The Film Daily (1924)

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THE jJS^ DAILY Sunday, July 13, 1923 ''Ben Hur" (.Continued from Page 1) something to remember alongside of these. It rises to over 150 feet. Imagine how it appears, or rather, how it will, when it is "dressed" which means a lot more than seeing it towering over the plains — as I saw it this morning. It is part of the task that has taken months. (You'd think a Mexican "manana" is real speed alongside Italian indolence.) There are other sets, too, that intrigue imagination. But the "Joppa Gate" is easily the outstanding feature. There will be another huge set — the Circus Maximus — in which the never-to-beforgotten chariot race occurs. This is in model form only. At the moment. Construction starts soon. But the model indicates that it will be a quarter of a mile in size along each side. If they fill all the seats. All around. It will mean they will use 60,000 people. And that's some crowd. They probably won't. But the chances are they will use thousands. Because the big smash occurs at a curve. And the curve for such an arena must of necessity be of injmense size. They are planning that the Circus Maximus will be a real circus. Not only with the chariot races, but with all the rest of the doings. Which made those days stand out in red letters. In those times. When it had to be something of a day. To be so marked. Because, boy, they knew how to live in those days. Don't believe it? Well, listen — they reclined on couches during meal time and had flappers squeeze juice — from the grapes — right into their mugs. So you'd better think that out. Before you try to discover what a red letter day really was. To those old timers THE GALLEYS Down on the water front. About 40 miles from Rome. They have equipped the fleet. They've also shot some of the action. More yet to be done. In fact most of the shooting has yet to be. But you need a lot of imagination. To figure out all about what they'll do. When you see them riding the waves. Lonesome like. If they shoot any — while we're here and about — well, that's another story. More perhaps, later. HOLLYWOOD vs ROMA There's a lot of natural comparatives. Palm trees, luxurious plant growth all the same. They have even dug a well. Out on the plains. Although they insist it was to obtain good water. Still it makes one think of the oil wells which dot the landscape in and about the studios in Hollywood. They even have smart looking motor cars — in all colors — such as you see near the studio gates in Hollywood. But they aren't near the studios here. Only the verra rich have motors over here. Not actors. Nor directors. In comparison to the studios in Hollywood those here are a joke. There are a lot of them. But for practicable purposeswell, Hal Roach has much larger stages for his comedy units. And as for all other equipment — well, let's be polite. After all you don't have to make pictures over here. MAKING 'EM HAPPY Talk about giving a show? Say, you should have seen the merry makmg— the handshaking — the kissing — the welcome those Hollywooders gave the new arrivals. When they reached the station. H. E. Eddington, who is in charge of the production MOY PRINTER Slightly used with automatic take up, light box and direct current motor COMPLETE $290.00 Guaranteed in perfect condition. MOTION PICTURE APPARATUS CO, Inc. 118 West 44th Street New York City Bryant 6635 U. S. and Canada Agents for Debrie unit, gave Carey Wilson a squeeze — you'd have thought he was back home on Thanksgiving Day. And so on for the rest. The very first day the new ones reached the studio it was like Old Home Week. Francis X. Bushman couldn't get around fast enough. And how happy he was when he discovered that someone of the party could — and did — spare him a real American smoke. He treasured that cigar as if it was a souvenir dug from the ruins. Incidental!}^, while working in the studio, digging a ditch they ran across some old vases and other trinkets buried several thousand years ago. But they cannot be removed from the country. Ag'in the law. CATACOMBS AND SETS In other words, they had struck the catacombs. Now catacombs are nothing more or less. Than the spots where the old Romans had their tombs. And evidently they had everything in those catacombs except the kitchen stoves. Under the "Joppa Gate" set they discovered the roof of an old dwelling. But that was nothing to what they found. While digging elsewhere. And When they found the vases and jewels and coins — some very rare — the secret leaked out. And the official warning came. Not to take them away. So they are here. In the office used by Charley Brabin are some vases which would warm the cockles. Of any old collector. THE COLISEUM AS A SET When the problem developed relative to building the Circus Maximus — the chiefly a labor problem, plus the element of time — (boy, they squander more time here than anyone could believe) some one suggested they use the Coliseum as the background. Would have been all right excepting that there is a difference between the old Circus Maximus and the Coliseum. The same nimble wit suggested that some part of the grand plaza facing the monument being built for 30 years in memoriam to Victor Emmanuel be used as a grand lobby for the next Loew house to be built. REICHENBACH'S STAMP There is a funny old cafe here. Made famous by Harry Reich.enbach. It is under the old wall of Rome. And was used as a burial place at one time. (They have burial spots all around Rome. Right in the heart of the city is a sunken graveyard where for years all the cats have been buried.) Anyway in this spot — which is damp and gloomy Clem Deneker Reichenbach was given a party. And now all visiting Americans are shown the place. In other words they figure over here that every American knows Harry. Possibly they believe all visitors are in the the theatrical business. DANNY MANUEL GRANADO Juvenile Lead in "The Bandolero" Tom Terriss Production Made in Cuba, Spain and New York ( Metro Goldzvyn ) Photo by Pach Bros.