The Film Daily (1925)

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Sunday, June 21, 1925 Shootin' Injuns Sporting Judgment Pathe Review Remember When . Hold my Baby Pathe Review Big Red Riding Hood The Marriage Circus The Lyon's Whiskers Black Hand Blues Bad Boy Title Three Bases East Home Scouts Dinky Doodld and Magic Carpet The Great Decide He Who Gets Crowned Peter Pan-Handled The Fast Male The Snow Hawk Meet the Ambassador The Covered Flagon Navy Blue Days Madame Sans Gin The Sleuth Title "Heart Trouble" "The Fighting Ranger" International Newo "Plenty of Nerve" -^ "The Ropin' Venus" "Nicely Rewarded" "The Fighting Ranger" International News "Beauty and the Bandit" "The Gumps", No. 9 "Dog Biscuits" "The Fighting Ranger" International News "Gridiron Gertie" "The Pronto Kid" "Unwelcome" "The Fighting Ranger" International News "The Outlaw" "The Gumps", No. 10 No. 11 Our Gang Comedy Sportlight . Harry Langdon Comedy No. 12 Roach Stars Comedy Charley Chase Comedy Comedy No. 13 „ . Mack Sennett Comedy Spat Comedy Charley Chase Comedy Film Booking Offices Star Alberta Vaughn & George O'Hara Jimmy Aubrey Series No. of Reels No. 8, "Pacemakers" Comedy Cartoon No. 2 Alberta Vaughn & George O'Hara Jimmy Aubrey No. 4, "Pacemakers" Comedy Cartoon No. 3 Alberta Vaughn & George O'Hara No. 5, "Pacemakers" Stan Laurel Comedy Jimmy Aubrey Comedy No. 4 Alberta Vaughn & George O'Hara No. 6, "Pacemakers" Stan Laurel Comedy No. 5 Alberta Vaughn & George O'Hara No. 7, "Pacemakers" Stan Laurel Comedy Universal Star Series No. of Reels No. 1 Arthur Lake Jack Daugherty Edna Marian Josie Sedgwick No. 2 Chas. Duflfy Jack Daugherty George Larkin No. 3 Arthur Lake Jack Daugherty Wanda Wiley Edmund Cobb No. 4 Chas. Duffy Jack Daugherty Jack Perrin Bull's Eye Comedy Adventure Picture News Reel Century Comedy Mustang Picture Bull's Eye Comedy Adventure Picture News Reel Mustang Picture "U" Special Bull's Eye Comedy Adventure Picture News Reel Century Comedy Mustang Picture Bull's Eye Comedy Adventure Picture News Reel Mustang Picture "U" Special "Ice Cold" "The Fighting Ranger" International News "Speak Freely" "Queen of the Round-up" Bull's Eye Comedy "The Fighting Ranger" International News "The Gumps", No. 12 "The Show Down" "Nobody Wins" "The Fighting Ranger" International News "Love Sick" "The Close Call" Bull's Eye Comedy "The Fighting Ranger" International News "Queen of Aces" "Roaring Waters" "Here's Your Hat" "Great Circus Mystery" International News "Itching for Revenge" "One Glorious Scrap" Bull's Eye Comedy "Great Circus Mystery" International News "The Gumps", No. 11 "The Rim of the Desert" "No Place to Go" "Great Circus Mystery" International News "Getting Trimmed" "The Line Runners" "Locked Out" "Great Circus Mystery" International News "Tourists De Luxe" "The Bashful Whirlwind" No. 5 Arthur Lake Jack Daugherty Edna Marian Josie Sedgrwick No. 6 (No title yet) Jack Daugherty Art Accord No. 7 Arthur Lake Jack Daugherty Beth Darlington Edmund Cobb No. 8 (No title yet) Jack Daugherty Wanda Wiley George Larkin No. 9 Arthur Lake Joe Bonomo Eddie Gordon Edmund Cobb No. 10 (No title yet) Joe Bonomo Jack Perrin No. 11 Arthur Lake Joe Bonomo Wanda Wiley Arnold Gregg No. 12 Arthur Lake Joe Bonomo Hayes & Karr Edmund Cobb Bull's Eye Comedy Adventure Picture News Reel Century Comedy Mustang Picture Adventure Picture News Reel "U" Special Mustang Picture Bull's Eye Comedy Adventure Picture News Reel Century Comedy Mustang Picture Adventure Picture News Reel Century Comedy Mustang Picture Bull's Eye Comedy Adventure Picture News Reel Century Comedy Mustang Picture Adventure Picture News Reel "U" Special Mustang Picture Bull's Eye Comedy Adventure Picture News Reel Century Comedy Mustang Picture Bull's Eye Comedy Adventure Picture News Reel Century Comedy Mustang Picture Comedy Survey By H. M. HERBEL Sales M'g'r, Century Comedies During the past year we have made a careful survey of the entire field as to comedy requirements and our present policy is the result of this investigation. There is a demand for two kinds of comedies, namely: slapstick and situation. We have found that the South, with the exception of a few larger centers, prefers slapstick comedies, while Chicago and everything East prefer straight situation type. The West with the exception of the four large Coast cities, prefer slapstick. In our estimation, it is impossible to make a one-type comedy that will receive wide distribution on the 52 a year basis. Therefore, our policy of the star series plan has been adopted. We find that this policy is the most advisable due to the fact that the exhibitor only receives one comedy from each star per month and therefore every other week gets a different ' of comedy. There are no two t. leases in succession of the same )t or star. It is our opinion that on ly 52 a year proposition, you must v variety in order to get the best sible representation. Any exhibitor who does not ac tise his comedy attraction toda the same as the merchant selling and hats and only advertising ! Naturally, he is going to be d pointed not only in the results 0{ hat department, but general busi During the past few months t has been a tendency on the pai the exhibitor more than ever befoi recognize the value of two reel af dies. They are giving them 0 space in their ads and realizing p value in rounding out a satisfa(' program. In my estimation a o( comedy is at least 25 per cent ^ u' to the theater. This being the st there is no reason why it shoulcl receive 25% of advertising space.*