The Film Daily (1925)

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iety and Box-OSf ice Value Jne-yp of Short Product SZ CENTURY COMEDIES — z Reels Each 12 starring WANDA WILEY Wanda has been hailed as the coming queen of light cOmedy, the find of the year, ^he is a winner for any showman, anywhere. 12 BUSTER BROWN COMEDIES Buster Brown, Mary Jane and Tige have had millions of dollars worth of advertising in natiGnally'famous newspaper comics. This great publicity and big tie'ups, such as Buster Brown stockings, collars, ties, etc., give this series big feature money'making exploitation possibilities ! i 12 starring EDNA MARIAN She's pretty — she can act— she can coax a laugh from a confirmed grouch. 6 starring AL ALT Suprettie laugh-maker— the man whofcrings the smiles, chuckles and laughs. When "Al's here", you'll pack *em in to the rafters. 4 featuring CHARLES KING and CENTURY FOLLIES GIRLS A comedian from the word go, backed by a beauty chorus that could easily win a place on Broadway. 6 starring EDDIE GORDON The comedy thrilLspiller, a real sensation and a favorite everywhere. 12 NEW GUMPS — a Reels Each Starring JOE MURPHY, with Fay Tincher and Chester Morgan From the famous CARTOONS by Sidney Smith The Gumps in comic strip form are cleaning up for 300 newspapers, which means a nation-wide tie'up for showmen. The new series is even better than the old one, and you know what the first twelve did for you. Play the Gumps and you'll get the jump on your competitors. SZ BLUEBIRD COMEDIES — 1 Reel Each Starring CHARLEY PUFFY and ARTHUR LAKE Going at a merrier clip. They'll eat up more yards of tickets and pull more laughs than ever before. Puffy, the great European comedian, the barreled-shaped athlete who is funnier than a barrel of monkeys, has been added to the galaxy of stars. This means more gravy for you. Arthur Lake made a big success in "Sweet Sixteen Comedies". A faithful following is awaiting his latest series. S2 BIUSTANG WESTERNS ' z Reels Each Starring Ed, Cobh, Jack Mower^^ Smiley Corbett, Fred Humes and'^Pee Wee Holmes They're loaded to the hilt with the breeze of the West— real program builders, box-office certainties that will pay their way many times over. INTERNATIONAL NEWS — '04 issues-^ Each week Scoop after scoop attests its dominance in the field. And it is advertised daily to more than twenty million readers m all Hearst newspapers. When you book International you can depend upon the utmost in service and boxoffice power. Pernatlonal NeMrs ivarrant strong advertis' In bang -up style li