The Film Daily (1924)

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If^g 7Ae BRADSTREET o/' FILHDOM Authority Vol. XXIX No. 43 Wednesday, August 20, 1924 Price 5 Cents Deal For Coast "Lab' Consolidated Reported About to Take Over Standard in Hollywood — H. J. Yates There It is expected that Consolidated Film Industries, Inc., the $5,000,000 laboratory combination that includes the Craftsmen. Republic and Erbograph plants will shortly take over the Standard Laboratories, Inc. of Hollywood. L. J. San. general manager of Consolidated admitted yesterday that the proposition was under consideration, but said there was nothing further to iay. Yates on Coast {Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — H. J. Yates, of Consolidated has been here for a number of weeks. It is understood that a committee of three stockholders of Standard has been negotiating with Consolidated egarding the acquisition of their plant on Seward Ave. S. H. Tompkins resigned a few months ago and recently J. M. Nickolaus withdrew to take charge of the Metro-Goldwyn laboratories. The financial interests in back of Standard have relinquished their interest in the Hollywood studio to a group including David P. Howells and, it is said, are anxious to clean up all of their investments in the picture field. "Beaucaire" for ThiM Week Monsieur Beaucaire" will remain at the Strand for a third week. Loew's State Opens Tomorrow (Special to THE FILM DAILY) St. Louis — Loew's State has its premiere tomorrow night. Marcus Loew and his party of stars from New York are expected here Thursday afternoon. N. W. Perks Up Record Crop Stimulates Business There — More Money in Circulation (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Minneapolis — "Greater Amusements" says: "Official figures which revealed an even more favorable crop outlook than that of a month ago, have stimulated business greatly throughout the Northwest during the last ten days. Business in all lines is feeling the effect, with more money being spent generally and more merchandise going into the channels of distribution, presaging a period of great prosperity for this section. (Continued on Page 2) A marvelous title, a knock-out story and the greatest cast you ever sawThree reasons why you should book B. P. Schulberg's new Preferred Picture, "The Breath of Scandal."— Advt. Plan Works Out 1st Nat'l Satisfied With Special Sales System on Its Five Specials for Fall The sales plan developed by E. A. Eschmann for the disposal of specials is working out to complete satisfaction, it was declared at First National yesterday. There are five in the group, "The Sea Hawk," "Secrets," "Abraham Lincoln," "Sundown" and "The Lost World." A sales force of six men handles contracts under direction of A. W. Smith, Jr., of the home office. To all intents and purposes, this (Continued on Page 2) Theater For Kiddies Chicago — The Kidland Amusement Co. has purchased for $75,000 a 600 -•■.eat theater at 47th St. and Ashland Ave., for the use of children. No adult will be admitted unless accompanied by a child under tWelve. First Picture Here (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — Sidney Olcott is en route to New York to make "Three Black Pennids," his first picture for Paramount urder the new contract. He will returti here later to direct 1 Pola Negri. More From "Dick" First National Signs New Contract With Barthelmess for Additional Pictures Following the signing of a new contract between Richard Barthelmess and Inspiration Pictures for two years, a revised agreement between the producing company and First National was closed yesterday. Under the terms of it, Barthelmess will supply an added number of pictures to tile First National schedule. He was committed to deliver three under the former contract but yesterday's negotiations take in those three and p number of others. Franklin Returns Harold B. Franklin, director of the theater department at Famous returned last night from a European vacation on the Olympic which docked late. Investigation On The Committee on Stock Listings of the N. Y. Stock Exchange has decided to investigate the charges of misrepresentation made by Hiram .^brams against Famous Players. Definite action of some nature may be looked for in about a week. Bettering Studios Coast Producers Agree to Make Conditions for Artists Happier and More Agreeable (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Los Angeles — The relations between artists and producers from now on will be a good deal happier. While there lias been nothing that can be characterized as a break of any nature, there have been some complaints from actors and actresses over long hours of work at night and failure on the part of the producer to start pictures on schedule. It has now been agreed, however, that each actor or actress will be given work in a specified production within seventy-two hours either way of the prearranged starting date. This s considered an important decision because artists are often thrown out of work by an upset in schedule. Insofar as night work is concerned, producers have promised to see that artists secure a period of time off within a week commensurate with the luunber of hours they spend at the ^lud^o at night. At a meeting of the coast producers' association at which these decisions were announced, Joseph M. Schenck was re-elected president; Hal. E. Roach, first vice-president; Thomas H. Ince, second vice-president and Fred Beetson, secretary-treasurer. It is thought here that the seventytwo hour "on or about" clause adopted on the Coast became possible only because of the splendid system in force at Hollywood studios. It was oointed out that schedules are being maintained as a regular thing there 3nd that most of the doubt and indecision that was prevalent in studio operation in past years has been eliminated. The producing association there is held largely responsible. Pearl White Fihn for T. O. D. C. William A. True, president of the Theater Owners Dist. Corp.. announced vesterday that he would distribute "Perils of Paris," starring Pearl White. The picture was directed by Edward Jose in Paris and was originally called "Terror." East Washington Improves (Special to THE FILM DAILY) Seattle — Exchangemcn report conditions improved in Eastern Washington, due to the high price of wheat. In and around the Wcnatchee district improvements are expected with the harvesting of the apple crop, which is lighter than usual. Many are planning early Fall openings.