The Film Daily (1925)

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TheBi^ShoHrisinl \ i All the Thrills of the ''Big Tent''— All the Qlamor of the Sideshoui A dramatic love story, vibrant with humor, pathos and th€ highlights of "show people," ranging from the splendors ol the Orient to the sophisticated atmosphere of London so-: ciety. A picture that sweeps through a series of remarkable situations to one of the most thrilling climaxes ever filmedj L__ & ffiP* 00^ iky. •^ <'^^ ikjR Ik*, :vs^<* ^^'y-^& This is Eugene O'Brien who im Pmonates S,mo„ de G;, t he' |n?veK "SIMON THE~nES' EH. produced by Franr.. *• Fiances "Marion, one of the great as creative of the screen, ha, produced William J. U)ckes romance o( the circus arena SIMON THE IJESTERI And made of it a photoplay filled with the splendors of the Orient, and vibrant with humor and pathos It was directed by George Melford and has a great cast, including EUGENE O'BRIEN LILLIAN RICH EDMUND BURNS HENRY B. WALTHALL A MWronollUn Plclufe B.lM'ta bj rroductr. Dlstilb.illnf Corp. STARTS SUNDAY CAMEO ■-«-*«*' *,if^»^ J And th.5,, Lillian Rich, who as unowned equestrienne and circus Nd only a sfort time fo iive and i-e up wealth and position -I^en tori .'"• "1^ "''" f°"''d Hf" ^orth living. R„„, . ^ '■'« pve story. „ow at the 42d Street & B'way :am£o BdlcJ'tH bj FrtKluctn CAMEO «2<1 St. ft B'way /{ELEASED BY PRODUCE KS Foreign Diatributora Producers International Corporation 130 West 46th Street New York, N. Y