The Film Daily (1924)

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THE 16 -c^^ DAILY Sunday, October 19, In The Courts Supreme Court Justice O'Malley has signed an order fining William K. Ziegfeld, former President of the Ziegfeld Cinema Corp., $250 for contempt of court because he failed to appear and testify concerning his ability to play a judgment for $14,536 obtained in 1922 by the International Bank on a note of the corporation which Ziegfeld endorsed. Ziegfeld insisted that he could not remember having been served with the order and stated that he was merely an accommodation endorser and that when the corporation became insolvent he lost every dollar he had and thousands he borrowed to assist the corporation in making a film. In a suit of Harry Houdini as trustee in bankruptcy of the Octagon Films, Inc., against Mrs. Elizabeth D. Fischer as executrix of the estate of Adelbert H. Fischer for $101, 722 Houdini has filed an application to compel the defendant to give particulars of her allegations that the claim has been paid. He wants to know whether the payment was made by cash or by services. St. Louis — The Majestic theater in East St. Louis has been made defendant to a suit filed in the U. S. District Court, by Irving Berlin, Inc. The plaintiff alleges that the Majestic violated the copyright law. Harry Redmon is manager of the Majestic. A verdict of $3,590 was directed in the Supreme Court in favor of Malcolm Strauss against Julius H. Siebert on a contract by which the defendant in 1921 agreed to pay the plaintiff $10,000 in connection with the film, "Mary Magdalen." A judgment for $5,708 was directed in the Supreme Court against the Cosmorama Pictures Corp. in a suit of the Marcus Loew Realty Corp. for rent. Julian at Work on "Phantom" First scenes of "The Phantom of the Opera," have been filmed by Rupert Julian. Lon Chaney is "The Phantom" of the Leroux play and Mary Philbin, Norman Kerry, Gibson Gowland and Snitz Edwards are the only supporting players chosen so far. Tobert Ross is production manager. Charles Van Enge his first cameraman. The Weeks' HeadHnes Public to Pick Cast The Ince organization and BobbsMerrill, publishers of "Enticement" which Ince has secured for production are collaborating in a national campaign to secure the aid of the public in selecting the cast. International Claims A "Beat" International News Reel claims a "beat" on issuing the only pictures released that were made on board the ZR-3. The films were taken by one ol the crew and rushed through for early showing. A Correction Harry Hoyt co-directed with Larry Trimlile on "Sundown" and not on "The Lost World," as erroneously reported in Friday's issue. Monday Semi-annual meeting of First National executives and franchise holders at Atlantic City. Line-up interesting material for later in season. American Railway Express finally enters distribution via the Railway Express Film Transport Co. Walter Irwin interested. Al Lichtman resigns from Universal because of ill health. May produce later. A. W. Hale has a plan to instill new life into the inactive Detroit M. P. Corp. Sid Grauman may dispose of his Coast holdings and enter New York permanent h Samuel Ludwig forms Ludwig Film Exchange in Minneapolis, absorbing Adventure Prod, Lines up 150 features for this season. Tuesday Loew denies Louis B. Mayer would resign from MetroGoldw.yn. Report declared ridiculous, Valentino sails from Europe on Nov, i. Will start his first for Ritz shortly after his arrival here. Will make two a year. Many outsiders attending First National meeting. Reported Consolidated is dickering for First National print business. No change from Rothacker expected, however. Fritz Lang, director of "Siegfried," and Ehrich Pommer, Ufa head, here to study American production. Emil Shauer fears embargo on American pictures in Germany, Expects 33 1/3 increase in foreign business, Wednesday First National starts production in the East on Oct, 20, Lambert Hillyer a new director, Michigan M, P. T, O, opens Saginaw convention. Has $30,000 treasury. Thursday Learned that a doubt has risen over future status of D. W. Griffith with United Artists. Former's attorney believes Grif fith's signing document as a favor may be bindhig upon him. .T. D. Williams, at private dinner, tells about Lloyd and X'alentino deal. Says "Rudy" has five to make. Metro-Goldwyn signs Lillian Gish tor one picture, probably Coast-made. William Fraser, Harold Lloyd's general manager coming East to attend Paramount sales meeting. Balaban & Katz Detroit move discussed at First National meeting. Friday Douglas Fairbanks' next picture to be similar to "The Mark of Zorro.'' Mary's next undetermined. Three sales directors to handle Universal post left vacant by resignation of Al Lichtman, New Jensen & 'Von Herberg house in Portland understood to be a result of Warner announcement. Lubliner & Trinz to build new $2,200,000. 