The Film Daily (1924)

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—;7tii^. DAILY Wednesday, July 16, 1924 Vol. XXIX No.13 Wednesday, luly16,1924 Price SCents Copyright 1924, Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc., Published Daily except Saturday, at 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. Joseph Dannenberg, President and Editor ; J. W. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Man|ger; Maurice D. Kann, Managing Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Advertising Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, «t the post office at New York, N. Y., under Ihe act of March 3, 1879. Tferms (Postage free) United States, Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York. N. Y. Phone Vanderbilt 4551-4552-5558. Hollywood, California — Walter R. Greene, 6411 Hollywood Blvd 'Phone, Granite 3980. London Representative — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 53a Shaftesbury Ave., London, W. I. Central European Representative — Internationale Filmschau, Prague (Czecho-Slo vakia), Wenzelplatz. Quotations High Low Close Sales East. Kod. .107^ 1073^^ 107^ 800 E. P.-L 80;^ 79>4 795/i 1.200 ■ do pfd. ....95 95 . 95 100 Goldwyn .. .13% 13% 13% 100 Loew's 16% 16J4 16% 700 Watiier'S Not quoted 3 ;.0 -Iji. ^Theater Changes ^ Cbhway, Mo. — The Empress has be-^h' purchased by J. R. Werden. ' 'Mexico,, Mo.— The New Grand has cl(!)sefl 'foir July and August. Rensselaer. N. Y. — Elmer Griffin has darkened the Columbia. -,, ,. Cambridge, N. Y. — L. I. Connors has bought the Star. ocvtv cLM uiurrac do il~ ! ^ 220 West 42nd St. New York, Chick. 4052 Foreign Cables — Geokann, N. Y. Distribution No Race Bar in California (.Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — According to a decision handed down by the Superior Court race distinctions are not permissible in theaters. Three negroes who complained that they had been compelled to take back seats in a theater of Gore Bros., Inc., were awarded $200 each. "Blue Laws" Hold Up Theater (.Special to THE FILM DAILY) Evanston, 111. — Albert O'Rourke, who has acquired a site in the heart of the city, will build a theater seating 3000 if the City Council will permit Sunday shows. Otherwise he will erect stores and offices. At present a local ordinance prohibits Sunday performances. Ohio Managers Fined (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Kenmore, O. — Manager V. Haiden of the Boulevard and Manager A. D. Raful of the Rialto were each fined $50 and costs for keeping their theaters open on Sunday. They were arrested on charges made by the Lord's Day Alliance. No Tour for "Our Gang" (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — Owing to the nature of child labor laws in various Eastern states the personal appearance tour originally intended for the members of the "Our Gang" comedies has been called off. Chadwick in "Border Legion" (.Special to THE FILM' DAILY) Los Angeles — Helen Chadwick is here to start work on "The Border Legion", for Famous. Antonio Moreno is also in the cast. Mildred Harris Heads Cast (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Hollywood — James P. Hogan's production of "Unmarried Wives", will have Mildred Harris at the liead of the cast. OFFICE SPACE WANTED 900 Square Feet Including 2 private offices and the use of a projection room. Only light and airy offices considered. Address Box G 501. COMING SOON .^^^»-^Xr«r.--.|CH.MIMjlTlO^ THE WISEA^IRGIN STAftRiNO Patsy Ruth Miller AND Matt Moore K eiMER HARRIS \ SPECIAL \ PRODUCTION i OiitecTEO By f LLOyO '( INCRMftM ) I f^...:^--^^'^-'^^.,^.-^.^^..^.-^^.^.^^!^^ ^.r^^.-:^. '.■:^..:yr.-^.,-i^.^.^..:^.^.^^^>'..!^^. Incorporations Dover, Del. — Downey Insulation Co., Inc. Capital $5,000. Incorporators, Gilbert H. Downey and Arthur Henry, of Philadelphia, and Walter Keating, Hadden Heights, N. J. Springfield, 111. — Kempton Royal Theater, Ltd., Chicago. Capital $1,800. Incorporators, W. W. Kemp, A. S. Hatch, H. M. Brown, A. J. McKinney and F. E. Wick. Albany — Nicolai-W e 1 c h-Demilt, New York. Capital $20,000. Incorporators, G. H. Nicolai, J. M. Welch and J. Demilt. Attorney, J. L. Goldstein, New York. Lexington, Ky. — South Covington Amusement Co., Covington. Capital $1,000. Incorporators, Wm. Bankamper, W. L. Hurley and A. J. Dehlinger. Albany — Victor Hyde Producing Co., New York. Capital $10,000. Incorporators, E. H. Fenstermachcr, Stella BerhoflE and L. Langer. Dover, Del. — Philadalphia Technical Institute Co. Capital $500,000. Incorporators, S. L. Mackey, J. D. Freck and H. Kennedy. Albany — Calor Enterprises, Inc., New York. Capital $1,000. Incorporators, Charles L. O'Reilly, M. W. Moss and Anita Storch. Albany — Western Stories Publishing Corp. Incorporators, Francis Pace, Nathan Messinger and Grace Carroll. r ■ Dover, Del. — New Schley Theater Corp., Dover. Capital $250,000. A COMPLETE LABORATORY AND TITLE SERVICE The Standard of the Industry 723 7th Ave., N.Y.C. Bryant 5450-1 PafheNews Sees All "' K^ Knows All No. 58 U. S. WINS OLYMPIC GAMES. Scenes at the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris; the parade of 2,000 athletes representing 45 countries. THE BATHING SUIT PARADE AT BRADLEY BEACH. Abbreviation is the keynote at Bradley Beach, N. J. as seabeauties parade. FRENCH ROUND-WORLD FLIER REACHES JAPAN. Cap. Pelletier D'Oisy lands at Tokorosawa Field, Japan, 45 days from Paris. Other news as usual. GLENN TRYON HAL ROACH'S LATEST FIND IN 2 REEL Pafli^omedy '^nsi To emphasize the scenes of thrills, gasps and snap in your elaborate productions, use hand coloring by /<7mo/\. Phone: Morningside 1776 528 Riverside Drive N. Y. C. SURE FIRE STORIES! (( GARRETT ELSDEN FORT author and adaptor of The Season's Sensation THE FIRE PATROL" right now has available for producers iwo original stories of greater power than "The Fire Patrol" Write or Wire %Writers Club Hollywood, Calif.