The Film Daily (1925)

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Tuesday, December 1, 1925 THE Theater Changes El Dorado, Ark. — A pipe organ is to be istalled in the Rialto by L. B. Clark, owner, hile it is undergoing repairs. Allentown, Pa. — N. lacocoa has repurchased e Franklin which he recently sold to John uck. Another house is to be erected here by cocoa in the near future. Newton, la. — The Newtonia, recently purased by E. P. Smith, has been renamed the :rand. Glens Falls, N. Y.— The Rialto, damaged ^ fire last year, is being remodeled and will 'en soon under management of F. E. Col rn. J a_ Middleburgh, N. Y.— The Rex, owned by S. Fleck, is to close indefinitely. Pittsburgh — Sydney J. Gates, former man :r of the Regent, Harrisburgh, has been ned manager of Loew's Aldine. Jristol, Pa. — The lease on the local house been sold by J. Leon to William Schock Philadelphia — George Higginbotham has n named manager of the Wayne. He was merly with the Elrae. ^yde, O. — J. G. Furrier, operator of the rkness theater, has purchased the Rivoli, fiance. 'orest, O. — The New Royal has been added the local houses owned by A. B. Kraft. itory City, la. — The Grand has been sold Woodes Bros, by Ivor Egens. '"ort Worth, Tex. — The Liberty has rened after being remodeled at a cost of ,000. larrington. N. D. — The Grand has been n over by W. W. Arnold, owner of the ou at Harvey and North Dakota salesman Warner. hefiield, Ala. — Dark for the last few iths undergoing a complete overhauling, State is again to open under manageIt of A. R. McRea. 'ort Arthur, Tex. — Jefferson Amusement have gfven the contract for the re leling of the Strand and hope to have house opened again within the next e months. fount Vernon, Wash. — Interest in the Rex Mission has been bought by Waldo Ives. arshfield. Ore. — The New Egyptian was led here by Bob Marsden. t. Louis — Ground has been broken for a house at 8201 North Broadway by Steve nan. I. Louis — The Bridge has been taken over Rodney and Katz. emphis, Tex. — W. H. Hall has been apted the new manager of the Gem by Isey and Houston. ercedes, Tex. — A new balcony is being : on the Empire that will accommodate more people. ndrews, S. C. — Plans are being made for reopening of the Temple under new manlent and a new name. 'ashington. Pa'. — Philip Wolfshon, of New has been made the manager of the I. Iton, N. Y. — A lease with privilege to inse has been given to Myron Bloom of cuse on the Quirk. The purchase price is to be close to $200,000. lilaski, N. Y. — The Gilmore Amusement has bought out the interests in the Iman Opera House, form Frank L. Hohlwho is to remain at manager. Stage Features Becoming An Important Part of Theater Programs, Says Thomas D. Van Osten San Francisco — "The tendency toward stage ifeatures in connection with motion picture presentation, is becoming so insistent by theater fans that the new motion picture theater enterprise overlooking this now necessary part of its entertainment menu, is flirting with financial disaster and in consequence a short life," declares Thomas D. Van Osten, editor of "The Independent Exhibitor." Continuing, he says in part: "The largest theaters in the country are devoting quite as much attention to their prologue and feature acts as they are to the selection of their picture program. "It is the cycle of amusement. Keen competition. Ever has been and ever will be. "This thirst for variety in entertainment by the theater-going public will soon invade the residential theater district, and the suburban house that is minus a stage will be forced to install such in its bid for patronage, or fight a battle of the survival of the fittest. * * *" Among Exchangemen Kansas City — Charles C. Davis has again entered the field as salesman for P. D. C. Kansas City — Cecil M. Parkhurst, salesman for P. D. C, has been called into the office to take charges of bookings. Philadelphia — George Rosenbaum, recently transferred to the Boston office of Ftix, has been succeeded by Nat Fisher, former salesman for Metro-Goldwyn. Philadelphia — Roy Haslett, former member of Vitagraph, has joined the Ben Franklin Exchange. Baltimore — Arthur Melvin of Fox has been succeeded by Herndon Edmonds. Weaver Prod. Officials Leave Peter L. Shamray, production manager and laboratory superintendent of H. C. Weaver Prod, of Tacoma, has left for