3,500 seat house for Chicago, Will be their twentieth. New Producers Distributing Corp,, plans for Spring include Renaud Hoffman series, four from Regal Prod, and two from Peninsula Studios. Independent production in East held up because of inability of producers to secure players who "pull" at the box-office. Saturday Balaban and Katz buy into Kunsky's Detroit chain. Delicate situation now ironed out, Stanley interests, of Philadelphia, take over five houses operated by T. Fred Zimmerman. Deal involves $3,000,000, Robert T, Kane, who is under contract with Famous to make two, off for Coast, First to be "Sackcloth and Ashes," to be followed by "Any Woman," Supreme Court decides Weiss Brothers cannot u-se the words "The Ten Commandments'' in connection with "After Six Days," Famous Wins Sui (Continued from Fayc 1) man Films, Inc., B & W Bo< Office and Charles La Lumiere, cers and representatives of Art< The suit arose over the actioi Artclass in advertising "After Days" as a picture "featuring M and the Ten Commandments." was alleged this change in the and advertising of their picture made after the De Mille Param picture, "The Ten Commandmei had proved to be a big success, was done for the purpose of d© ing the public and capitalizing on DeMille picture's success. Not only does the report restr Artclass and the other defenda from featuring the words "Moses ;. the Ten Commandments" in picture and advertising, but it makes theaters liable tO action if do likewise. Referee Luce also that Artclass and the other defi ants must account to Famous foi*' profits which they received from th production and pay all damages s tained by Famous resulting from th fraudulent advertising. The decision will probably be o sidered of great importance in pict circles, in that it establishes a pri dent against the infringement of til or features in successful pictures. Louis Weiss declared Friday nii that the decision will be appealed once. Le Saint to Direct , Hollywood— Edward J. Le Saint will direct "Three Keys," Ben Verschleiser's second production, work on which will start soon at F. B. O. The cast includes Edith Roberts. Jack Mulhall, Miss Du Pont, Gaston Glass, Virginia Lee Corbin, Stuart Holmes and Charles Clary. Laemmle Heads Film Committee Carl Laemmle has been appointed head of the special motion picture group which will aid the annual Volunteer Roll Call of the Red Cross, The drive opens Nov. 11, Armistice Day. The city will be divided into 75 groups of various industries. Ruby Renco Opens Projection Room (Special to THE FILM DAILY) St. Louis — Ruby S. Renco plans to bpen his new Universal Screening •Emporium, 3318 Olive St., on Nov. 1. iHe has installed a battery of Simplex machines and is prepared to give two jScreenings at one time. Walthall, Fitroy Added to Cast Hollywood — Henry B. Walthall and Emily Fitzroy have been selected by Cecil B. DeMille for part§ in "The Golden Bed." DeMille has also selected Lilian Rich for one of two equally important parts in the picture. Niemeyer with Fred Cornwall (Special to THE FILM DAILY) St. Louis — Harry Niemeyer is the new manager of the Delmonte theater, succeeding Joseph Desberger, who has left the business. Niemeyer is reported to have purchased a half interest in the Delmonte, which is controlled by Fred L. Cornwall. Taylor Closes Two Foreign Deals The John H, Taylor Film Corp. has closed two deals for foreign territories. One involves the series of 12 Jimmy Aubrey comedies for Mexico, Germany and Central America. The other disposes of the new Pete Morrison series for Germany. Lutherans Oppose Sunday Shov Galesburg, 111. — The Brotherhc of the Lutheran Church, at its f get-together dinner of the seas went on record as opposing the op ing of theaters on Sunday. Those attendance were urged to do all their power to keep the hou Iclosed tight on the Sabbath. i Hoffnaan Starting New Series I The first of the series of four w4 Renaud Hoffman will make for year's release by Prod. Dist. will be started within a few Wilbur Hall's story, "On the Th«| old," will be the vehicle and Ho will personally direct. 1 Cortez Plasnng Two Parts Ricardo Cortez, who came East to appear in Allan Dwan's "Argentine Love," at the Paramount Long Island studio, is working in two pictures, the Dwan film and "The Swan," which Dimitri Buchowetzki is directing for Famous. New Theater Unit in St. Louis (Special to THE FILM DAILY) St. Louis — The Allen Amusement Co., with a $10,000 capital, has been incorporated by David Nelson, Paul Whitman and N. F. Hecker. They are authorized to operate and control theaters. Teachers Hear Talk On Pictun Beaver, Pa. — The importance ofc moving picture as a factor in a cation was explained by William K son, of Famous Players, to the Cot ty Teachers Institute, which convcil recently. Maurice Stahl After Another i (Special to THE FILM DAILY) St. Louis — Maurice Stahl is sa^| be dickering for the purchase of I Aubert, Aubert and Easton Aves. is manager of the Tivoli. Seattle Firm Sued Seaittle — Suit has been filed agai the People's Park & Amusement by the Jerome H. Remick Co., ti charge the former with playing CO righted music. Baker Made Manager of McKiil (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Akron, O. — F. H, Baker, V known in local theatrical circles, been appointed manager of the J Kinley. I