The Film Daily (1925)

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iTHE ff brAdstreet b/* FILMDOM ^^ ;9^^RE(0CM1ZED Authority /OL. XXXI No. 61 Sunday, March 15, 1925 Price 25 Cents 5500,000 Theater Deal eck. Former Shoe Man, Buys Out Yost Circuit— Seven New York Houses Involved \ii important local theater deal . onsummatcd yesterday when a . headed by A. S. Beck, former dealer, Joseph Bickel and B. M. -sy acquired the Yost circuit of 1 New York theaters and merged them two others in Richmond ili. owned by Rosassy. ' ' L' transaction involves about i()0 and includes leases on many houses and. in some cases, the rty on which they stand. Un ; the terms of the contract, sigticd 'i.iit four o'clock yesterday morning 111 a prolonged conference, the V. k interests acquire the houses as ' irch 5 last. The theaters are: c Chaloner, 57th St. and 9th ■.:.. seating 1,500; Aniphion, 10th N. . and 46th St.. seating 600; Royal. Jth Ave. and 44th St., seating 600; Ijperior, 3rd Ave. and 32nd St.. seat tg 1,100; Regent, 3rd Ave and 28th :.. seating 600; the 34th St. theater, ■th St. and 3rd Ave., seating 1.000 id the Chelsea. 8th Ave. and 32nd .. seating 1,000. The Richmond ill houses are the Forest Park and ;e Manor. jSoflferman and Soflferman, who have hrured in a number of important lo:1 theater deals were the bfokers. he lawj'er for the Beck group was G. Nissenson and for Yost, Kaplan osman and Strensand. i Features Reviewed ; Page , Riders of th^ Purple Sage ' Fox 9 I Too Many Kisses 1 Paramount 9 ■ Lady of the Night Metro-Goldwyn 9 Introduce Me Associated Exhibitors 9 Heart of a Siren First National 12 The Swan Paramount 12 • Love's Bargain I F. B. 0 12 Dangerous Innocence Universal 12 On Thin Ice Warners 13 Midnight MoUy F. B. 0 13 Champion of Lost Causes Fox 13 The Boomerang Schulberg 13 Snort Subjects 48 Short Subject Quarterly, Spring 1925 THE FILM DAILY today presents its Spring Short Subject Quarterly. The feature article concerns children's programs, their practical application and gives a list of 23 model shows and where they can be obtained. In addition, there are interesting discussions of the short subject by experts in production, distribution and exhibition. This special section begins on Page 15. Exchanges For Shorts Sering D. Wilson Will Establish Offices for Short Product Only — 104 Subjects This Year Sering D. Wilson and Co., Inc., which recently took over the Kelley color patents, intends establishing a series of 26 exchanges in key points to handle short product only. The first will be operated at 729 7th Ave., l)y Harry Danto, and. according to an official of the Wilson company, will bear the name of that organization. In keeping with this announced plan, production of short subjects will be developed so that 104 films will be available to exhibitors this year. Several of their present series, including Elienezer Ebony comedies. Karlo Kolor Komedies and new Red Head Comedies are now made in cartoon. A new department headed by Frank A. Nankivell and "Hutch" will be or(Coniittued on Page 3) "Hay Fever", Butterfly Comedy Los Angeles — "Hay Fever" is the title of a new Butterfly Comedy iust completed. Gloria Joy and Conrad Hipp are featured. Signs Three Stars Century, in New Deal, Secures Wanda Wiley, Edna Marian and Eddie Gordon Los Angeles — .Abe Stern will leave for the East in a few days, having signed new long-term contracts with Wanda Wiley. Edna Marian and Eddie Gordon, Century stars. Jack Singleton and Charles King are now part of the Century stock company. li Julius and Abe Stern, producers of Century Comedies, have adopted a new plan to popularize their stars, Wanda Wiley. Edna Marian, Eddie Gordon and Al Alt. They have made arrangements with Universal to have their stars (Continued on Page 3) Buys Up Shorts Ideal of London Gets Educ'l, Pathe and "Felix" for Great Britain — Strong Line-Up London — Ideal has created for itself an extremely important position in the distributing field here. The company has acquired the entire output of Educational and Pathe. By a new deal, it will release in Great Britain, the "Felix-Pat Sullivan cartoons toons. This line-up of short subjects, which cannot be approached by any other renter in England, will be augmented by a feature release weekly It is the first time in England that any one company has secured the joint output of the two leading Ainerican short subject distributors. It is understood that Inter-Globe Export acted on behalf of Pathe in negotiations with Ideal. Leo White In New Series Los Angeles — Billy Joy is directing Leo Whi'e in a series of comedies being made at the California studios for Jackson Prod. Sarg to Resume Plans Cartoon Novelties with Color Background — Each to be in One Reel Tony Sarg, producer of the Tony Sarg .\Imanac, intends making a new series of one-reelers using a combination of his present animated cartoon process and a series of backgrounds in color. Definite plans have not as yet been made and just when production will start is doubtful. However, the series will be known as "Even As You and I" and will deal with insects. For example, a bee may be used but will be embellished with a hat and other characteristics to give it a human angle. Sarg makes his pictures with the cartoon figure moving in silhouette fashion against a background. MacLean-F. P. Deal Contracts Signed Yesterday, Run For Period of Years — Comedian to Make Own Pictures Paramount will release future Douglas MacLcan comedies over a pc riod of years, it was announced jointly yesterday by MacLean and Famous. MacLean will spend another few days in New York before returning to Hollywood to begin on the first picture under the new contract. He will continue to make his own pictures as in the past. The first two will be in the Fall group of Paramount releases. F. P. Earns $5,422,349 1921 Profits 81,176,546 Above 1923— Common Averages S20.08 Per Share Famous Players in its consolidated statement (which includes the earnings of subsidiary companies) yesterday reported net profits of $2,500,507.16 for the three months and $5,422,349.29 for the twelve months ending Dec. 27, 1924 after deducting all charges and reserves for Federal income and other taxes. After allowing for payment of dividends on the preferred stock, the above earnings amount to $9.89 per share for the three months and $20.08 per share for the twelve months, on the common stock outstanding. The 1924 earnings top 1923 by $1,17(.,546 when the total was $4,245,783. In that year, annual earnings on the C(5mnion then outstanding were $15.07 per share. Rowland & Clark Plan Another Wilkinsl)urg, Pa. — Rowland & Clark will construct a $250,000 theater in Wilkinsburg on property purchased from .Mbert K. Robinson on Penn Ave., near Wood St. The new theater will be under the management of Paul B. Jones, who is associated with the company in the operation of the Colonial and Rowland theaters. It seats 1,650. Put Off Until Monday Abe Warner did not see Will H. Hays yesterday as he intended. However, he will endeavor to arrange an interview for Monday at which time he will ask Hays to ascertain the stand of First National. Famous and Mctro-Goldwyn toward the Mid-West and similar circuits.