The Film Daily (1924)

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THE October 24, 1924 ^5^ DAILV 11 Meeting Today (.Continued from Page 1) Standard Cinema Corp., which Jes shorts, including comedies Jimmy Aiibre^', Stan Laurel and produced by the Bray studios red yesterday it was involved in ay with the Sclznick rtcciver ley (tiie companyj will continue quire product and distribute the in tlie future as since their oration," the statement added. a Joseph Rothman Injured Francisco — Joseph Rothman, covers the Sacramento Valley ory for F. B. O., is in a hospital ■esccnt City, suffering from serinternal injuries sustained when leering wheel broke and his mawent over a 75 ft. embankment. ttkor Entertains Sales Force e semi-annual Paramount sales ;ntion ended with a dinner at Pennsylvania, Wednesday night. )ut-of-tpwn visitors arc being enned at Mountain View, Adolph r's country place at New City the week-end. ew Famous Exchange Starts 1 Antonio, Tex. — The New Parat exchange is now in full operaIt is affiliated with the Dallas Board of Trade and operates ■ the rules of that Board. s M. P. T. 9. Directors To Meet Has — The directors of the M. P. ). of Texas will meet here on 29 to discuss plans for the forthng annual convention, to be held )ec. 2-3. dahoma Body Meets Dec. 9-10 lahoma City— The State M. P. . will hold its annual convention )ec. 9-10. The organization is acting an extensive membership rermans Ban Foreign Actors is reported from Berlin tiiat Geraclors have formed an associato ban the importation of foreign )rmers. ^ Ace Berry Here Berry, managing director of ircle, Indianapolis is in town. At Astor. ;c Hays Must Testify Ordered to Appear at Trial of Action for Slander and Damages Brought by W. C. Hawkins Supreme Court Justice Mitchell has decided that Will H. Hays, president of the ^lotion Picture Prod, and Dist. of America, and Courtland Smith, secretary, must gb to court and testify before trial in a suit by Wilniot C. Hawkins for $65.000 damages against Charles C. Pettijohn, John Gentile, Lloyd Willis, the William J. Burns International Detective Agency and others in a suit for slander as the result of an alleged conspiracy to put Hawkins out of his business of ol)taining evidence cf film thefts. Hawkins asked for the examination of Hays and Smith to learn from them the nature of the duties of the defendants named, and the court decided he could inquire concerning all the defendants except the Burns Agency. Counsel for Hays and Smith asked that their examination, if directed by the court, take place in the office of the Hays organization, but counsel for Hawkins contended that the witnesses should testify in the Supreme Court because of "the difficultjf in controlling a recalcitrant witness is immediatclj' increased" if the examination is not held in court. New Theater For Elmira, N. Y. Elniira, N. Y. — The new State will shortly l)e placed into construction. This is the first theater to be erected under the new building code, claimed tc be the most stringent in the countrv. Griffith Selects Final Title D. W. Griffith has ciianged the title of "The Dawn" to "Isn't Life Wonderful." He is now completing it at Mamaroneck. FOR RENT Ideal Motion Picture Office. Every facility, including cutting room, projection room, vault and light airy office. Immediate possession. Rent VERY reasonable. Work fast if you want this space. Apply Box M220. FILM DAILY. 71 W. 44th St.. N. Y. C. COMING SOON PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION v-^:'<7Xfz-:c--^iX?^:-xc \^7jy./-Atfil'>jiiJi.''y.-AW "RECKLESS ROMANCE ^"AL CHRISTIE FEATURE Adapted from the i great Broadway success j WHATiS YOUR ' WIFE DOING ? a great box-office cast TROY BARNES LINCOLN PLUMMER TULLY MARSHALL HARRY MEYERS WANDA HAWLEY SYLVIA BREAMEU JACK DUFFY MORGAN WAlUtCE MJTCHELL LEWIS Dirutedby ,, -SCOTT SIDNEY 'i Old Films Lost Some of Universal's First Pictures Destroyed When Fort Lee Vault Goes Up in Smoke Fire jesterday morning destroyed a film vault at Fort Lee containing some of the first pictures ever made by Universal. The loss has not been estimated since it consisted largely in negatives whose sentimental and historical value outweighs their insurable value. The building, a two-story concrete affair, is a total loss. The negatives destroyed are irreplacable. Something like 20 |)icturcs in which appeared Mary Pickford, Owen Moore, Ben Turpin, the late George Loanc Tucker, Thomas H. luce, J. Warren Kerrigan, the late Wallace Reid, Pearl W'hite, Anna Pavlowa, Jack Pickford, Lon Chancy, Louise Fazenda and King Baggot, are totally destroyed. Exact records were not available, but it is highly probably that the negative of the first picture Carl Laemmle ever made. "Hiawatha," is among the destroyed as well as the first big costume picture, "Ivanhoc," and Anna Pavlovva's only pictin-e, "The Dunili Girl of Poritci." Johnnie Walker Here Johnnie \\'alker is here from the Coast, working on a picture to l^e made here for the Pathc. Talk Of Texas Deal (.Continued from Page 1) of the fact that the Interstate theaters arc essentially vaudeville houses. When E. A. Schiller was asked whether Loew was interested in the deal, he said: "There arc no negotiations and have been none with Hoblitzellc. As a mattar of fact, I have just arranged with the Melba, the Paramount house in Dallas, and an opposition theater the Interstate, to play our road shows after they leave New Orleans." Roy Sheldon In New Unit The Famous Authors Productions, Inc., a new organization, has opened an ofifice at 71 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. Roy Sheldon is director. The company plans a series of pictures featuring local and professional talent. S. Fenimore Hoffman is the head. Farewell Party fpr Rowland A number of friends tendered Richard A Rowland a farewell dinner last night, prior to his sailing for Europe. ^IME PRBSBMTED BT HUNT SEASON 1924-192S THIRTY STROMBEBe AND CHARLES e, JiOGERS PlRST-RtfN tltftXJW&S f^Hitm^^' aci IS fcpi socles o/^ii in TiieNciuRAKya' J^€ist Action Speed Serial (^ U^temTliundcTboU wi/A a Hnye oP lAe Fight I^ing a Dell Henderson Proditclion feafur/fto FRANKLYN FAaNUM ancf Helen Holmes