The Film Daily (1924)

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inday, October 13, 1924 THE ■c&< DAILY I On Broadway i,idway — "The Alaskan" j'leo — "Roaring Rails" :itoI — "The Navigator'' ■ :ral — "Dante's Inferno" :nopolitan — "Janice Meredith" :;rion — "The Ten Command !:nts" ;v's New York — Monday — "Sin irs in Silk" 'lesday — "The Virgin" ' ednesday — "Cornered" lursday — "Flirting with Love" liday — "The Great Diamond Mys :ery" iturday — "Dynamite Smith" z — "The Iron Horse" J Strand — "Tarnish" idilly — "Welcome Stranger" 0 — "Her Love Story" li — "Dangerous Money" • klyn Mark Strand— "In Holly od with Potash and Perlmutter" Next Week dway — Not yet determined 50 — Not yet determined ral — "Dante's Inferno" lopolitan — "Janice Meredith" rion — "The Ten Command nts" ; — "The Iron Horse" : Strand— "The Silent Watcher" dilly — Not yet determined 0 — Not yet determined i — "Captain Blood" klyn Mark Strand — "Feet of ivention Prolongs Print Life Special to THE FILM DAILY^ ttle — R. N. Kendig, formerly tor at the Good Luck, has apfor a patent on his new inven fi device that removes heat from used in projection, without deIng the value of the light, lessenle danger of fire, and prolonging fe of the film. It was subjected 1 18 hour demonstration here itiy. Pending the granting of Its, the device will be manufachere in a small way. Foreign Deals Closed reign deals closed on the Lee Iiord product include: art of Alaska" to Peter H."" White jr the Balkan States, and "Venus of outh Seas," for Mexicd. "Heart of ," "For Woman's Favor" and "PasPathway," to Sociedad Generale, of fine. "The Lightning Comedies," to rk Sales, for Australia. "Is Money liing" and "The Lure of the Yukon," n De Luxe, of Montreal. "The Lure Yukon," to S. D. Wilson, for France lie "Red Head" comedies, for Ger Urooks Leaves for England Oswald Brooks, Pathe serial ger, left Saturday on the Koto attend his parents' golden ing anniversary. He will return 3. Another for Hostettler antic, la. — Dan Burgum's Strand ;en taken over by the Hostettler which it is reported, will also over the Atlantic. Hilliard in Pathe Serial lest Hilliard has been added to ast of "Galloping Hoofs," the I Pathe serial being directed by < (e Seuitz at the Universal stu w Fort Lee. Paterson Erecting Rivoli Paterson, N. J. — Planned on the architectural lines of an old Spanish castle, the Rivoli, now in the process of erection on Main St., between Van Houten and Broadway, promises to surpass anything of its kind in the local vicinity. The Biltmore Amusement Co., is building the house, which will seat 1600 and which will cost $750,000. Gothic Pictures Designated On Coast (.special to THE FILM DAILY) Sacramento, Cal. — Gothic Pictures, \vith headquarters in New York, and a New York Corporation, has been authorized by the Secretary of State to do business in California. Lou Baum, of New York, and Freda Freen;an and Irene Levine, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are the incorporators. Censorship Proposed Corry, Pa. — City censorship is the plan of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, according to a report here. The result hoped for is city legislation so that after the state board passes a film, the society will be allowed to use further censorial powers, cutting down the "salacious hazard" to a minimum. Plans Newsreel Trip Abroad Harry Hirshman, pioneer cameraman will leave in the near future for England, whete in co-operation with several British producers he will arrange an itinerary through Europe for the purpose of shooting geographical and scenic material to be made into educational films. Fire Damages Theater Springfield, Ky. — • Fire starting from an undetermined cause in a lumber concern across the street and spreading to other property causing damage to the extent of $100,000, included S. M. Campbell's theater, which was damaged to the extent of $4,000. B. O. Starr