The Film Daily (1925)

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-iTHE 7Ae BRADSTREET of FILMDOM )1. AXAIV No. 11 Authority Wednesday, October 14, 1925 Price 5 Cents >$422,473,961 Capital ^ted In 1,34 J Charters, Filed S.nce |Jan. 1 — Corporate Activity for bepiember bhows Decline , eptember was a quiet month, inj«(ir as new charters in the industry "e concerned. Minety-eight units e chartered, listing capital of ^02,,800, according to the regular fa'ithiy survey of THE FILM JILY. lie number of charters filed is the oest since February, which had 80, 'Ugh the amount of capital listed Ptember greatly exceeds that oi 11 last two momhs. lice Jan. 1, 1,346 companies were 0 led to do business in the industry, vii^ a total active capital of $42z,■ '01. It is expected that the figure -xcecd half a million by the end 1 iie year. All of the 1,J46 units (Loiitinued on Patje b) aking Over Small Towrn Sales isociated Exhibitors will take IV sales in towns of less than 2,500 oilation, according to a policy outnl when the company's special q;sentatives were here last week. ae has been handling these bookij until now. r.T, w ^^ Oklahoma ' featuring Ruth Mix is the first of a series of six BrL^ w'"?;^'"^" features-Supported by a notable cast including Bryant Washburn and Elinor Fair. Now being released. Produced by Ward Lascelle Productions, Beverly Hills, Cal.— Advt. Schenck Non-Committal ^hen Nicholas M. Schenck of Vo-Goldwyn-Mayer was asked nher or not there was any truth I e report that his company would ^cuce in England, he said: ', can neither confirm nor deny." Sheehan En Route West licago— Winfield R. Sheehan !d through here Sunday, en to the Coast. $1,000,000 St. Louis House Louis— A $1,000,000 theater and ^ent is to be built at Gravois Mlenwood, by Rupert & Levine igo architects. It will seat 380o' en Levme is the owner of the I project. He stated St. Louis , er men will handle the house It is completed. T/ie Tournament &' participants in the Fall }a Tournament yesterday imd the two 18 hole courses i Wmged Foot rather tough « to play, but charmed by perfect weather and the pUty of the club, the day ^•ned out to be one of those p-fect affairs. Details of the tournament a 1 a hst of the winners will be t< nd on page 6. Famous Wins Thompson Suit on "Ten Command ments" Origin Thrown Out of Atlanta Court Famous was advised yesterday that the action for an accounting of the earnings of "The Ten Commandments," filed in Atlanta by Mrs Mattie B. Thompson, of Eufalia, Ala., has been thrown out of court According to Ralph A. Kohn, who represented Famous during the trial Judge Sibley said, in his decision, that (.Continued on Page 7) Gilmore to Rebuild Chain Oswego, N. Y.— Charles P. Gilmore who for many years controlled the theater situation in this city, until selling to Schine, plans to reenter the held again. He now has the Qrpheum in this city, and also the Hippodrome, these two being his original houses. Last week he secured control of the Temple and the Hohman Upera House in Pulaski, and recently opened the Palace, Syracuse. For"The Critics Here's a Way to Stimulate Interest in Your Column— A Sure Circulation Builder Mr. Picture Critic; do you want to build circulation for your paper? Do you want your paper more talked about by picfure fans, and theater goers generally than any other {Continued on Page 7) Skouras Denies Declares He Is Not Negotiating with Famous for Change in Management of St. Louis Houses Spyros Skouras of the St. Louis Amusement Co. denied yesterday that there was any deal under way involving a transfer in management of the 20 St. Louis theaters in which he is interested to Famous Players. "Skouras Bros, have no such idea in mind," he said. "We intend disposing of the management of our properties to nobody. We own the First National franchise and have millions involved." Stock Oversubscribed St. Louis— The issue of 12,000 shares of Class A stock of the St. Louis Amusement Co., has been over (Continued on Page 7) Barker Arrives Reginald Barker arrived from Hollywood yesterday. He is at the Biltmore. Intern'l Pact Over Pathe-Westi Alliance Terminated— Abel Gance to Finish First "Napoleonic" Film By Arrangement with "LA CINEMATOGRAPHIE FRANCAISE" Paris— The failure of the Stinnes Consortium, and with it the West! Consortium, which was financially (.Continued on Page 7) 3,200 Using Service 'U", Finaing "Complete Service Plan" csuccessiui, consiaers Carrying It on inaennitely Thirty-two hundred exhibitors most OI tnem m small towns, are using Universal's "Complete bervice i'lan. ' io successiui is the experiment that the company is considering a method to carry it out indefinitely. Lou Metzger, sales director for the Service, hab just returned from a five weeks' trip to exchanges and states hundreds of small town exhibitors report they were able to keep open during the summer only by the advantages offered by this form of contract, while others admitted it has enabled them to make money during a time when the\ , .v|,ccK'd losses. One thing which Universal was anxious to determine was whether this contract would prove to be different in one section of the country and not so good in other sections; whether it was exclusively a small-town booking success or whether the same plan could be adapted to the larger theaters and theaters located in more populous centers. From the booking charts and also from his trip, Metzger says there seems no place in the (Continued on Page 2) Olcott's Contract with Famous Ends Sidney Olcott will arrive in New York from the Coast today. He has terminated his relations with Paramount and has come East to talk over terms and conditions of a new contract. He expects to return to Hollywood within two weeks. Meador Unit Formed Albany, N. Y. — Meador-Robertson Pictures, Inc., of New York, has been chartered here, listing 1,000 shares of common stock, no par value. Theincorporators are J. E. D. Meador and S. R. Fleisher. J. P. Bickerton, Jr., is attorney. Goldwyn Arrives Today Samuel Goldwyn arrives from the Coast today to make arrangements for the opening of "Stella Dallas" at the Apollo on Nov. IS. Heads New Dep't A. M. Botsford Heads Advertising and Publicity of New Famous Players Theater Unit A. M. Botsford, for years advertising manager of Famous, will take over new duties as head of the advertising, publicity and exploitation department to be formed in conjunction (Continued on Page 2)