the studio after spending a month here. William R. Rust, vice-president of Weaver Prod, was in town to confer with the executives of the D?vis Dist. Division, Inc., and Vital Exchanges. Dorothy Gish Arrives Today Dorothy Gish arrives on the Majestic today. Inspiration Pictures will tender a welcome home dinner at the St. Regis Thursday night. Richard Barthelmess will be host. Cronjager Photographed Errol Film Henry Cronjager was responsible for the splendid photography in "Clothes Make the Pirate, " reviewed in Sunday's issue. Through a typographical error, his name was misspelled. Asher to Make "Good Luck" E. M. Asher will produce "Good Luck," a Drury Lane melodrama for release through First National. This is the picture in which Conway Tearle will star. Harris Succeeds Ted Meyers Pathe has appointed James A. Harris branch manager in St. Louis, to succeed Ted Meyers, resigned. Dan Eslin, Minn. Exhibitor, Dead Minneapolis — Dan Eslin, owner of the lone is dead, following a heart attack. Powell Arrives on Coast Hollywood — William Powell is here from the East and will immediately commence work in .'Ml?n Dwan's new production "Sea Horses." Springfield, Mass. — Policy of the State recently bought by Sainuel Goldstein, has been changed to motion pictures combined with vaudeville. Boston — Improvements are being made on the Washington St. Olympia and the Scolly Square Olympia, both Gordon houses. Cincinnati — ^"Baron" H. Hirsh has been named manager of the branch office of Progress to succeed Maurice Strauss. Atlanta, Ga. — Traveling out of the local office, Sammy Mayer has joined Associated Exhibitors. Buffalo — Jack Stevens, former manager lor the southern houses of the Schine Theatrical Corp., has been made manager of the Grand, Westfield, N. Y. Des Moines, la. — Thomas J. Gabrio, a new recruit in pictures, has been added to the staff of Metro-Goldwyn. San Diego — Robert E. Hicks, well known exhibitor, has been made president of th» Mission Beach Amusement Corp. Des Moines — Jimmie Winn has been appointed manager of Educational to succeed A. W. Kahn. Dallas — Roy Springer and Jack Petit are now selling comedies for Pathe. Atlanta — Bill Wassman, for the past two years covering Georgia for United Artists, is to be transfered to Florida. Charlotte, Ga. — Taking the place of George Hendrickson. now with Metro-Goldwyn, as manager of the Associated Exhibitor's oflSce here, is Phelps Sasseen. Oklahoma City — Resigning as salesman from First National, W. C. Robinson is making plans to go into exhibition. Harace Booth succeeds him. Washington — William Fitzgerald is H. R. Cantwell's successor as salesman for Universal in Virginia. \Vashington — -Trio has added Joe Robbins to its staff, covering the Eastern Shore. San Francisco — Formerly with Univerpal, John Cathro has joined Pathe selling in the San Joaquin Valley. San Francisco — Ora Graham has become associated with Golden State Theater Corp. following his resignaiton from F. B. O. Seattle — Lloyd Lamb, formerly on road for F. B. O., has joined Fox. the Salt Lake City — Los Hoss has joined As sociated Exhibitors. FOR. RENT BELL HOWELL AND AKELEY CAMERAS WitA or CDittiout Cameramen SEIDEN CAMERA EXCHANGE Refilling Se Camp AH our apparent going forward is a new learning of the old, because Imagination is the ability to see old things in new combinations." MONTE KAHERJOHN whose experience and observation covers seventeen years of motion picture history in counsel and conference with Herbert Brennon, C. Gardner Sullivan, Edward Jose, Francis Marion, Alfred Green, J. G. Hawks, Roy Neill, Julian Josephson, Wallace Worsley, Beulah Marie Dix, Charles Miller, Jeannie MacPherson, Oscar Apfel, Tom Geraghty. Sidney Olcott, Ralph Block, Reginald Barker, Willard Mack, Victor Shertzinger, Jack Cunningham, Rupert Julian, Bertram Millhauser, Howland Lee, Irving Thalberg, John Stahl, Elinor Glyn, Sam Wood, John Lynch, Edward Knobloch, George Melford, Will Ritchey, Thos. H. Ince, and Wid Gunning. Coming "The Great^Barnum" In Preparation "Living Together" "The Golden Rule" "King Solomon's Wives "The Arkansas Traveller" Current Releases "Three Faces East" "The White Desert" "WithoutJWercy" Past Performance "Carmen of the Klondike" "My American Wife" "Madam Who?" "The Great Impersonation" "The Yellow Typhoon" "The_Patriot" "In business, the main thing is the profit."