with Palace Houston, Tex. — B. O. Starr, forn;er publicity representative of the Interstate Amusement Theaters of Dallas, has been engaged to act as pjublicity and advertising manager for the Majestic and Palace here. $100,000 Damage from Blaze Concord, N. C. — Fire which started in the projection room of the Piedmont spread rapidly, finally severely damaging the theater building and adjacent buildings to the extent ot $100,000. Buddy Post Added To Cast Hollywood — Charles A. ("Buddy") t' has been engaged by Paramount lor '"The Top of the World," the new Mclford production. $25,000 Theater Opens Albion, 111. — Sam Horton has opened the doors of his new $25,000 picture house to the public. Helen Jerome Eddy Here Helen Jerome Eddy is here from Los Angeles. Cast For Howard's Next Hollywood — The cast for Zane Grey's "Code of the West" includes Owen Moore, Constance Bennett, Mabel Ballin, Charles Ogle, David Butler, Lillian Leighton, Edward Gribbon, Gertrude Short, Pat Hartigan and Frankie Lee. Wm. K. Howard, who is directing, is still at the Tonto Basin, Ariz, filming exteriors. Bennett-Lesser In New Unit (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Albany — Chord Pictures Corp. has been formed by Whitman Bennett, Myron L. Lesser and Pearly Cohen, all of New York. The incorporation papers state the new company will "l)uy, sell and exhibit pictures and sell and operate theaters." Headquarters are at the Bennett studios, Yonkers. New Jersey Company Formed (.Special to THE FILM DAILY) Trenton, N. J. — Incorporation papers have been taken out for the Victor Film Corp., of 623 Main St., Passaic, by G. Lombardi, New York; C. D'Amelio, Garfield, N. J., and A. Gallo, Brooklyn, N. Y. The company has a capital of $125,000. Another House for Craver Charlotte, N. C. — A building at present being used for business purposes will be converted into a theater by R. D. Craver, Felix Hayman and W. M. Moore who are the incorporators of the First National Amusement Co. The house will seat between 1300 and 1400. Banner Reports New Sales Banner Prod, has sold the "Banner Big Four" and the four Verschleiser Prod, for the Dominion of Canada to Film De Luxe, F. Latourelle, of Montreal and for Iowa and Nebraska to Enterprise Dist. Corp. of Atlanta. Cugat To Do Titles Francesco Cugat, well known New York artist, has been engaged by Paramount to do some special titlB~. and introduction work for "Garden of Weeds." Grauman May Sell (Continued fiom Page 1) is tremendous room for improvement in the theater field. Paris wants amusement and. I think, there is ample room there for four really big and beautiful theaters. "While in England, I visited London houses and on one occasion took in a show in a town of 100,000 population. The methods used at that particular theater were atrocious and are not even comparable with the managerial efforts in this country of ten years ago. "London is ten years behind America in theater operations. The big need over there is theaters and more theaters." Grauman will leave for Hollywood the early part of this week. Would Boost City Tax On Theaters ..jyncial to THE FILM DAILY) Everett, Wash. — Boost of the city tax on theaters to equal the income of one night a year at 35 cents a seat, an aggregate of $1,150 a year, is contemplated by the City Commission, as one step in revising the city's numerous ordinances. The code now covers admissions of 10 and 15 cents. I THE POLI CIRCUIT 1 Has Booked c I HAROLD BELL WRIGHT'S j i "THE MINE WITH THE I IRON DOOR" i "Sight Unseen" i REASONS: Tremendous popular i ity of Mr. Wright, the greatest i living author; magnitude of cast, i name of diredtor, Sam Wood. I 'i It's a Sol Lesser Presentation IBBSBWWSliSBffl^WffliWPBi^BIIWIBtl This h fchejo/nt — So That «ven .the Cana^ies\ >san^ /n bass, Where they nover Saiv d decent ^ace, ^ oh MERCy/ ■><' The bmruNCr ORIOLES A HAL Roach Hqvbt/ ^ruRe: Pafhepicture — --gj