The Film Daily (1924)

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c iTHE 4e BRADSTREET /* FILMDOM ^recocmizei Authority ,. XXX No. 16 Sunday, October 19, 1924 Price 25 Cents [ Philadelphia Deal ;y Takes Over Five Houses srated by J. Fred Zimmerman— $3^000,000 Involved tfiecial to THE FILM DAILY) adelpliia — The Stanley Co. of ca has just closed another important theater deal, said rolve properties worth in the orhood of $3,000,000. Nov. 1, J. Fred Zimmerman ting the Liberty, Keystone, um and Fairmount in this nd the Edgemont in Chester, irn them over to Stanley. W. Taylor who supervised the iiction of these houses and who en general manager will conn his present capacity and he (Continued on Page 2) inson. Smith of Imperial Here [leth Hodkinson, Coast execuid Cresson Smith, Mid-West er for Imperial are in New o attend a meeting of the orion scheduled for Tuesday dnesday. A successor to Paul arus will be selected and proplans announced, according kinson. Steger Returns 1 Steger, who recently reas production chief for Fox r the field on his own is due York today (Saturday) from : on the Paris. 'eatures Reviewed ied Flirts stro-Goldwyn Stranger Dist. Corp. •rous Money unt Women mer Bros. . . . Page For Sale f — State Rights . . . . Painted Flapper idwick — State Rights !red mers nf( Rails id. Dist. Corp. . . . Hittin' Hamilton class — State Rights er Take All Rldin* Kid from Powder River versal ViUionaire Cowboy II Booking Offices Subjects 10 Famous Wins Suit Referee Decides Weiss Bros. Can't Use "Ten Commandments" in Connection with "Six Days" In a report filed in the Supreme Court Friday afternoon, Robert L. Luce, as referee, recommended the granting of the Famous Players' petition for an injunction restraining Artclass Pictures Corp. and others from using the words "The Ten Commandments," either as the title or as part of the title of a motion picture, and from using those words and the picture of Moses in advertising a motion picture. The defendants in the case, besides Artclass comprise Louis Weiss, Adolph Weiss, Max Weiss, Edward Grossman, Standard Film Attractions, Supreme Photoplay Co., Ker(Continued on Page 16) King Wins Application on the part of Inspiration Pictures, Inc., to secure an injunction to restrain Henry King from working for any other company aside from Inspiration was denied Friday in the Supreme Court. Joe Jackson Here Joe Jackson, well-known Coast publicity man is in town, stopping at the Columbia University Club. B. and K. Buy Into Kunsky's Chain; Delicate Situation Now Ironed Out Complete Agreement Finally Reached — Potential Conflict in Bitter Theater War for Supremacy Wiped Out — Deal Carries Considerable Significance The following statetiient was issued jointly by Sam Katz of Balaban & Katz and George W. Trendle representing John H. Kunsky, Friday : "A complete agreement between the Kunsky Theater Circuit and the Balaban & Katz Circuit has been reached, under the terms of which the new Balaban & Katz theater and the Kunsky chain become one company. "This agreement inckides the purchase of a block of stock in the Kunsky Circuit by the Chicago people, and is a constructive advance for the entire industry, as it not only gives the Kunsky Circuit the benefit of the strength of the Chicago Circuit, but will prove a wondeful thing for Balaban & Katz. With this new theater in Detroit, together with the new State theater now being built by Mr. Kunsky, Detroit Wiill be prepared to adequately take care of all high grade motion pictures." Kane Off For Coast Robert T. Kane who holds a contract with Famous for two pictures leaves tonight (Saturday) for the Coast to start production. The first picture will be "Sackcloth and Ashes," from the novel by George Gibbs. Alice Terry and (.Continued on Page 2) Exhibitors By DANNY Big and little. With problems entirely different. With plans correspondingly far apart. As exemplified during the past week. By the First National. And the Michigan M. P. T. O. meetings. They piled atop of each other. Which made it tough. But to get tlie comparison sharp and quick. It was worth traveling from Atlantic City to Saginaw i.n one day. And after one calmly looks them over. It is easy to appreciate why it will be difficult to get together. And hold together. Exhibitor organization on a national scale. Unless there is a sharp division. Between the men who operate like Leiber, Katz, Blank, et al. And those who make up the rank and file. Of the usual exhibitor organization. This is sure : the ])rol:)lems of the large and small exhibitor are so different ; so completely different. That for one organization to attempt to aid both. At the same time. Would call for the qualifying leadership. Of a Moses. Unless they were split. And kept apart. They vvould get nowhere. Yet it was most interesting. To talk to leaders of each set. When you talk to Sam Katz. And listen to him complacently tell of the 21 million they are using this Fall. For theater building. And then listen to Joe Dennison in his easy quiet way. Tell of the difficulties he is having in getting pictures as the right (Continued on Page 14) While the men involved refused to add to this statement, it is understood that under the terms of the agreement, Balaban and Katz have bought heavily into the Kunsky chain. The details of the deal were practically worked out at the Atlantic City convention, and for a time this was the chief topic of discussion (Continued on Page 2) Loew Denies Shake-Up '.Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — At a luncheon attended by 300 attaches of the MetroGoldwyn studios, Marcus Loew denied reports of shake-ups and stated there will be no shifting of heads of departments. Louis B. Mayer will resume his duties here upon his return from Italy, with Irving Thalherg and Harry Rapf continuing as his assistants. Hollywood Under the general heading, "Hollywood Happenings," there will hereafter appear in the Sunday issue a page of pithy news notes, covering activities on the West Coast.