He has been added to the arbitration board as a permanent member. Moose Open New House Soon Pittsburgh. Pa.— The new Moose theater at Hastings, built bv the Moose Lodge, will open Oct. 25. M. G. Rhoades will manage the house, which seats 600. Reduces Caoital (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Albany — The Monument Theater Corp., capitalized at $2,000,000. has reduced its capital to $1,600,000. New House On Long Island Great Neck, L. I. — The new Playhouse has opened, following much difficulty experienced in construction. Athcrly Poland is the owner. Oklahoma Theater in Fire Wewoka, Okla. — Fire caused by defective wire destroyed the greater part of the Olympic. Plan Screen Club Los Angeles — The recently chartered Screen .Arts Club plans the erection of two big club buildings for the use of all those connected with the industry. The sites have already been purchased, one on Franklin Ave., Hollywood, and the other in Santa Monica. Mayo and Breamer Head Cast Hollywood — The third of the Goliiam series, "Women and Gold," is now in production at the Hollywood stndio.s, under the direction of James P. Hogan. Sylvia Breamer and Frank Mayo head the cast. "Sky High," Mac Lean's Next Los .\ngeles — Douglas Mac Lean's fourth for Associated Exhibitors, is "Sky High." The cast includes Anne Cornwall E. J. Ratclii=fe, L. C. Slnimway and Robert Obcr. New Head for Dallas Board Dallas— E. L. Byar, a local exhibitor, has been elected president of the Arbitration Board, succeeding Dave Coughlin, an exchangeman. Dallas Journal in New Quarters Dallas— "The M. P. Journal" is now located in new quarters at 2209^ Jackson St. In the same suite is the M. P. T. O. of Texas. Theater Changes Ciiicago — Workmen have begun razing the former Colonial, to make way for the new Masonic Temple, which will include a 3,500 seat theater, which, as noted, has been leased by Balaban & Katz. The rental price has just been made known. It involves $327,000 yearly. Chicago— The old Parkway, at 22nd St. and California Ave., has been reopened as the Western, following extensive remodeling and redecorating. James E. Coston is managing. The house will continue with a first-run policy. Oklahoma City — Ray Berry has leased the Oklahoma to D. A. Boyle and W. H. Woods, of Anadarko, for five years. Clarendon, Ark.— J .T. Dial has sold the Victory to E. J. Ballingerm of Lonoke and C. E. Colter, of Oakland, II. $500,000 Theater For Davenport, la. (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Davenport, la.— Dr. D. J. Palmer, head of the Palmer School of Chiropractic, has announced intentions of building a $500,000 theater here, construction on which will begin next fall and will be completed in the summer of 1926. White contracts TheWhltoLlstl sWhltel TheWhlteLlBtl 3WhltaI TheWhltaLlatT, dWhltel WhlteL sWhlteLlatTbeh jLlstTheWhl, WhlteL 3KhlteLi8tTheWl teLiatTheWhltt WhlteL sWhlteL^etTlieWi iteLlst._ iBUlte White! sWhlte; stTheWl ItaLlatTheWhlt* Whltel aWhlte stTha?/! ItoLlstl.. WhlteL sWhIte atTheW) teLletTheWhll WhlteL )Whlte' stTheWl --iLletTheWhlt ThaWhil 1 TheWhlt ,1 TheWhlt ui. 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