The Film Daily (1924)

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-more echoes of the FAMOUS ^ REPORTS ON ' CHANCING HUSBANDS THE ENEMY SEX WANDERERofWASTELAND THE COVERED WAGON UNGUARDED WOMEN MONSIEUR BEAUCAIRE MANHANDLED J3PEN ALL NIGHT/^ N EW ORLEANS LIBERTY — ."Cban£in2 (Paramount). Business: gusbands" Excellent. KANSAS CI-P cards, ,^ trailers. Ncsvspsiper .SSy entortain.n.. Letter than (Par*;paP«tSi ■billboards, . mount). ^ i* .^ ^arcls, Betty Comp^-^ Uer recent pictures,r ATLANTA -RTALTO — "Changing Husbands" (pSii^TnO: New-Si^s: Unun.muu|y •accl.iimed it ainusually good film. .L^ ploitation: Prominence was. gvv^n the Fact that the |t-y Jrom wh cU ^tl>e p.c^ ture was taken was written tor OMAHA STRAND B*-;j^^ city. tb.s (Paramount), beconu ^^^ ^^p Newspaper; rlcas.n, covMcd space on the l.e^^, V, m Star. Uiisinc^^s: Saturday Evening Post by a Georgia g.rl ElizalM^lh Alexander, lister of th. tteorcia Tech football coach. Busnie^-^. tra sr thea! r^ . Biismi'^s< Ci«j<) NEW YORK RIALTO— ' Second week 'Manlundlfd" (Paramount). at TEis house. Busiaess: Excellent RIVOLI — ■ "The Covered Wagon" (ParaiTKumt). Special run. Busiues's: Best ever. _--' ST. LOUIS CHICAGO ens' prayers ? except that it'o-ih2'^^'^ ^'*" say of tlfis *.«.• ^-..„"> .^"^sjlie answer to the maid andaline-Vigh?^rt4-'''''^*^.l-ess. the doors open .udcontiu LOS ANGELES waits bi'fBie ues throughout MET aO POUT AN' ■j^jghj;" (Paramount) iiid Kewspap*^ entertaining iu All : Bril tliomo lUisi liaatly aete<l . , . papers g z*-s"^'^-' -- . r,__".The yov] ,>ni.I^10N DOLLAR i- .^ Wigop" (Paramount^, l'^''^ NVjiSaJi ^ g record. rnn_l<cnt "n iTs °"-__^ Coveted CAPITOL, GRAND CENTUAt/, LYltrC SKYDOME, WEST END LYRIO^"The Covcfc^ Wagon" (Paramount). Reviews: Globe Democrat: ''A classic gripping the imagination, lioiaing tl;e interest and stimulating the mind with its overi)owering greatness." Post-Dispatch: "A wejl worth wliilo picture." Exploitation: Newspapers, liiHboards, handbills, special exhibit of covered wagon in front of Skydome. Business: Record breaking. MISSOURI — •JJauhandjwT''' (Paramount). Reviews: Globe Dem<Krai: "Gloria Swanson has foind herself ;in<i IS now indeed the 'glorious Gloria' slic. once promised, to be." Star: '".MLs;; Swanson is a complete surprise it: tlii.picture." Po"st-Dispateh: "<.;i\,. -.liss Swan.son a fine opportunity (or lea! comedy work, j^nd her performance ■j'.o--^, Uiis Jinn is a. reveJatiou. ' Explo.taiion: Newspajieni, billboards,, posters. KnsiiifusV Excellent. Note— "IMie Covered Wi^go^iV was shown lit greatly ad.vau(!Oil yrives heie last Winter. SEATTLE STRAND "Monsier iteaucairo" (l-'amous Plajtrs). New.spapcrs :. An e.xcel I'-ut picture in every detail, 'Valentino in a triumphant return to the screen, a pjct'ire to please everybody. Exiiloitation : Newspaper ads and publicity, strong advance campaign, two styles of 24-sLeets, window cards, one-sheets, lobby trim' trailer, dance prologue and interlude, sixsh.^eLs. Business; Very strong (practically capacity) for O.e first weelc of an extended engagement, with prices at " ■-c-nts for all performances. -FROM ONE ISSUEMORNING TELEGRAPH REPORTS run_ MINNEAPOLIS .STATE — Cloria Swanson hi "Man.hnnllgd (Paramo)int). Weil liked by crowds Vlnd received favorable press commnit! The' State |s having the best bnsi. ;i»;,-... -v shimmer in years. Special • ;i!e.(!!;aLroiis, including ''The Kiddie's llcrue," liave hplpe<l. Lorraine Sisters csviitideville feature. S T R -V N I ) — "Ungruarded AVoroejiV (Paramount). With Behe Daniels. Richard Dix and ^lary Astor. <!ood bii-;incKs. THE COMING THE ALASKAN FEET OF CLAY EMPTY HANDS HER LOVE STORY THE FAST SET MERTONoFTHt MOVIES A SAINTED DEVIL SINNERS IN HEAVEN Fortunafe the exhibiior who has booked FAMOUS FORTY